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1、永春一中高二年月考英语科试卷 (解析版)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)参考答案: 1-5 BACCC 6-10 BACBB 11-15 ACABC 16-20 BAACB 听力(原文)Text 1 M: Our football team has just won the championship match!W: Wow, we have become the league champion for the fourth time!M: Cheers!Text 2 W: Do you often listen to the radio?M: Yeah. I listen to the

2、radio every morning.W: What programs do you usually listen to?M: Programs about what happened at home and abroad.Text 3 W: Look at those colorful birds over there. I think you can teach them to sing.M: But look at the price! Id rather have a cat.Text 4 W: Mike, how are you getting along with your ho

3、mework?M: I have been doing it for two hours. I dont know if Ill be able to get it finished.W: Take it easy.Text 5 M: Pardon me, Miss. Do you have change for a dollar?W: Im afraid not, youll have to ask someone else.Text 6 W: Excuse me, Im looking for the are you the manager?M: Yes, I am. What can I

4、 do for you?W: I bought this yesterday, but I didnt look at the receipt until todayand Im shocked that I didnt get the discount that you were advertising. I thought that this item would be 25% off!M: May I have a look? Hmmit says it was checked out on register four-thats Heather. She is new on staff

5、, so she probably didnt know about the sale. Im very sorry about that. Ill fix the problem right away and get you some cash.W: Thanks very much. Ill just be waiting over there.Text 7 M: Oh, dear, I suppose its time to start thinking about the summer holidays again. The papers are full of travel arti

6、cles.W: They always are at this time of year. Do you have somewhere in mind?M: I just think it would be nice to go somewhere different, for example, Tibet.W: Where? Tibet? But it is quite far away. It will cost a lot.M: But Id like to go somewhere out-of-the-way. Somewhere where there arent many tou

7、rists. I havent been to Tibet, but some people I know told me its a wonderful place for a holiday.W: You might have trouble with food and water.M: Oh, that wont be a problem. I can get some information from the travel agency and see what they are offering. Are you coming with me?W: Id be quite happy

8、 to stay at home and work in the garden. I want to build a path.Text 8 W: Do you keep in touch with your aunt in America?M: Sure, I usually call her once a month.W: That sounds kind of expensive.M: Yeah, a little, I guess.W: Do you ever have the desire to chat online?M: Sure. But my aunt is a little

9、 older and not really into using the computer.W: But surely she would want to save a little money. You said she has kids. They must have a computer in the house. You could get one of her kids to teach her how to use the Internet.M: Yeah, I guess I never really thought about it. I kind of like hearin

10、g the sound of her voice. It feels a little closer and more personal.W: Yeah, I understand. I like hearing my parents voices too, but I dont feel like I need to hear them every time we talk.M: Hmm. Maybe I will get her kids to help. Its a good idea.Text 9 W: Can I see your passport, please?M: Is thi

11、s line for non-residents?W: Yes it is. Residents can queue up in the lines to my right.M: OK. Heres my passport.W: Whats the expiration date on your passport?M: I think its coming up, maybe in a few months. It was renewed in Beijing, so the new expiration date is on the last page.W. I see. Yes, youl

12、l need to renew your passport in a few months. Make sure you dont let it expire while you are in the UK.M: I wont.W: Do you have anything to declare?M: No, I dont have anything to declare.W: How long will you be staying in the UK?M: Ill be here about a year.W: What is the purpose of your stay?M: Ill

13、 be studying. Im doing an MBA at Nottingham University.W: Where will you be staying?M: I have a housing contract with the university. Ill be in a dorm room on campus.W: How do you plan on paying for your living costs and tuition fees while you are here?M: My father has already paid for that in advan

14、ce. Here are the receipts.W: OK. Have a good stay. Heres your passport and your documents.M: Thank you very much.Text 10 My way to stay young is simple: Give full attention to the part of you thats young and growing-your brain. Keep your mind active and your body will stay young, too. These are exci

15、ting times. Take an interest in the world around you, and make a point of learning one new thing every day.Never think about your age, its not too late to make your life more interesting. I know a house wife who became a famous industrial designer; I know a retired electrical engineer who has become

16、 a highly paid artist.Get over the idea that you are too old to go back to college. I know a man who entered medical school at 70. He got his degree with honors and became a top doctor. Another man went to law school at 71 and is now an active lawyer.Even if you are getting on in years, staying young is


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