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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?(第1课时Section A 1a2d)【学习目标】:1. 学习描述人外貌的词汇;curly, straight, Short, long, tall ,medium, height thin ,heavy, build tonight brown, hair, be of medium height, be of medium build, little ,a little ,cinema ,glasses , later2. 学会描述人的外貌。-What do you look like? - I have and I am -

2、What does look like? -He/She has and he/she is 【学习过程】一、自主学、1.完成1a 将词语与图片配对2.熟读并记住1a中描述人的词语3.完成1b并练习1c的对话4.预习2d,熟读并解决课文的问题5.解决下面的短语和句子(1)重点短语:1.看起来像_ 2. 短发._3. 直发._ 4. 卷发._ 5. 中等的_6.中等身材._ 7. 长发._(2)、重点句子 1、他长什么样? _ 2、你的朋友长什么样?_ 3、她中等身材,留着长发_4、他们中等个子。_ 二、课堂导学1.前置准备:翻译下列句子 (1)、他长着长头发 (2)、她留着长发还是短发? (3

3、)、他看起来是什么样的? 2.小组合作:(1)、听录音完成1b并核对答案,编对话完成1c。(2)、听录音完成2a,2b. (3)、补全对话,让几组同学表演对话。 知识讲堂1. 1)-What does he look like?他长得什么样? (询问外貌)-He is tall and thin with short hair.2)-What is he like?他这个人怎么样? (询问性格、品质)-He is kind and friendly. / He is shy.3)-What does he like?他喜欢/爱好什么? (询问爱好)-He likes sports.2. She

4、 is of medium build.她中等身材(不胖不瘦)。be of medium build / height 中等身材 / 个头1)我们的数学老师中等身材。Our math teacher is of medium build.2)我爸爸中等个,四十多岁My father is of medium height in his forties. 区别比较: 中等高度/身材 身材:(1) 他 是 中等高度 身材:He is of medium height/build. (是 of, 前用 be 动 是 词) (2) 他 有 中等高度 / 身材 : He has a medium hei

5、ght/build.( 是 a, 前用 have/has) 2. 形容头发时,可按照先长短,后曲直,最后说颜色的顺序说。 (长 形色) Eg: She has long curly black hair.3He is (通常为形容词,包括身高、体形等). He has(通常为形 容词修饰的名词,包括头发、五官). He wears(穿、戴、留。可以是衣服、帽子、鞋子等,也可以是眼镜、手表、胡须).来源:Z#xx#k三、【当堂检测】.I.、用is或has填空。1.Lei Hao _ short and straight hair.2.Dick _ tall,but his sister _ sh

6、ort.3.Xie Kai _ of medium height.4.Bettys mother _a medium build.5.Du Ke _ short and thin.II.用所给的适当动词填空。1.Does Mary (are/wear)_ glasses?2.What (do/have)_ the new students look like?3.Wang Bin (wears/is)_ tall and fat.4.Mr.Santos (has/does)_ a medium build.5.(Has/Is)_ Henrys moustache(胡子) black?来源:学&

7、科IV根据汉语完成句子 1.你哥哥长什么样? 他高个子,短发. -_ does your brother _ _? 2. 她 总 是 戴 着 一 副 眼 镜 。 She always _. 3.我的 T 恤衫有点大。My T-shirt is _4.我的老师不胖不瘦,中等身材 。 My teacher_ 5.我们将在七点见面。We are _Unit 9 What does he look like?(第2课时Section A Grammar Focus3d)【学习目标】1、熟练掌握描述人物外貌的方法2、能根据人物特征推理出某一人物【学习重点】1、重点单词 handsome actor ac

8、tress person 2、重点句型:(1)、He has straight hair .And he is really handsome. (2)、What does your favorite actor or actress look like ? (3)、This person is of medium height.一、自主学习1. 预习检测:选用合适的动词填空(1)He very young and he very short .( is ,has )(2)The volleyball players (are, have)very tall. (3)My mother (is

9、nt ,doesnt have )very heavy . (4)Dave (is ,has )long hair . (5)Kitty (is .has ) of medium build .2.读背 Grammar Focus3.完成3a、3b二、课堂导学1、前置准备 读背Grammar Focus,并进行操练2、小组合作(1)、完成3a,并核对答案(2)、完成3b,并核对答案 (3)、合作完成3c,并核对答案3、班级展示:(1)、交流3a、3b (2)、交流3c (3)、做3d,猜一猜“描述的谁?”4、质疑探究:做3d,猜一猜“描述的谁?”三、知识讲堂来源:Z_xx_k.Com1.询问某

10、人长什么样:What do/does sb. look like?来xxk.Com2.描述某人的外表: sb. am/is/are+ 形容词. sb. have/has + 名词.3.怎样描述头发:漂亮+长短+曲直+颜色have short straight hair have short curly blonde hairhave beautiful long black hair have curly brown hair三、【当堂检测】 (一)根据句意,补全已给的首字母的单词(1)、Today Mary looks beautiful. She has red and s_hair.(2

11、)、I keep doing exercise,so Im kind of t_(3)We all think Jim is really h . (4)His two daughters are a .(5)Rose is a good student. She is n_late for school. (6)He always wears g . (7)Are you going to the c this evening ?(二)根据汉语完成句子(1)、你弟弟长得怎么样? What does your brother _?(2)、我妹妹不胖不瘦,她中等体型。 My sister or

12、,she is .(3)、Alice是高还是矮? Is Alice or ?(4)、你的哥哥戴眼镜吗? your brother ?(三)、句型转换 1、What does he look like ? (改为同义句) he ?2、Mr.Green is of medium height .(对划线部分提问) Mr.Green ?3、She likes to have short hair .(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)- she to have short hair ?- No , .4、Tony is of medium height .(改为同义句) Tony is not and not .5



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