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1、2024年人教版中考英语课标单词复习3知识清单一轮复习1. parking /pk/ n停车位;停车Parking can be tricky downtown.在市中心停车会很难。记忆技巧:park 停车,泊车 + -ing 名词后缀后缀-ing名词后缀beginningn. 开始,起初,开端begin 开始 + -n- + -ing 名词后缀buildingn. 建筑物build v.建筑 + -ing 名词后缀eveningn. 傍晚even adv.甚至 + -ing 名词后缀2. Goal n. 球门;射门;目标With the first goal he used his head

2、 in more ways than one. 他进第一个球时从多方面动了脑筋。3. deposit n. 存款,定金 v.存放,储蓄A % deposit is payable in advance.须预付%的押金。4. enhance/nhns;NAmE-hns/vt提高;增强;増进Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms.大幅画作能增加小房间的宽敞感。第三人称单数: enhances现在分词: enhancing过去式: enhanced过去分词: enhanced派生词: enhanced adj.

3、enhancement n.记忆技巧:en- 进入,使 + hance 高en-进入,使enablevt. 使可能en- 进入,使 + -able 可.的encouragevt. 支持en- 进入,使 + courage n.勇气5. rhythm/ rm/n节奏;韵律;规律Its a funky sort of rhythm.这是一种音低节奏强的旋律。复数: rhythms6. Sour adj. 酸的;有酸味的 The heat turned the milk sour. 炎热的天气使得牛奶变酸了。7. sensible a. 明智的A luggage rack is a sensible

4、 option.行李架是个明智的选择。8. hint n. 暗示,示意She let fall a further heavy hint.她似乎无意中又说出了一个明显的提示。9. Minister n. 大臣;部长第三人称单数: ministers复数: ministers现在分词: ministering过去式: ministered过去分词: ministeredHe put a question to the minister about the recent reforms. 他就最近的改革措施向部长提了一个问题。记忆技巧:mini- 小 + -ster 某种人10. 做运动 play

5、 sportsYou should allow your children to play sports. 你应该准许你的孩子们运动。11. emission/imn/ n 排放物;散发物;排放The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilized at their present level.二氧化碳等气体的排放应稳定在目前的水平。复数: emissions12. Product n.产品;制品The product of and is . 和的乘积是。 13: beside prep. 在.旁边,与.相比,与.无关

6、John walked over to my desk and sat down beside me.约翰走到我的书桌旁,在我身旁坐下。14.Nearby adj.adv.附件的,在附近Small local shops stop being economic when a supermarket opens up nearby. 附近的一家超市开业后,当地的小商店就没有利润可赚了。记忆技巧:near adv.近 + by prep.由15. Relief n. 轻松;解脱 Relief supplies were rushed in. 救援物资很快就运来了。16. Stamp n. 邮票;印

7、章The paper was of non-standard size. 这种纸的大小不标准。17. Kick v. 踢;踹 第三人称单数: kicks复数: kicks现在分词: kicking过去式: kicked过去分词: kicked He said I kicked him, but I never touched him! 他说我踢他了,可是我从来就没碰过他! 18. Survey n.调查 The survey has a margin of error of .%. 测量的误差幅度为.%。19. advertise/dvtaz/vt&vi公布;宣传;做广告Its simply

8、unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.给这样一个危险的产品做宣传广告是极不道德的。第三人称单数: advertises现在分词: advertising过去式: advertised过去分词: advertised记忆技巧:ad- 加强 + vert 转 + -ise .化前缀ad-加强adaptv. 适应(新情况)ad- 加强 + apt 适当的adequateadj. 充足的ad- 加强 + equ 相同,相等 + -ate 具有.的announce v. 广播通知辨析尤指在机场或火车站用广播通知。例证The

9、y announced that the flight was cancelled.他们通知该航班取消了。20. be proud of 为骄傲;感到自豪Your achievements are something to be proud of. 你的成就是值得骄傲的。21. leaf n 叶子第三人称单数: leaves复数: leaves现在分词: leafing过去式: leafed过去分词: leafedSeptember had come and the leaves were starting to fall. 已到九月了,树叶开始凋落。22. abuse/bjus/n滥用;虐待

10、;辱骂Rival fans hurled abuse at each other.两帮对立的球迷相互高声辱骂。第三人称单数: abuses复数: abuses现在分词: abusing过去式: abused过去分词: abused派生词: abuser n.记忆技巧:ab- 离去,相反 + use v.用abuse v. 滥用,妄用辨析指为了不正当的目的或谋取私利而滥用权力等,也指过量使用某物(如吸毒、酗酒等)而危害自身健康。例证He abused his position as Mayor to give jobs to his friends.他滥用市长的权力,任用了不少朋友。23. bl

11、anket/blkt/n毯子I wrapped a blanket around the baby.我用毯子把婴儿裹了起来。第三人称单数: blankets复数: blankets现在分词: blanketing过去式: blanketed过去分词: blanketed记忆技巧:blank adj.无装饰的 + -et 小东西24. architect n. 建筑师The architect drew the house in section.建筑师绘制了房子的剖面图。25. Fault n. 过失;缺点 第三人称单数: faults复数: faults现在分词: faulting过去式: f

12、aulted过去分词: faultedMany people live in poverty through no fault of their own. 很多人生活贫困并非他们自己有什么过错。26.Mobile a.可移的;非固定的复数: mobiles记忆技巧:mob 动,移动 + -ile .的On the screwdriver is provided with a mobile apparatus for gripping screw. 它是在螺丝刀上装有一可移动的夹持螺丝装置。27. alongside ,lsad:prep在旁边;与一起A police car pulled up

13、 alongside us.一辆警车在我们旁边停了下来。派生词: alongside adv.记忆技巧:along 沿着 + side 旁边后缀side旁边waysiden. 路旁way 路,道路 + side 旁边28. proceed prsid: v行进;继续做They had to take the finely balanced decision to let the visit proceed.他们不得不做出仔细权衡后的决定,让访问继续下去。第三人称单数: proceeds现在分词: proceeding过去式: proceeded过去分词: proceeded记忆技巧:pro-

14、向前,在前 + ceed 行走,服从advance v. 前进,进展辨析尤指士兵向前行进,也指科学技术发展进步。例证The soldiers were advancing towards the village nearby.士兵们正向附近的村庄挺进。前缀pro-向前,在前problemn. 问题pro- 向前,在前 + blem 抛processn. (为达到某一目标的)过程pro- 向前,在前 + cess 行走,撤退29. 关心;在意 care about Its precisely because I care about you that I dont like you staying out late. 正因为我关心你,我才不要你太晚回家。 30. notion n. 概念;意图,想法She had only a vague notion of what might happen.对于可能发生的事她只有一个模糊的概念。31. sensible a. 明智的A luggage rack is a sensible option.行李架是个明智的选择。32. emerge/md



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