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1、2019-2020年五年级上册英语期末测试卷二 Class_ Name_一、按字母顺序写出A-G字母大小写(15分) 二、选出每组中不同类的单词(10分)1、( )A. when B. go C. where D. who2、( )A. apple B. cake C. banana D. pear3、( )A. orange B. cheese C. noodles D. rice4、( )A. egg B. water C. milk D. tea5、( )A. sausage B. coffee C. before D. tea三、选择所缺的字母或字母组合。(10分)( )1. nin

2、y(九十) A. ti B. et C. ty( ) 2.th teen(十三) A.ir B.er C.or( ) 3 .f ty(四十) A. or B. ir C.ar( ) 4. ei teen(八十) A. gh B. th C.dr( ) 5. fou een(十四) A. rt B.at C. et四、单项选择(20分)1. We in the playground. A. play B. happy C. eat2. My school starts eight oclock. A. in B. on C.at3. Did you see a bus yesterday? -

3、. A. Yes, I did B. Yes, she did. C. Yes, I didnt.4. -Are you sad? -No, I am not. A. feel B. feeling C. feels5.I am winner, Im feeling . Asad B. bored C. happy6. What time school start? A. do B. does C. did7. you like apples? Yes, I do. A. Are B. Does C. Do8. Do you your friends in China? A. to miss

4、B. miss C. missing9.- did you do at the weekend?-We visited lots of places. A. Where B. Who C. What10. Is Tom you? A. playing B. play with C. playing with11.-Where did you Sam? -I Sam in the kitchen. A. find; find B. find; found C. found; find12.-Whats the ?-My grandma is ill in hospital. A. matter

5、B. wrong C. thing 13.-How is my grandma now?-Shes now. A. btter B. beter C. better14. He the game yesterday. A. wins B. won C. win15. I my mum yesterday. A. call B. to call C. called16. She cant . Her mother helps her. A. swim B.swimming C.swims17. Im the bedroom. A. in B. on C.at18. Lets paly . A.

6、hide-seek B. seek and hide C. hide-and-seek19. Ill get half past seven. A. up at B. up in C. up20. I went to school yesterday. A. Amys B. Amy C. Amys五、好朋友手拉手,连线(10分)1、( )Did Ling ling phone you? A. I cant play it at all.2、( )Can it fly? B. I watched TV last night.3、( )Do you live in this city? C. Ye

7、s, I do.4、( )How do you play basketball? D. No, she didnt.5、( )What did you do last night? E. Yes, it can.六、选择合适的疑问词填空。(10分)Numbers , happily , crayons , How many , class1、All of them are dancing . 2、 are having a party. 3、There are forty pupils in my . 4、There are twenty-one .5、_people are there in your family?七、连词成句(10分)1、bag/lost/his/He/(.) 2、go/fly/and/Lets/it/(.) 3、bought/T-shirt/me/a/mum/for/(.) 4、did/How/g



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