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1、2024年度天津市银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力测试试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、The()tough training given by our company creates strong and able sales representatives who perform well above others in the same field.A.indifferentlyB.presumableC.completelyD.unbearably【答案】 D2、某公司招聘甲、乙两种职位的人员共90人,甲、乙两种职位人员每月的工资分别为1500元和2500元,若甲岗位的工资总支出是乙

2、岗位的40%,则乙岗位招聘人数比甲职位多()人。A.24B.20C.18D.15【答案】 C3、The smog is due( )invisible gases,mostly from automobile exhaust.A.fromB.toC.forD.with【答案】 B4、资料:Early ExperiencesA.The nearest customersB.The virtual customersC.People that pretend to be customersD.The VIPs【答案】 C5、有一位企业的领导者,破例地奖励了几位为企业做出很大贡献的职工,奖金超过了以

3、往规定的最高限额。对此,下属有许多不同的反应,这件事表明()。A.不管奖金数是否合理,超越制度的规定是不应该的B.只要不是领导者个人装腰包,奖励完全可以遵循大数原则C.这种奖励是一种晕轮效应,为了引起轰动,违反制度也是值得的D.如果奖励是公平的,这种处理方法符合运用权利的例外处理原则【答案】 D6、根据数字使用规范,下列公文中的数字写法正确的是( )。A.初步估计共需三十七、八万元B.一篇讲话稿长达5千200字C.“文件”二字可采用2号字体D.该村直到95年才修通公路【答案】 C7、对于2018年中国房地产市场出现的房价下跌,楼市寒冬问题,从经济学角度来讲,属于()事件。A.灰犀牛B.黑天鹅C

4、.黑骑士D.白护卫【答案】 B8、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handed her a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her future financial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and apply for a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock market game,invest

5、ing(投资)the hypothetical(虚拟的)earnings from their hypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Our pretend investments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got to know how it felt to lose money.A.By giving examplesB.By providing dataC.By raising questionsD.By making comparisons【答案】 A

6、9、90年来经过数代考古工作者的不懈努力,三星堆考古取得了举世瞩目的成就。三星堆的发现与发掘深刻影响了巴蜀考古和巴蜀文化研究,并与四川及中国考古事业的发展息息相关。同时,三星堆遗址被称为20世纪人类最伟大的考古发现之一,昭示了长江流域与黄河流域一样,同属中华文明的母体。A.三星堆是人类最伟大考古发现之一。B.三星堆考古的重大意义。C.考古工作者的工作虽然枯燥,但意义最大。D.长江流域与黄河流域同样是中华文明的发源地【答案】 B10、Her parents insist that she_alone.A.liveB.livesC.livedD.is living【答案】 A11、 商业银行不得从

7、事()。A.吸收公众存款B.银行卡业务C.发行金融债券D.信托投资和证券经营业务【答案】 D12、Passage 3A.Needless material is mostly recycledB.Fighting wastefulness is difficultC.People like collecting recyclable wastesD.The author is proud of their consumer culture【答案】 B13、May is as()as a peacock and always wants to be the center.A.beautifulB

8、.smartC.slenderD.vain【答案】 D14、Fuel scarcities and price increases( )automobile designers to scale down the largest models and to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks.A.persuadedB.promptedC.imposedD.enlightened【答案】 B15、资料:The societal marketing concept questions whether the pure mark

9、eting concept overlooks possible conflicts between consumers short-run wants and consumer long-run welfare.Is a firm that satisfies the immediate needs and wants of target markets always doing whats best for consumers in the long run? The societal marketing concept holds that marketing strategy shou

10、ld deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves both the consumers and societys well-being.A.To introduce the flourishing bottled water industryB.To explain about the societal marketing conceptC.To discuss environmental problemsD.To explain about the pure marketing concept【答案】 B16、

11、鱼缸中的水温恒定在24度左右。一个气泡缓缓从鱼缸的底部升起,到达水面用了4秒,那么,在这个过程中,()。A.气泡的体积变小、吸收热量B.气泡体积不变,不放出热量也不吸收热量C.气泡体积变大,吸收热量D.气泡体积不变.放出热量【答案】 C17、一般而言,物价水平年平均上涨率不超过2%3%的是( )。A.爬行通货膨胀B.温和通货膨胀C.恶性通货膨胀D.奔腾式通货膨胀【答案】 A18、A lot of corn is grown in this area the soil seems to _ it very well.A.adoptB.meetC.needD.suit【答案】 D19、Theres

12、 been a lot of contention in the last couple of weeks about the future_of the company.A.directionB.decisionC.conditionD.orentation【答案】 A20、Dealers often tell customers that if their car gets wrecked in a crash they could be financially harmed because regular insurance may not_the entire amount owed

13、on the loan。A.pay upB.pay offC.pay outD.pay away【答案】 B21、资料:FOR TWO MARKETING EXECUTIVESA.table, oven and garmentB.wardrobe, printer and dryerC.bedside lamp, sofa and closetD.refrigerator, washing machine and laundry detergent【答案】 C22、资料:A man looking for art for his new home has won a $1 million Pi

14、casso painting with a $138 raffle ticket. Jeffrey Gonano told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review hes not sure hell ever hang the masterpiece in his home in Wexford, in western Pennsylvania, given its value. The 25-year-old Gonano, who works for his familys fire sprinkler business, learned Wednesday that his ticket had won the Paris raffle. Organizers say nearly 50,000 tickets we


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