2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 10 Musical Chairs (3).doc

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1、2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 10 Musical Chairs (3)一、基本目标1)To learn these words: a ping pong table, a ball, bats, hoops, cards, a doll, toy soldiers, stickers2)Using the sentences the students learned before.二、发展目标1)To be able to make some phrases whit these words.2)Having the students be able to ask and a

2、nswer about these words.教学重点、难点重点:利用”Whats in/on.?”进行提问,用”There is/are”进行回答。 用”What are they/you doing?”提问,用 ”They are/I am . ”难点:掌握there be句型及相关语法知识。there be 与 has got, have got的区别。教学设备slides, paper, some toys, tapes教学过程Pre-task preparation1. Rhyme.2. Daily talk.While-task Procedure1. a ping pong t

3、able, a ball, bats.What are they doing now? (show the slide)Whats this/that in her hand? (a ball, bats) Have you got a ball?Make some sentences.2. hoops.Alice and Sue are in the play room, too. (show the slide)What are they doing? Can you play hoop? Have a match3. cards What else can you play? Ive g

4、ot some cards. Can you play cards? What have you got? Ive got King /Queen/ Jack.4. a doll A riddle: In the play room, who is sitting on the chair? Have you got a doll? Can you describe your doll?5. toy soldiers What can you hear? There must be somebody in the next room. Lets go and see. Have you got

5、 toy soldiers?6. stickersHave you got any stickers? / How many stickers have you got?Post-task Activities1. What toys do girls /boys like? What toys have you got?2. Read the words and do some excises3. Game.4. Make dialogues. 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 10 Part C教案 湘少版教学目标:Knowledge objects: The stude

6、nts can master the four skill words and sentences of part C.words: rainy, hot, sunny, windy, cool , cold, snowy,cloudy.Sentences: Whats the weather like today? Its sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy. How do you feel ? I feel cold/hot/cool/warm.Ability objects: Ability to use the words and sentences to a

7、sk the weather freely. Moral objects: The students can feel happy and eager to use English in this lesson.教学重点:Using the four skill words and sentences correctly according to the different situations.教学难点: The grammar: Whats the weather like today? Its rainy.教学准备: CAI pictures教学方法: Practice Acting 教

8、学过程:Step 1 Warming up:1. Greetings:T: Good afternoon, everyone!Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Zhang! T: Nice to meet you !Ss: Nice to meet you too!2. Free talk:T: What day is it today? Ss: It is Thursday.T:Boys and girls,Whats the weather like?Ss: Its sunny.3. Now lets sing the song . How is the weather.S

9、tep 2 Revision1. Revise some words about weather.T:Now ,let s review some words about weather,please look at the screen. Ok,lets look at picture one. 1.Do you know them? (S-N-O-W snow) 2.Do you know this ?(S-U-N sun)3.Can you guess this word?(C-L-O-U-D cloud)4.What can you see in the picture?(tree),

10、Can you spell this word,Yes or no?(wind)5.Can you remember this word ?(rain )2. Look at the pictures of the weather. (Students read and watch the PPT). 3. Say the name of the weather.4. Practice in pairs.T: (now,its your turn.Read the words with your partener. )5. Remembering game.Step 3 Presentatio

11、n1.Point at important sentences and say.T:Boys and girs ,please open your books ,turn to page forty.Lets point out some important sentences.(show the pictures )T: Whats the weather like?Ss: Its snowy/ cloudy /rainy/windy /sunny .T: How do you feel?Ss: I feel cold/hot/cool/warm.2.Look at the pictures

12、 and guess the meaning.3.Ask and answer.4.Try to read by themselves.5.Listen to the tape and follow it.6.Read together.Step 4 Practice 1.Lets practice some dialogues .2. Look and say.3.Ask and answer. 4.Read after the teacher.5.Group work.Then act it out.6.Acting.Step 5 HomeworkLook and write.Designs(板书设计):Unit 10 Its a cold day.1. Whats the weather like? 2. How do you feel?snowy cold . cloudy cool Its rainy I feel hot . windy warm sunny



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