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1、2024年度山西省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识押题练习试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、一位专家表示,如果疫情发生在一个中小城市,而不是这样的核心城市,当地政府不会如此紧张,担心引发城市的舆论危机和社会危机,也就会降低控制舆论的风险,从而采取有效措施来处理。同时,各方面对于中小城市的各种资源供给也会充裕,而且各种救助措施也会针对较少的人口而更为简洁和有效。A.大城市的管理难度比中小城市更大,特别是在暴发疫情的时候B.建议改变过去发展核心城市的策略,鼓励中小城市发展C.比起大城市,中小城市暴发疫情后的防控工作会更为简单有效D.疫情发生在中小城市的话,当地政府就不会紧张【答案】 C2、资料:Ma

2、ny people think of internal control as a means of safeguarding cash and preventing fraud. Although internal control is an important factor in protecting assets and preventing fraud, this is only a part of its roles. Remember that business decisions are based on accounting data and the system of inte

3、rnal control provides assurance of the dependability of the accounting data used in making decisions.A.internal accounting controlsB.internal financial controlsC.administrative controlsD.external controls【答案】 C3、资料:With 55% of consumers customer service interactions starting online and 63% of adults

4、 using their smartphone several times a month to seek customer service, your mobile customer service tactics are more important than ever.A.ExpectantB.Letting the customers to doC.Used toD.Paying customs duties【答案】 C4、资料:Up to 80 per cent of the worlds middle classes will live in developing countrie

5、s by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains in poverty reduction, according to a United Nations report published on Thursday.A.discuss why developing countries are playing major roleB.illustrate a theory for poverty reductionC.explain reasons behind a reportD.interpret the role of trade for developi

6、ng countries【答案】 C5、资料:Native ads - or ads that take on the look and feel of the content surrounding them - are taking over digital advertising.A.a business history bookB.a textbook about advertisementC.a business report websiteD.an introduction of a novel【答案】 C6、He has been studying here for three

7、years,by next summer he_.A.will graduateB.will have graduatedC.will be graduatedD.will be graduating【答案】 B7、资料:Did your childs brain shrink last summer? Probably not, but it may have shifted into reverse, according to a study by Dr. Harris Cooper, professor of psychology at the University of Missour

8、i-Columbia. The study found that when students return to school after a long summer vacation, theyve lost one to three months worth of learning.A.Lower-income children experienced lose in math over the summerB.Middle-class children gained in learning over the summerC.Lower-income children gained in

9、math over the summerD.Middle-class children suffered lose in math over the summer【答案】 B8、Last month, the unemployment rate increased by _ of a percent to nine point seven percent.A.twos-tenthsB.two-tenC.two-tenthsD.one-tenths【答案】 C9、苏州曾经是经济兴盛、文化发达、人才荟萃之地,明末清初以后,苏州士绅除少数人发生身份和观念转化外,多数人的传统观念仍根深蒂固。而作为社会

10、主流的士绅观念和意识往往通过各种渠道浸润展延,严重影响一般民众,正因如此,晚清苏州民风靡弱闲散,生活节奏缓慢,缺乏早期现代化必需的紧迫感与开拓精神。清末及民国初期,苏州人很少愿意将资本投入到现代实业中,以至于苏州钱庄吸收的存款在当地难以消纳,不得不转向外埠了求出路。A.清末苏州资金消纳的途径与方式B.苏州民众在士绅观念影响下的转变C.民国初期苏州实业发展衰落的原因D.士绅观念制约了近代苏州的现代化进程【答案】 D10、九华山是安徽“两山一湖”(黄山、九华山、太平湖)黄金旅游区的北部主入口、主景区。九华山是中国( )教四大名山之一。A.道B.佛C.伊斯兰D.基督【答案】 B11、2009年10月

11、2日在丹麦首都哥本哈根举行的国际奥委会第121届全会,关于2016年夏季奥运会举办城市的投票中,经过三轮投禀,()成功获得了2016年奥运会的主办权。A.芝加哥B.马德里C.东京D.里约热内卢【答案】 D12、某单位组织130名员工去参观自然博物馆,某运输公司有两种车辆可供选择:A.525B.530C.545D.585【答案】 A13、门捷列夫于1871年的化学元素的周期性依赖关系发表了第二个化学元素周期表,明确指出:元素的性质和它们的化合物的性质与元素的原子量有周期性的依赖关系,元素的性质是元素原子量的()。A.线性函数B.非线性函数C.周期函数D.非周期函数【答案】 C14、企业以经营租赁

12、方式租入的生产设备,应通过( )账簿反映。A.序时B.备查C.数量金额D.分类【答案】 B15、Indeed, some newly downgraded journalists are _ arguing that they are capable of separating professional and personal matters.A.indignantB.objectiveC.empiricalD.ingenious【答案】 A16、在我国,随着经济发展和改革的深入,“短缺经济”转变为“过剩经济”,投资消费需求膨胀一度转变为投资消费需求不足。1997年下半年,我国零售物价指数开

13、始全面持续下跌,存在“通货紧缩趋势”。为此中国人民银行采取了一系列货币政策措施予以应对。A.不动产信用控制B.窗口指导C.道义劝告D.直接干预【答案】 C17、Could you take a message for Mr Brown?A.may see;isntB.see;wont beC.will see;isntD.will be seeing;wont be【答案】 D18、需求拉上的通货膨胀可以通俗地表述为( )。A.太多的货币追求太多的商品B.太多的货币追求太少的商品C.太少的货币追求太多的商品D.太少的货币追求太少的商品【答案】 B19、九华山是安徽“两山一湖”(黄山、九华山、太

14、平湖)黄金旅游区的北部主入口、主景区。九华山是中国( )教四大名山之一。A.道B.佛C.伊斯兰D.基督【答案】 B20、We will support any opportunity for the railways_back into public ownership.A.be boughtB.to be boughtC.buyingD.be buying【答案】 B21、Are you going on a picnic this weekend or _weekend?A.the nextB.laterC.nextD.the later【答案】 C22、甲出资100万、乙出资200万、丙出资400万作为股东,共同成立了丁有限责任公司。下列说法中正确的是()。A.甲以600万出资额为限对丁公司承担责任B.乙以500万出资额为限对丁公司承担责任


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