The problems and strategies of oral nglish teaching in middle school

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1、摘 要毕 业 论 文(设计)The problems and strategies of oral nglish teaching in middle school9摘 要说到英语口语,毫无疑问这是英语学习中最难的问题之一。随着经济的发展,全球化现象变得非常普遍,使得学生们需要掌握真实而有效的语言技巧以便与外国人交流,这不仅仅需要在阅读和写作方面有一定的能力,同时也需要一口流利的英语。英语阅读是提高写作的一个极好方法,它可以为口语提供丰富的素材内容,在扩大词汇量、拓展知识面、巩固语法和培养语感方面,大量的阅读能让学生受益匪浅。另外,知识是靠积累的,同样对于英语口语而言也是如此。作为学生对英语知

2、识和技巧应用的综合能力体现的最好方式,英语口语的提高不仅仅靠大量阅读和记忆单词,还需要一步步的训练。“熟能生巧”,经过在阅读方面的长期经验积累,提高口语水平并非难事。关键词:英语口语;英语阅读;提高英语口语AbstractAbstractWhen it comes to oral English, there is no doubt that it is one of most difficult problems in English study. With the development of economy, the internationalization becomes quite

3、a common phenomenon, which requires students to master the real and effective language skills to communicate with foreigners, not only have a frequent spoken English but also mastery of reading and writing. Reading is an excellent way to develop writing. It can offer a good example and rich contents

4、 for writing. Besides, in terms of expanding vocabulary, expand knowledge, consolidating grammar, cultivating language sense, reading much is of great is great benefit to students. Moreover, Knowledge is accumulated little by little, as well as improve writing. As writing is a best mean to show stud

5、ents comprehensive ability about language knowledge and using skills, make progress is not only rely on reading, memorizing words, also need step-by-step training. “Practice makes perfect”,with accumulating experience in reading, improve writing is not so hard.Key words: Oral English;English reading

6、;Improve oral English e 0国是多少个Table of Contents摘要IAbstractII1 Introduction12 The problems of oral English teaching in middle school12.1 Lack of English environment12.2 What Is Teachers Teaching Aim?12.3 Teachers Teaching Methods42.4 Lose Patience and Confidence On Learning Oral English43 Some Strate

7、gies of Oral English Teaching in Middle School3.1 Creating English Speaking Environments.43.2 Create atmosphere for English teaching43.3 Introducing English Speaking Countries Culture to Students.43.4 Be More Confidence43.5 More Practice44 Conclusion45 Bibliography 4 1 IntroductionMore and more peop

8、le find it necessary and useful to have a good master of English for the future development of China. English is widely used in the world. People in most of the countries communicate with each other in English in the fields like politics, economics, culture, science, technology etc. So learning Engl

9、ish well seems to be an evitable necessity in the modern world. Compared with the old published English book in senior and junior school, the stress of todays English book is in speaking but not in writing or examination. It is good for Chinese middle school students. What is the goal for learning a

10、 foreign language? It is for communication, but not for taking examinations. Communication through language plays important role in our social activities and daily life as our social contacts are increasing frequently. Since the reform of opening to the outside world, generally speaking, middle scho

11、ol has developed very rapidly. At present, almost all the middle schools in China, both in coastal areas and western areas have offered the course of English. Because of the common efforts of the teachers of English, swift progress has been made in middle school English teaching. However, we should

12、recognize that therere still problems in English teaching. One of the prominent problems is oral English reaching. In China not only many students misunderstood it, but also plenty of teacher and students parents. They focus on the scores. As a result, a large number of Chinese students can achieve

13、high scores in English tests but can not speak fluent English when they face a foreigner or speak to their classmates. This is a common phenomenon in middle school. This essay focuses on finding the problems which cause middle school students can not speak English out and ways to solve them2 The pro

14、blems of oral English teaching in middle schoolMany researches show that the basic knowledge of oral English of many students is very poor. They not only lack of fluency oral English, but also their pronunciation is very poor. What on earth cause the problem arrive? There are some main factors.2.1La

15、ck of English environmentOur Chinese students learn English just in English class, no more chance to practice. Some students feel shy of speaking English when there is no one talking with them or no an English speaking environment. If they speak English with someone, friends and other classmates will make fun of them. As influenced by Chinese culture, plenty of students are not willing to express themselves when face others. And according to the tradit



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