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1、直击热门面试问题 Cracking Top Interview Questions中英对照 (英澜英语)Some questions come up time and time again in interviews. These are usually about you, your experience and the job itself. The most common interview questions are about:面试中总有一些问题 是面试官非常喜欢问的。通常这些问题是关于你个人、以往工作经验,以及应聘职位。最常见的面试题有:You Strengths and Weak

2、nesses 你的优点和缺陷Question问题What are your strengths and weaknesses?你的优点和缺陷各是什么?Answer回答Strengths: “Im a good organizer, and I plan everything in detail. I showed this when I was given a new project, and I had to get it up and running from scratch.”优点:“我组织 能力很强,很注重细节。当着手进行一个新英目时,这些优点能帮助我开展项目。”Weaknesses:

3、 “Sometimes Im too enthusiastic when working on a new project. But Ive learned to adjust to everyone elses pace, and not go charging ahead.”缺陷:“有时个我对于新项目过于激进,但是我学会了如何调整自己配合团队进度,而不是一味往前冲。”登录英澜官网领取免费试听课The Employer雇主Question问题Why do you want to work here?你为什么应聘我们公司?Answer 回答“Smiths is a respected firm

4、 with a reputation for high quality work, and Id like to be part of that success. The quality of my work is important to me, so I feel Id be at the right place. Ive also heard you invest in your staff by training and developing them.”“史密斯是业界一家很有声望的公司,以高质量的工作取胜。我希望可以有幸加入。工作质量对于我来说也很重要,所以我想这里会适合我。我还听说

5、贵公司非常重视员工的培训和个人发展。”About the Job 关于应聘职位Question问题What will be the main tasks and responsibilities in this job as you understand?你认为这个职位的重要工作职责是什么?Answer 回答“The main task is to supervise a team of sales staff to ensure they exceed sales targets. Its my responsibility to motivate them and pass on my s

6、ales experience to enable them to achieve more.”“重要职责是官理管理销售团队,保证销量目的的达成。我应当激励他们,并传授自身的销售经验,帮助团队达成更高目的。”登录英澜官网领取免费试听课Your Ambition你的目的Question问题What are your goals”你的目的是什么?Answer 回答 “My immediate aim is to get a trainee chef position, then to work through NVQs level 2 and 3 to become a qualified che

7、f.”“我的目前的目的是得到实习厨师的职位,然后通过 NVQs2级、3级考试,成为合的厨师。”Your Work History 你的工作经验Question问题Why do you want to leave your current job?你不为什么想辞掉现在的工作?Answer 回答“In my current job I have developed my knowledge of computer software packages. But now Im ready for a new challenge, and want to use these skills in a mo

8、re customer-focused role.”“目前这份工作让我增长了电脑软件包方面的知识,现在我已经准备好迎接新的逃战,我想在一个更加重视客户的公司更好地运用这些知识。Your Motivation 你的动机Question问题Which tasks do you get the most satisfaction from?什么样的工作能让你有成就感?Answer 回答“I like problem solving that point you teach in a project where you come up against something unexpected, and

9、 you have to think creatively to come up with a solution.”“我喜欢解决问题,由于在做一个项目时,你会碰到无法预计的状况,这就规定你必须动脑思考并找到解决方案。”About the Product or Service关天产品/服务Question问题What do you know about our products/services?你对我们的产品/服务了解多少?Answer 回答“Your products are recognized as the industry standard, leading the way in st

10、yle and performance. However, maybe by altering your advertising style you could appeal to older consumers as well as young ones. I think older people would value your product just as much, and this could lead to increased sales.”“贵公司的产品是全行业的标准,在款式和外观上领导行业。但是假如可以调整一下广告风格,从而在吸引年轻人的同时,也能吸引老年人。我认为老年人同样

11、会喜欢贵公司的产品,这样也能提高销量。”Teamwork团队合作Question问题What makes a good team?什么才是好的团队?Answer 回答“A good team needs to have clear objectives and goals, and procedures to work towards these. Each person needs to be clear what their role is, and what is expected of them. There needs to be openness and trust, and cl

12、ear communication.”“一个好的团队要有清楚的工作目的和工作程序。每个人都应当该清楚自己的角色和任务。要做到开放、互相信任、建立良好的沟通。”Your Personality and Interests你的性格和爱好Question问题How would you describe yourself?你会如何描述自己?Answer 回答“In my personal life Im always organizing everybody. People look to me for ideas and plans I guess in some ways that shows Im a natural leader.”“私下我很有凝聚力。大家喜欢从我这里找寻想法和意见,也许这在某种限度上证明我是一个天生的领导者。”登录英澜官网领取免费试听课


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