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1、Unit 10 If you go to the party,youll have a great time一、主要词汇动词v:organize 组织;advise 建议;solve 解决;trust 信任;名词n:meeting 会议;video 录像带;chocolate 巧克力;teenager 青少年; wallet 钱包;mile 英里;mistake 错误;himself 他自己;advice 建议;step 步骤; Experience 经受,阅历;动词&名词:travel 旅游;形容词adj:upset 难过的;normal 正常的;angry 生气的;understandin

2、g善解人意的;careless 马虎的;careful 留神的,认真的;副词adv:certainly 固然;连词conj:unless 除非,假设不;if 假设;when 当二、单元语法If 引导的条件状语从句1、If 意为“假设”,引导条件状语从句;If you go there,Ill go,too 假设你去那里,那我也会去从句主句My mother will take me to the park if she is free主句从句2、时态运用在含有 if 引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句中,主句为以下情形之一的,条件状语从句要用一般现在时。 主句是一般将来时主将从现If he com

3、es,he will bring his violinIf you leave,you wont get gifts from Mrs White 主句谓语含有情态动词 may/might/can/must/should 等时If you want to lose weight,you must eat less meat 主句是祈使句If you are not strong enough,please dont take part in such an activity假设你不够强壮,就请不要参与这种活动1 / 81、If wetake environmental problem seri

4、ously ,the earthworse and worse.A. dont; will beB.wont; isntC.wont; isD. dont; wont be 2、If Tomthe game,well give him a surprise.A.winB.winsC.wonD.winning3、All of us will be happyyou can come A.whileB.ifC.butD.or4、If Mr.Greenback, please let me know A.will comeB esC eD.had come5、As a teenager,youhel

5、p your parents do some houseworkA.shallB.willC.shouldD.must6、For everyone s safety, we drinkingalways remember that law against driving afterA.couldB.shouldC.mightD.would三、学问点讲解1、if you go to the party,youll have a good time 假设你去聚会,你会玩得很开心直译:有一段开心的时间引申:玩得开心have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun

6、 ,玩得开心Enjoy oneself 享受自己Have fun 拥有乐趣/找到乐趣They are having a good time in the park = they are having fun in the park = they are enjoying themselves 他们在公园里玩得很开心2、half the class wont come 一半的学生不会来Half 有两种词性: 形容词:“一半的”,一半放在冠词 the 前面Half the workers come from Shandong 一半的工人都来自山东名词:“一半”Half of的一半Half of t

7、hese apples are from America 这些苹果有一半是从美国运来的留意:half of 后面假设接的是不行数名词,谓语动词要用单数形式假设接的是可数名词复数,谓语动词要用复数形式Half of the money is mine 这钱有一半是我的Half of the classmates are boys 班上的同学有一半都是男生【拓展】 all,形容词:意为“全部的”名词:全部All the students are from China 全部的学生都是来自中国All of my money was stolen yesterday 昨天我全部的钱都被偷了3、let s

8、 order food from a restaurant 让我们在餐厅订购食物吧!Order 作动词时有两种意思:订购,下单Order sth from. 从某处订购某物Would you like to order some bread?你需要点一些面包吗?I order some clothes from that shop 我从那家商店订购了一些衣服命令Order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事The general orders the soldiers to leave for next city at once将军命令士兵们马上动身前往下一个城市【拓展】两个常见且重要的

9、构造:In order to+动词原形 = in order that句子,意为“为了 ”He gets up early in order to catch the early bus= He gets up early in order that he can catch the early bus 为了赶上早班车,他早早就起床了4、If we ask people to bring food,theyll just bring potato chips and chocolate假设我们要求大家带食物过来,他们只会带薯片和巧克力过来Ask,动词,两层意思: 询问,问:the teache

10、r asked us “Do you finish homework?” 教师问我们道:你们完成作业了吗? 要求 ; ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事My parents ask me to go home on every weekend我父母要求我每周末都要回家The teacher asks the students not to play outside教师要求学生们不要到外面去玩耍It is time for class,Mr.King asked all the childrendown quietly A.sitB.satC.to sitD.sitting5、Th

11、eyll be too lazy to cook 他们会懒得不想煮饭too.to. 太.以至不能.Too + 形容词/ 副词 + to +动词原形He is too fat to run fast 他太胖了以至不能跑得快His father is too poor to send him to school 他父亲太穷了以至不能送他上学He runs too slowly to catch up with Mike 他跑得太慢了以至于追不上麦克Too.to.是初中重点学习构造之一,它可以与 so.that. 和 not.enough to互换So+形容词/副词 +that句子He is too

12、 fat so that he cant run fastHis father is so poor that he cant his child to schoolNot + 形容词 + enoughadv+ to do sthHe is not thin enough to run fastHis father is not rich enough to send his child to school1、The girl isyoungdress herself2、I havent seen my grandparents for long,Im too busythem these d

13、ays.Why not call them instead?A.visitB.to visitC.visitingD.visits6、Can you give me some advice please? 请问你可以给我一些建议吗?Advise, 动词,建议Advice,名词,建议,是不行数名词,因此要表示数量时需要借助 some 和piece 等词A piece of advice 一条建议Two pieces of advice 两条建议Some advice 一些建议Suggestion,也是“建议”,但它是可数名词 Some advice = some suggestions一些建议7

14、、travel around the world = travel all over the world 环游世界8、If people have problems,they should keep them to themselves 假设人们又苦恼的话,他们应当把这些问题留给自己Keep.to oneself,“保守隐秘;把问题/苦恼埋在心底”The teenagers like to keep their problems to themselves青少年宠爱自己的问题埋藏在心里反身代词:第一人称其次人称第三人称单数Myself 我自己Yourself 你自己Himself 他自己Her

15、self 她自己Itself 它自己复数Ourselves 我们自己Yourselves 你们自己Themselves 他们自己9、Unless we talk to someone,well certainly feel worse 除非我们跟别人聊一聊, 不然的话我们确定会感觉更糟糕Unless,连词,意为“除非.不然的话主句会 ”,也遵循主将从现Unless you study hard, you wont get good grade Unless you come here, we wont leave Unless = if. NotIf you dont study hard, you wont get good grade ,we wont le


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