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1、本科学生毕业设计黑嫩公路曙光至安溪段 两阶段初步设计系部名称: 土木工程系 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 二九年六月The Graduation Design for Bachelors DegreeShuguang to Anxi of the Heinen highwayin section two stages preliminary designs Candidate:Zhang ZhiyuanSpecialty: civil engineeringClass: Bw05-18Supervisor:Associate Prof .WangYing Heilongjian

2、g Institute of Technology2009-06HarBin摘 要本设计根据给定的资料,通过对原始数据的分析,根据该路段的地质、地形、地物、水文等自然条件,依据公路工程技术标准 、公路路线设计规范等交通部颁发的相关技术指标,在老师的指导和同学的帮助下完成的。山区公路选线即要考虑行车的安全、线形的美观、与环境相协调又要考虑其经济性。设计内业详细资料有:路线设计,包括纸上定线(山岭区或越岭线)、绘制路线平面图、路线纵断面设计);路基设计,完成两公里横断面和路基土石方的计算及路基排水设计;路面设计,水泥混凝土路面设计;小桥涵设计,完成一项涵洞设计;路线交叉设计,完成一项路线平面交叉;

3、设计概算编制,完成全线设计路段的初步设计概算;应用计算机绘制工程图,按老师指导和要求完成。整个设计计算了路线的平、纵、横要素,设计了路基、路面、平面交叉、小桥涵的尺寸等内容,由此圆满完成了黑嫩公路曙光至安溪段两阶段初步设计。关键词:路线;路基;路面;涵洞;平面交叉;概算ABSTRACTData that this design according to give to settle to complition, complete the Threexin forest of Mulin to lianhe highway station segment (1) first design sta

4、tion segment (2) the relevant technique index sign for kind, geography for second class highway route, from this design learning a lot of knowledge concerning highways, passing analysis primitive dataing, according to the roads segment, characteristics of term nature, such as, ground thing, and hydr

5、ology etc., Basis highway engineering technique standard , highway route designing the normal waiting the transport, and complete to design under the help that the teachers leading is with the classmate of constitute the circumstance, Route selection of highway in the mountain not only wants to cons

6、ider traffic safety, beautiful of the alignment of highway, harmony between highway and its surroundings, but also wants to consider its economy.The design inside of stage first steps include: Route design,The paper up settles the lines( mountain range area, or more mountain range line),Draw the rou

7、te plane chart, Proceed route vertical section of design;Roadbed design, Complete two kilometer cross sections are with the roadbed the calculation of square ground and roadbed drain the design;Road design, Cement concrete road design;Small bridge culvert design, Complete the design of a culvert;The

8、 route crosses the design, Complete a route flat surface to cross; Design budgetary estimate establishment:Completes the entire line todesign the road section the preliminary design budgetary estimate;The application calculator draws the engineering diagram, Complete under the teachers leading reque

9、st.we compute the route even, vertical, horizontal main factor, designed the flat surface to design the roadbed, road the size for small bridge culvert, from here successfully completed the hei nen road to shu guang of an xi in section two stages preliminary designs. Key words: Route; roadbed; road;

10、 culvert; Route cross; Budgetary estimate目 录摘要Abstract 第1章 绪论11.1 选题的背景、目的及意义1 1.2 设计任务11.3 路线概况11.4 公路等级和技术标准21.5 路线采用的技术经济指标21.6 路线设计起终点及设计高程31.7 本章小结3第2章 路线线型设计42.1路线方案的说明和比较4 2.1.1 了解资料4 2.1.2 定线的原则与方法4 2.1.3 定线具体过程 4 2.1.4 路线方案的比选52.2 路线平面设计5 2.2.1 确定各平曲线半径及缓和曲线长度5 2.2.2设计确定平曲线的原则7 2.2.3特殊线形设计方

11、法7 2.2.4 编制直线及转角一览表12 2.2.5平面图标注12 2.2.6 弯道视距的检查12 2.2.7 绘图12 2.2.8 路线布设中遇到的主要问题及处理措施12 2.3 路线纵断面设计13 2.3.1设计原则和方法13 2.3.2 纵断面设计中遇到的主要问题及解决方法16 2.3.3平纵线形设计应注意避免的组合162.4 本章小结7第3章 路基路面及排水183.1路基设计18 3.1.1 边坡的确定18 3.1.2 路基高度的确定18 3.1.3 加宽、超高设计19 3.1.4 路基横断面面积与路基土石方计算方法21 3.1.5 路基地段的处理213.1.6 排水系统的设计原则23 3.1.7 横断面的绘出24 3.2路面设计24 3.2.1 设计原则24 3.2.2 路面结构的确定及材料的选择24 3.2.3 施工要求25 3.2.4 路面设计计算书253.3 排水系统的设计原则



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