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1、浙大程度测试作文准备素材和范文 - 英语学习 浙大程度测试作文 本人是14级的,英语才能渣,如今考过了,帮自己当时准备的资料给可能需要的人,如今考试的题型越来越活了,书信、漫画、图表等都考过了,这里图表的没准备,但本人在4月考试遇到,希望得到重视。书信类,我认为可能会考的,罗列了一些,漫画类的,都是之前考过的,其中网络最经常考。这些素材都来自于王江涛的考研英语或者来自于网上,经过本人修改一点,才能很渣,介意的请忽略,还是希望各位根据自己的写作习惯来进展内化,程度测试的作文,还是得多背,因为机批还是看错误率的。 希望各位都能过 书信类 1、称呼 Mr.(男士 Ms.(女士 例如:Dear Ms.

2、 Wang, 2、首段自我介绍+写作目的 自我介绍: I am a sb from your/the 写作目的: I am writing this/the letter for the purpose for (+doing sth) for sth (例如 conveying my thanks for sth/expressing my concern about sth) I am writing this/the letter to (express my sincere ( thanks/gratitude/regret.) for sth/express my concern a

3、bout sth) I am writing the letter to inform you that (+句子 3、尾端表感谢+期待回信 Word fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you. I am looking forward to your favorable reply at your earliest convenience 4、署名 Your sincerely Li Ming 感谢信 写作方法 首段写作目的+表感谢 主体高度评价对方给予的帮助,表达感受或感情 尾端再次表感谢,希望有时机报答对方的好意

4、和帮助 I am writing this/the letter to express my sincere appreciation that I am writing this/the letter to express my sincere gratitude. I referring to that 尾端:Word fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you. I hope that I would have the opportunity of reciprocating. Please accept my m

5、ost cordial thanks for (your timely help, which I will never forget) 范文 Dear Judy I am writing the letter for the purpose of conveying my sincere thanks for your warm reception during my recent visit to your country. Your sincerely Li Ming 抱歉信 写作方法 首段写作目的:表歉意 主体解释当时情况或事件,消除可能出现的误会和矛盾;展开详细原因,要照顾对方的情绪

6、 尾端再次表示歉意,说明愿意补救,提出建议或安排 好句 首段:I am writing this/the letter to express my regret/apology for what I have done has caused many conveniences to you. 尾端:Please accept my cordial and humblest apologies for sth. 或 Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. 范文 Dear Bob I am writing the

7、letter to inform you that I wish to express my sincere apology to you. To solve the problem, I would like to do sth. Once again, please accept my sincere apology for any inconveniences that I have caused. I hope the settlement of the matter will meet your wishes. Your sincerely Li Ming 建议信 写作方法 首段自我

8、介绍+说明目的 主体提出详细建议,肯定优点,再写改良内容 尾端 总结建议,注意礼貌 好句 首段:I want to ask for your attention to I am writing to you to make some suggestions on It is my great pleasure to offer you several pratical suggestions 中间:I wonder whether I hope/believe it would be useful to (make a rule.) In addition, it would be much

9、better if 尾端:I hope you will find these suggestion/proposal helpful/useful.Word fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude for your attention.I am looking forward to your favorable reply at your earliest convenience 范文 Dear Mr.President I am a student in the university, and I want to ask fo

10、r your attention to the physical condition of the students here. I have noticed that many of my classmates have bee fatter and weaker. These changes are not good for their health. I wonder whether the unversity can do something for them. I believe it would be useful to make a rule that any student failing a PE subject cannot graduate. In addition, it would be much better if there are more facilities for physical training, such as badminton halls, swimming pools, and so on. 第 5 页 共 5 页



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