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1、摘 要齿轮传动是现代机械中应用最广的一种传动形式。它的主要优点是:1、瞬时传动比恒定、工作为平稳、传动准确可靠,可传递空间任意两轴之间运动和动力;2、适用的功率和速度范围广;3、传动效率高,=0.92-0.98;4、工作为可靠、使用寿命长;5、外轮廓尺寸小、结构运送。由齿轮、轴、轴承及箱体组成的齿轮减速器,用于原动机和工作为机或执行机构之间,起匹配转速和传递转矩的作为用,在现代机械中应用极为广泛。6、国内的减速器多以齿轮传动、蜗杆传动为主,但普遍存在着功率与重量比小,或者传动比大而机械效率过代的问题。另外,材料品质和工世水平上还有许多弱点,特别是大型的减速器问题更突出,使用寿命不长。国外的减速


3、,失去了机械传动结构的飞速发展。在传动系统设计中的电子控制、液压传动、齿轮、带链的混合传动,将成为变速箱设计中优化传动组合的方向。在传动设计中的学科交叉,将成为新型传动产品发展的重要趋势。关键字:减速器 轴承 齿轮 机械传动AbstractWheel gears spreading to move is a the most wide kind of the application spreads to move a form in the modern machine.Its main advantage.BE:The1.spreads to move to settle,work than

4、 in a moment steady,spread to move accurate credibility ,can deliver space arbitrarily sport and the motive of the of two stalds;Power and speed scope;2.applies are wide;3.spreads to move an efficiency high, =0.92-0.98; 4.work is dependable,service life long;5.Ortline size outside the is small,struc

5、ture tightly pacded.The wheel gear constituted to,from wheel gear,stalk,bearings and boxbody decelerates a machine,useding for prime mover and work machine or performance organization of,have already matched to turn soon and deliver a function of turning,the application is extremely extensive in the

6、 modern machine;6.local deceleration machine much with the wheel gear spread to move,the pole spread to move for lord ,but widespread exist power and weight ratio small,or spread to move ratio big but the machine efficiency lead a low problem.there are also many weadnesses on material quality and cr

7、aft level moreover,the especially large deceleration machines problem is more outstanding,the service life isnt long.The deceleration machine of abroad,with Germany,Denmark and Japan be placed in to lead a position,occupying advantage in the material and the manufacturing craft specially,deceleratin

8、g the machine work credibility like,service life long.But it spreads to move a form to still take settling stalk wheel gear to spread to move as lord,physical volume and weight problem,dont also resolve like.The direction which decelerates a machine to is the facing big power and spread to move rati

9、o,small physical volume,high machine efficiency and service life to grow greatly nowadays develops.Decelerating the connecting of machine and electric motor body structure is also the form which expands strongly,and have already produced various structure forms and various products of power model nu

10、mbers.Be close to ten several in the last yearses,control a technical development because of the modern calculator technique and the number,made the machine process accuracy,process an efficiency to raise consumedly,pushed a machine to spread the diversification of movable property article thus,the

11、mold piece of the whole machine kit turns,standardizing,and shape design the art turn,making product more fine,the beauty turns.Become a set a machine material in 21 centuries medium,the wheel gear is still a machine to spread a dynamic basic parts.CNC tool machine and the craft technical developmen

12、t,pushed a machine to spread to move structure to fly to develop soon.Be spreading to move the electronics control,liquid in the system design to press to spread to move,wheel gear,take the mixture of chain to spread to move,will become become soon a box to design in excellent turn to spread to move

13、 a combination of direction.The academics that is in spread move the design crosses,will become new spread a moveable property article the important trend of the development.Key words: Reduction gear 、 bearing 、 gear 、 mechanical drive27目录摘 要IABSTRACTII一 设计目的2二传动方案的拟定31传动方案的分析32传动方案的拟定3三电动机的选择及传动比的确

14、定51 电动机类型和结构型式的选择:52 确定电动机的功率:53 确定电动机转速:54 确定电动机型号6四 运动参数及动力参数计算71计算各轴转速(r/min)72计算各轴的功率(KW)73计算各轴转矩7五 传动零件的设计计算81皮带轮传动的设计计算82齿轮传动的设计计算9六 轴的设计计算121从动轴的设计122主动轴设计16七键联接的选择及校核计算211根据轴径的尺寸选择键212键的强度校核21八轴承寿命的校核221校核46208轴承222校核46211轴承22九减速器箱体、箱盖及附件的设计计算23十润滑与密封241齿轮的润滑244密封方法的选取24十一减速器装配图如下25致 谢26参考文献

15、27一 设计目的1、通过本次设计,综合运用机械设计基础及其它有关先修课程的理论和实际知识,使所学的知识进一步巩固、深化、发展。2、本次设计是高等工科学校学生第一次进行比较完整的机械产品设计,通过此次设计培养学生正确的设计思想和分析问题、解决问题的能力,掌握机械设计的基本方法和步骤。3、使学生能熟练的应用有关参考资料、图册和手册,并熟悉有关国家标准和其它标准,以完成一个工程技术人员在机械设计方面所必须具备的基本训练。二传动方案的拟定1传动方案的分析机器一般是由原动机、传动装置和工作装置组成。传动装置是用来传递原动机的运动和动力、变换其运动形式以满足工作装置的需要,是机器的重要组成部分。传动装置是否合理将直接影响机器的工作性能、重量和成本。合理的传动方案除满足工作装置的功能外,还要结构简单、制造方便、成本低廉、传动效率高和使用维护方便。 本设计中原动机为电动机,工作机为皮带输送机。传动方案采用了两级传动,第一级传动为带传动,第二级传动为单级直齿圆柱齿轮减速器。 带传动承载能力较低,在传递相



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