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1、畅游学海敢搏风浪誓教金榜题名。决战高考,改变命运。凌风破浪击长空,擎天揽日跃龙门Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands. 第3课时:Section A 3a-4cTeaching and Learning Goals:一、语言功能: Learn the customs in Colombia and in Switzerland and practice expressing the customs by reading the passage.二、语言知识1、词汇和常用表达:Learn and use the words and expressions

2、: relaxed, value, capital, noon, mad, effort, passport, chalk, blackboard, northern, coast, season, knock, eastern, worth, manner, drop by, after all, get mad, make an effort, cleanoff, take off. 2、纯熟掌握以下句型:(1) Where Im from, we are pretty relaxed about time.(2) I think its impolite to keep someone

3、waiting. (3) You are expected to be there at noon.(4) You are supposed to shake hands.三、学习策略:1. 依据文章所给图片,预测(predicting)文章内容。2.通过略读(skimming)的方式,猜测文章大意。3.借助关键词,通过寻读 (scanning)的方式,找寻细节内容。四、情感目的: Learn the language of a country isnt enough. Different countries have different customs. WheninRome,doasthe

4、Romansdo(入乡随俗).Teaching and learning steps :Pre-reading:Step One Preview预习单词及短语或者句子 1. Preview the new wordsGet the students to read the new words according to phonetic symbols(音标): relaxed, value, capital, noon, mad, effort, passport, chalk, blackboard, northern, coast, season, knock, eastern, wort

5、h, manner, drop by, after all, get mad, make an effort, cleanoff, take off. Then check the students pronunciations.操作说明将班里学生提成4-6人小组,兼顾不同层次的学生。每个小组先由中档生根据音标读出单词,再由学优生纠正读音;然后教会学困生朗读,直至组内学生所有会读单词。设计意图让学生分组预习单词,以保证学生能快速理解课文,促使学生养成自学的习惯和能力。2. Ask the students to say out these words and phrases orally ac

6、cording to the Chinese. If they can, they can close their books and write them down.(1)珍视_ (2)首都 _ (3)正午_ (4)很气愤_ (5)努力_ (6)护照_ (7)粉笔_ (8)黑板_ (9)北方的_ (10) 海岸_(11) 季节_(12)敲击_(13) 东方的_ (14)值得_ (15)方式_ (16)顺便访问_ (17)毕竟_ (18) 大动肝火_ (19) 作出努力_ (20) 把擦掉 (21)脱下 操作说明 先让学生在课文中找到这些单词和短语,在短文中划出来,然后大声朗读并背诵,小组间可

7、以进行PK(可以采用师说生答,也可采用生说生答)。最后通过助学上单元开始处所列的单词短语一览表默写出单词。 设计意图让学生提前感知课文,掌握基本的单词和短语,便于学生理解和掌握课文。3. Encourage the students to translate the sentences into Chinese by working with a group. (1) Where Im from, we are pretty relaxed about time.(2) I think its impolite to keep someone waiting. (3) e value the

8、time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.(4) We often just drop by our friends homes if we have time.(5) Its very important to be on time.(6) Were the capital of clocks and watches, after all.(7) I make an effort to be on time when I meet my friends.(8) We usually plan to do s

9、omething interesting, or go somewhere together. 设计意图让学生通过翻译课文中的重点句子,达成全面理解课文之目的。Step Two: Warming up and leading in热身导入 1. T: In our country, what are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? Ss: We are supposed to shake hands.T: In Korea, what are people supposed to do when they

10、 meet someone for the first time?Ss: They are supposed to bow.T: What about in the United States/Japan/Mexico/Brazil?Ss: They are supposed to shake hands/bow/shake hands/kiss. T: Different countries have different customs. Look at the two flags. Do you know where the two countries are? (Colombia)( S

11、witzerland)Open your books and turn to Page75, 3a. Read the passages and find out in which country it is OK to be 15 minutes late for dinner?The answer is: In Colombia. 设计意图教师通过展示不同国家的国旗询问学生各国礼仪及风俗自然引入本课主题, 增强学习爱好。 Step Three: while-Reading 阅读短文,理解短文。 1. Read the passages fast and silently to find t

12、he general idea读取大意。 The general idea of the article is about_ A._.A. Customs in Colombia and SwitzerlandB. Visiting a friendC. Table manners操作说明在学生读课文之前,提出问题,然后学生带着问题去速读课文,并对的找到答案。 设计意图 引导学生速读课文,对课文的整体感知并回答问题。用跳读的技巧捕获有用的信息。运用课件展示问题答案出处,提高学生理解能力。 2. Read the passages carefully and silently to find t

13、he specific ideas读取细节3b. Read the passages again and complete the chart. ColombiaSwitzerlandbeing on timeits OK to be lateits important to be on timevisiting a friends housedrop in whenever they likealways call firstmaking plans with friendsdont usually make plansalways make plans3. Read the passage

14、s for a third time and answer the following questions.(1) Is it OK if you arrive a little late when you tell a friend youre going to their house for dinner in Colombia? Yes, it is.(2) Do they usually have to make plans to meet their friends in Colombia?No, they dont.(3) Could your friends get mad if youre even fifteen minutes late in Switzerland?Yes, they may.(4) Do they usually make plans to see friends in Switzerland ? Yes, they do.设计意图此环节为细读课文之第一个任务,设立从易到难,规定学生通过细读课文来完毕。4. Play the tape for the stu



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