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1、八年级上册英语Unit7高频易错题姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_易错题方向:1重要句型:对天气的询问的句型“Whats the weather like”、Its the best time to do sth表示“做某事的最好时间” 、“with复合结构”在句中作状语、What a perfect time it is to、while driving、There be sb doing sth2重要语法:感叹句中 a 加不加的问题、五种基本句型中的 “S+V+DO+OC”、英语单词的押韵、hard 猛地;厉害地、talk loudly3 重要单词:drop表示气温方面的“下降”、join s

2、b“加入某人”、cause和of搭配或reason和for搭配、hurt的过去式还是hurt、harvest表示“收获”4 重要短语:考查the number of后面用large或者small表示、in the end最后、give sb a ring(给某人打电话)、turn后面加颜色的单词、show interest in对感兴趣、give out分发、read sth aloud、be busy doing sth 易错题型:1单项选择-23题2单词拼写-18题3动词填空-10题4翻译句子-8题一)、单项选择1 -What_ cold weather it is in Harbin!

3、-Yes We have_ unusual time because we live in a hot placeA. /; a B a; a C /; an D a; an2 -_? -Its sunny A the temperature B Whats the weatherC Whats the weather like D How is the weather like3 -_ is the temperature tomorrow? -I think it will be much_AHow; lower B What; higher C What; low D How; high

4、4 The price of vegetables_ a little last weekAlow B dropped C fell D fell down5 The number of trees in our city is getting_ This makes our city much greenerAmore and more B larger and larger C less and less D higher and higher6 “This news made me feel sad” is a kind of _ structureA S+V+O B S+V+DO+OC

5、C S+V+P D S+V+IO+DO7That restaurant is _ people, and they look very _at the momentA full with, happy B filled with, happilyC full of, happy D fill to, happily8The man tried several times to start the car, and he succeeded A in the past B in the end C at first D at once9-Lets ask him to _ us to play

6、a game-OK, pass the coin from one of the students to _A join; another B join;the other C join in; another D join in; the other10-Do you know smoking is the biggest _ of death ?-Yes, but I dont know the _ why so many people like itA reason; cause B cause; reason C cause; cause D reason ; reason11What

7、_ it is this morning! Lets have a day outAa good weather Bgood weatherCa bad weather Dbad weather12After he drank _ water,he still felt _ tired Aa bit;a bit Ba bit of;a bit ofCa bit;a bit of Da bit of;a bit13-Wish you a pleasant journey!-Thanks! Ill give you a _ as soon as I arrive in ParisAring Bha

8、nd Cride Dpresent14When Mr Green asked her to answer the question, her face _redA lookedB turnedC seemedD felt15The word “drops” rhymes with _A mapB dressC cropsD buses16There is a lot of sunshine Its the best time _ football outsideA PlayB to playC playedD for play17Look! It is _ so _!A blow; heavy

9、B blowing; hardC blowing; hardlyD blow; heavily18Dont talk _ Your grandmother is sleeping nowA loudB hardlyC loudlyD hard19About seventy percent of the students_ in playing computer gamesA show interestB shows interestC show interestsD is interested20 It may be dangerous _ a car _a snowy dayA to dri

10、ve, inB to drive, onC drive, in D drive, on 21 After the coach stopped, the guide _ bottles of drinking water to the tourists A gave offB gave out C gave inD gave away22 He slept well all the windows openA when B while C with D because23A young boy from a tree and his leg A fell, hurted B falled, hu

11、rt C fell, hurt D falled, hurted二)、单词拼写1Look! How hard it is_ (snow) outside!2_ (keep) the door closed and it will be warm here3She decided to offer as much money as she can to_ (help) the poor4Please write down what I say, _ (否则) you will forget the important points5一There is much rain todayTake a

12、taxi to your office 一Yes,its much_(有雨的)than yesterday6We usually feel cool and comfortable after heavy _(阵雨)in summer7The man lived with his son until he was in his _(九十)8Why do you read your English _every morning ?9 Whats wrong? I have a _ (发烧)10 The number of people who died in the terrible earth

13、quake_ (上升)to 61711 Its nice to have big snowball_ (打架)12 In winter, much of the north is _ (覆盖)by snow13 They were all shocked and sad when Jin died in his _(四十)14 _ (突然地)Linda ran out of the house and soon disappeared in the darkness15 He _(扔)his ticket somewhere yesterday and now he cant find it16 What do you think of the film?It was too boring I nearly fell_in the cinema last night17 What a _day



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