七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip备课资料2 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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1、Unit 11 How was your school trip ?Section A1. How was your school trip?你们的学校郊游怎么样?(1)这是一个一般过去时的句子。它表示过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。常与yesterday,last year,an hour ago,the day before yesterday,in xx等过去时间状语连用。Was Yao Ming in the NBA two years ago?姚明两年前在NBA吗?Yes,he was. /No,he wasnt.是的。/不,他不在。We werent in Jinan last

2、 year.我们去年不在济南。(2)trip通常指短途旅行、旅游或外出,后面可以接“介词to+地点名词”。“go on/make/take a trip”都可表示“出去旅行”,“on a trip”表示“在旅行期间”。They are going on a bus/ship trip to Hangzhou.他们将乘坐公共汽车/轮船去杭州旅行。Im going to take a two-day trip to Zaozhuang.我想去枣庄两日游。Shes on a business trip to Xuzhou.她正在徐州出差。(3)“How+be+事物名词?”是一个常见的询问对某事物感觉

3、如何的句型;而“How+be +人名?”常用来询问某人的身体状况。如:How was your last weekend?上周末过得怎么样?It was great.棒极了。How are your parents?你的父母身体如何?They are fine. Thanks.他们很好,谢谢。拓展:句中的how是疑问副词,意为“如何;怎样”,其用法如下:(询问身体状况)怎样How is your grandfather?你爷爷的身体好吗?(询问方式、方法)怎样How did you come back home last night?昨天晚上你是怎么回家的?(询问天气状况)怎样How is t

4、he weather in Shanghai today?今天上海的天气怎么样?(询问程度)怎样How do you like the book?你觉得这本书怎么样?2. milked a cow给奶牛挤奶该短语中的milk用作及物动词,意为“挤奶”,如:Wheres your mother?你的妈妈在哪里?Shes milking cows on the farm.她在农场里给奶牛挤奶。milk还可用作不可数名词,意为“牛奶”,如:How much milk do you drink every day?你每天喝多少牛奶?I usually have milk and bread for b

5、reakfast.早饭我通常喝牛奶、吃面包。3. Did you see any cows?你看到奶牛了吗?Yes,I did. I saw quite a lot.是的,看到了。我看到了许多的奶牛。(1)这是一个含有行为动词的一般过去时问句,其结构为“Did+主语+动词原形+其他?”其肯定回答为:Yes,主格代词+did;否定回答为: No,主格代词+didnt。如:Did you go to the library yesterday?昨天你去图书馆了吗?Yes,I did. /No,I didnt.是的,我去了。/不,我没去。Did they finish the work last w

6、eek?他们上周完成工作了吗?Yes,they did. /No,they didnt.是的,他们完成了。/不,没完成。(2)quite a lot是表示程度的副词短语,意为“相当多”,在句中多修饰动词或动词短语。如:I ate quite a lot for lunch today.今天午餐我吃了很多。Do we have milk in the fridge?我们冰箱里还有牛奶吗?Yes,quite a lot.是的,还有很多。拓展:ot后接名词时常与介词of连用,quite a lot of意为“相当多的”,后接不可数名词或可数名词复数形式。如:I have quite a lot of

7、 work to do this afternoon.今天下午我有太多的活要做。There are quite a lot of people in the supermarket today.今天超市里的人很多。4. Did Carol take any photos? Carol拍照了吗?take a photo或take photos是“拍照”。如:Make a good pose and I will take a photo for you.摆个好姿势,我来给你照张相。Although I love holidays,I hate to take photos.尽管我喜欢度假,但我却

8、讨厌照相。5. Did you learn anything?你学到什么东西了吗?anything用作不定代词,其用法如下:(1)(用于疑问句或if从句中)什么东西,什么事情。如:Do you have anything to say?你有什么话要说吗?(2)(用于否定句中)任何东西,任何事情。如:He doesnt want to eat anything now.现在他什么也不想吃。(3)(用于肯定句中)无论什么东西,无论什么事情。如:My dog will eat almost anything.我的狗几乎什么东西都吃。拓展:(1)当形容词修饰anything时,形容词要置于其后。如:I

9、s there anything new in this book?这本书中有什么新内容吗?(2)anything是由“any+thing”构成,类似单词还有:any+body=anybody任何人any+one=anyone任何人any+where=anywhere任何地方any+way=anyway不管怎样;无论如何6. The farmer showed Carol around the farm.那位农民领着卡罗尔参观了农场。“show sb. around”意为“领某人看”。如:Could you show me around the factory?你能带我参观这家工厂么?拓展:s

10、how的用法show还有“给看”之意。常用短语:show sb. sth或show sth. to sb.给某人看某物。如:The girl shows me her photos. =The girl shows her photos to me.小女孩让我看了看她的照片。show还可意为“指引,领路”如:Let me show you the way to the hospital.我指给你去医院的路。易错警醒:在“show +间接宾语+直接宾语”结构中,若直接宾语为指物的代词it或them时,只能用“show it(them)to sb.”结构。如:正:You have a new pe

11、n,please show it to me.误:You have a new pen,please show me it.7. Carol picked some strawberries and took them home.卡罗尔摘了一些草莓,然后把它们带回家。(1)pick用作动词,有“采;摘”之意。如:He picked her a beautiful rose.他给她采了一朵漂亮的玫瑰花。We helped the farmers pick apples on the farm last weekend.上周我们在农场帮农民摘苹果。此外,pick还有“挑选”之意,如:Please

12、pick a good book for me.请给我挑一本好书。拓展:pick up意为“捡起;拾起”,为“动词+副词”短语,若宾语为代词,放于pick和up中间。如:Could you pick up the card?你能把卡片拾起来吗?Your watch is on the floor. Pick it up,please.你的手表在地上,请把它捡起来。(2)took them home意为“把它们带回家”。take.to.意为“把某物拿到”,home是副词,故其前不用介词to。如:Please take these books to your sister.请把这些书带给你的姐姐。

13、Take the letter home after school,please.放学后,请把这封信带回家。8. I visited my grandparents in the countryside.我看望了乡下的爷爷奶奶。(1)此句中的visit用作动词,意为“拜访;访问;探望”,还可意为“参观”。如:We visited our friends in town.我们去看望了城里的朋友。Would you like to visit the Great Wall with us this Sunday?这个星期天你想和我们一起去参观长城吗?拓展:visit用作名词,构成短语:go(be)

14、on a visit to.,意为“去参观”,如:They went(were) on a visit to the park last week.他们上周去公园游玩了。(2)in the countryside意为“在农村,在乡下”,在此处作定语。英语中短语作定语常放在所修饰词之后。如:The woman in blue is our English teacher.身着蓝衣的女士是我们的英语老师。countryside是由“country(农村)+side(边)”构成的合成词。类似的合成词还有:week星期+end尽头weekend周末news新闻+paper纸newspaper报纸hom

15、e家+work工作homework家庭作业9. And I fed the chickens with my grandpa.我和我的爷爷一起喂小鸡。句中的fed是动词feed的过去式,意为“喂养;饲养”。表示“给某人/动物喂食物”或“用食物喂某人/动物”常用短语:feed sth. to sb.或feed sb. on sth.。如:Please feed some grass to the cow.请给牛喂点草。She feeds the baby on milk.她用牛奶喂婴儿。【巧记】feed+onfeed+to拓展:eed on意为“以为主食;靠为主”,如:Birds feed on worms and grains.鸟以虫和谷物为食。10. It was great and the air was so clean.天气很好,空气也很洁净。clean是形容词,意为“干净的;清洁的”,其反义词为dirty“脏的”。Please keep


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