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1、小升初英语毕业总复习: 阅读理解 小升初英语重点单词汇编阅读是英语理解能力的表现形式,也是词汇、句式、语法的综合运用。阅读包含朗读(认读)和理解,也就是说一篇文章既要能够朗读下来,也要理解短文的意思,进而完成与短文相关的题目。所以理解部分也称为阅读理解。 阅读是一个比较综合的题目,对所掌握的英语技能的程度要求比较高。所以在同学们平时的学习中,既要重视对英语基础知识的掌握,又要养成阅读的好习惯,加强练习。1、当你拿到一篇短文时,先要通读全文。切记不要一上来就一句一句地看,一句一句一理解,这样做会影响你对整篇文章的理解和认识。在通读文章的时候如果遇上生词,先不要管它,略过生词继续通读全文。2、读完


3、的形式,通常会有3种类型:(1)选择题;(2)判断题;(3)回答问题。在这三种形式中,相对而言,判断题的难度最小,回答问题的难度比较大。完成判断题的选择题最为有效的方法,也是同学们使用最多的方法是用题目中的句子去和文章里的原句对照,通过对照进行判断或选择。在完成回答问题的题目时,先要读懂问句的意思,再从文章中找出相应的内容,在对问题进行笔答时,要注意句式、人称与动词的形式、时态等。 (一) 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)此类题目要求快速浏览所给图片和文字,初步把握内容,了解大意;然后细读,抓住主要内容和细节,标出关键词语,以便验证;也可以先浏览题目,明确要求后再看文章,然后做出判断。这样不但

4、节省时间,提高速度,而且可以抓住重点,做到有的放矢。1. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案, My Class I study at Yu Hong Primary School in Guangzhou. I have fortyseven classmates (同学). Twentythree are boys and twentyfour are girls. Our classroom is a nice one. Its very big. There are four windows and two doors in it. We have a big blackboard a

5、nd a small one. The big one is for our teachers and the small one is for us. Mr. Li is our Chinese teacher. He is an old man. We dont like him at all. But Miss Chen, our English teacher, is a young woman. She is very nice. We all like her very much. So we like English the best. We often play basketb

6、all with Miss Li.(1). ( ) I am a . A. student B. pupil C. teacher(2). ( ) There are . A. Fortyeight B. fortyseven C. fortysix(3). ( ) Our classroom is . A. small B. old C. nice(4). ( ) There is only one in our classroom.A. blackboard B. small blackboard C. big window(5). ( ) Our favorite subject is

7、. A. Chinese B. English C. basketball2. Kim is a girl. She is twelve. Her parents are doctors. Kim can do many things. After school, she often helps her mother. She studies very hard. She is good at math, and she can speak English and Chinese. After supper, she watches TV.( ) 1. Kims father is a doc

8、tor.( ) 2. Kims mother is a nurse.( ) 3. Kim cant do any thing.( ) 4. Kim cant speak Chinese.( ) 5. She doesnt watch TV.( ) 6. She is good at math.3、阅读文章,并判断所给的句子是否与短文的内容相符,如相符,在括号内写“T”,如不符,在括号内写“F”。 There are three children under the tree. They are all my good friends. The boy in black is Tom. The

9、girl in pink and the girl in red is Emma. Tom is in the same class with me. We often play football together. Toms mother is a nurse and his father is a teacher. Tom wants to be a doctor in the future. Janes mother and my mother work at the same factory. They are also good friends. Janes father is a

10、teacher. He teaches math very well. He is very kind and we all like him. Emmas family just moved into the town from countryside. Her farther used to be a farmer. He is now working in a small company. Emmas mother is a housewife.( ) (1) There are one boy and two girls under the tree. ( ) (2) There ar

11、e only two people in Toms family.( ) (3) Toms mother is a doctor. ( ) (4) My mother is a worker.( ) (5) Janes father teaches math. ( ) (6) Emma used to live in the town.( ) (7) Emmas father was a farmer.(二)根据短文内容选择正确答案。注重理解整篇短文的内容,在阅读时不要抓住一个单词,一个词组的意思不放,从而影响对整篇文章的理解。其实有些生词是不影响阅读的,而有些生词是可以根据上下文的意思推敲出

12、来的。因此,不必把它拿出来单独思考。然后再在理解的基础上进行分析,通过逻辑思维,做出选择,完成题目。1. I am a boy. My name is Li Ming. I am ten. I am a pupil. I have two friends. One is Danny. The other one is Jenny. Jenny is pupil, too. We are in the same row. We like Danny.( ) (1) How old is Li Ming? A. Hes ten. B: Hes eleven.( ) (2) Is Li Ming a

13、 teacher? A: Yes, he is. B: No, he isnt.( ) (3) Is Jenny a pupil? A. Yes, she is. B: No, she isnt.( ) (4) How old is Danny? A. Sorry, I dont know. B: She is eleven.( ) (5) Are Li Ming and Jenny in the same class? A: Yes, they are. B: No, they arent.2. I am Mike. I am a American boy. Now Im in China.

14、 I live in Shanghai. Its a very beautiful city. I study in a school here. I usually go to school by bus. I like playing football very much. I play it with my friends on the weekends. My mother is a TV reporter. She goes to work by subway. She likes singing very much. She often listens to music on TV. My father is a teacher. He teaches P.E. in a school. He goes to work on foot. He likes art. He often draws pictures on Saturday.( ) (1) Mike lives in _ now.A. Shan



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