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1、7月25,26日口语试题Part One:*Hometown(广州,杭州,南京,北京,成都,郑州) Where do you come from?Can you tell me something about your hometown?Are there any special things there?*Living city(广州,杭州,南京,北京,成都,郑州)Do you like living in the city or in small town?Are you living in a big city or a small town?Do you plan to move to

2、 another city?What aspects of cities do you like best?What are the problems most big cities are facing?How can the problems in big cities be solved?What are the advantages of cities and the countryside?What public facilities are widely in use in your living city?What means of transportation have you

3、 got in your city?*Studies(广州,杭州,南京,北京,成都,郑州)Are you studying or are you working?Where are you studying?What course are you doing?What is your major?What courses are in your major?Why do you choose this major?Do you like your major? Why?What do you usually learn in class?What major do you most want

4、to take?Do you like to study alone or in a group?What is the influence of school education on you?What tools do you use in your major studies?*Job(广州,杭州,南京,北京,成都,郑州,上海)Are you a student or are you at work?What is your job?How long have you worked on your current job?Didyougetanytrainingforyourjob?Wh

5、y did you choose this job?How do you find your work, easy or difficult?Do you like working alone or in a team?Is teamwork beneficial?Do you like your job? Why?What is your ideal future job? 第二部分卡片提前*Daily routines(北京,上海,)What is your daily routine?Is it different from your life in the past?What time

6、 do you usually get up?Is there any difference between your life now and in your childhood?Future plan(上海,南京)新题What is your plan in the near future?Do you want to live in a big city or a small town when you are abroad?How long are you planning to stay abroad?Will you join the local club?*House/apart

7、ment/flat(成都,长沙,郑州)Where are you living now, a house, flat /apartment?Can you describe your room? 第二部分卡片提前What is your house/flat /apartment like?How would you like to improve your apartment?Which part of your flat do you like best?Describe the house/unit you live right now? 第二部分卡片提前*cooking(厦门,长沙,青

8、岛)Do you know how to cook?How is your cooking?Did you ever learn cooking in your childhood?What are the benefits of home-cooked meal?Who does most of the cooking in your family? Why?What dish do you like best?Is it necessary to learn cooking at school? Why?*Bicycle(北京)Is it safe to cycle in the city

9、?*Driving (青岛,北京,杭州,成都)Do you have driving license?What do you think on children learning driving? Whatsyouropiniontodriving?Whatagedoyouthinkbettertolearntodrive?Doyouthinkdrivingskillveryimportant?*Internet(上海,成都)Is the Internet popular in China?What do you usually do on the Internet?Which do you

10、prefer, writing letter or sending e-mail?What are the advantages and disadvantages of that?When was the first time you surf the Internet?What can the Internet bring to you?What changes does the Internet bring to you?What kind of people like surfing the net?*Art(厦门,成都)Have you ever learned an art cou

11、rse?Do you think children should take an art course?*Painting (北京,上海,厦门,郑州)Are you good at drawing or painting?Do you think it is necessary for schools to have this kind of course?Why do people buy paintings?Have you ever bought paintings?Do you think Chinese children should take some art courses at

12、 school?*Holiday /vacation(北京,上海,南京) What about your last vacation?What do you dislike about this vacation?What do you do in you free time?*reading(北京,上海,南京)Do you like reading?How often do you read?Do you like hanging out with you friends?Do you like going out with yours or inviting them home?*News

13、 (南京,上海,北京)How do you get news?What type of news do you like?Who do you think like reading news, the old or the young?*Shopping(郑州,沈阳)Do you like shopping?When do you like going shopping?Do you like shopping in the big shopping malls or small shops?What do you think of online shopping?How can custom

14、ers be attracted in a purchase?*Party(上海,成都)Do you like having party?Do you like attending parties?Which part of parties dont you like?Who like party more, the old or the young?*Advertisement (北京)Are there a lot of advertisements in your country?What do you think of advertisement?What kind of advert

15、isement do you like?*Gift (成都,太原)When do Chinese people give gift to each other?Do you think it is hard to choose a gift?How to choose a gift?*Sports(广州,长沙,南京)Are there many sports facilities in your community?What sports do you like to learn in the future?Do children now place much importance to sports?*Swimming(广州,长沙)Do you know how to swim?How do you learn swimming?Is swimming very popular now?Is swimming beneficial for children?Do you think swimming a good exercise?Where do people usually go s


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