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1、2024年度吉林省教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力典型题汇编及答案一单选题(共60题)1、Passage 2A.The habit of thinking independentlyB.Profound knowledge of the worldC.Practical abilities for future careerD.The confidence in intellectual pursuits【答案】 C2、Passage 1A.dressB.workC.accentD.meal【答案】 C3、Social change is more likely to occur in s

2、ocieties where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. There are more ideas, more disagreements in interest, an

3、d more groups and organizations with different beliefs. In addition, there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies. All these factors tend to protnote social change by opening more areas of life to decision.A.certain factors that determine the ease with which s

4、ocial changes occurB.certain factors that promote social changeC.the necessity of social changeD.two different societies【答案】 A4、_ annoys me a great deal to hear people blaming everything. Why cant they just be a little more positive?A.WhatB.ItC.ThatD.As【答案】 B5、Toms school was on the other side of th

5、e road, so he was told to watch out for cars whent _he street.A.crossingB.crossC.crossedD.to cross【答案】 A6、Passage 1A.They are used by all plants and animals to tell timeB.Pigeons biological clocks are regulated every day with the sunriseC.The built-in biological clocks cannot be changedD.They gradua

6、lly developed as pigeons grow mature【答案】 B7、Campaigning on the Indian frontier is an experience by itself.Neither the landscape nor the people find their counterpartsA.Melting snowsB.Large populationC.Steep hillsidesD.Fertile valleys【答案】 B8、When it comes to airline travel, perhaps nothing has revolu

7、tionized the passenger experience more than airline apps. Indeed, theyre becoming so ubiquitous that more than 50 percent of U.S travelers have at least one airline app installed on their smart device, according to travel industry research firm Phocuswright.A.Realization of their unfulfilled dreamsB

8、.A better service via computing devicesC.An unoccupied signal on the phone lineD.Immediate access to the needed information【答案】 D9、To teach students writing effectively,teachers may guide students through the writing process as follows:A.B.C.D.【答案】 C10、There is no need_ to teach children how to beha

9、ve.A.howeverB.whatsoeverC.foreverD.whenever【答案】 B11、Which of the following can be adopted at the pre-reading activity?A.Rearranging the materialsB.Brainstorming the topicC.Writing a similar textD.Giving summary and comment【答案】 B12、Passage 1 A.Ones worth lies in his performance compared with othersB.

10、Ones success in competition needs great effortsC.Ones achievement is determined by his particular skillsD.Ones success is based on how hard he has tried【答案】 A13、Passage 1A.UnconsciousnessB.FascinationC.ScareD.Confusion【答案】 B14、The policeman ran after the man and _ him by the arm.A.stoppedB.reachedC.

11、shotD.caught【答案】 D15、He resented to wait and expected the minister_him immediately upon his arrival.A.to be asked; to seeB.being asked; to seeC.to be asked; seeingD.being asked; seeing【答案】 B16、请阅读短文,完成第小题。A.BiasedB.PositiveC.CriticalD.Negative【答案】 C17、请阅读Passage 1。完成第小题。A.decreaseB.enlargeC.weakenD.

12、eliminate【答案】 A18、请阅读短文。A.Travel advices are not importantB.Travel medicine is hard to be credibleC.How to prevent and treat disease can actually help travel medicine popularizeD.People havent realized the importance of travel medicine【答案】 C19、David took a test and his score wasat the top 10 percent

13、 in his class.This is aninterpretation of the result of a_ test.A.diagnosticB.formativeC.norm-referencedD.criterion-referenced【答案】 C20、请阅读Passage 1, 完成第小题。A.Formative AssessmentB.Success in Meeting StandardsC.A New Mission of AssessmentD.Limitations of Current School Ranking【答案】 C21、Passage 1A.The m

14、ore a person cheats, the more creative he isB.Cheating is likely to encourage creativity to some extentC.A person who cheats is more creative than a person who doesn tD.A person who is creative cheats more than a person who is less creative【答案】 B22、Passage 2A.toleranceB.skepticismC.uncertaintyD.approval【答案】 C


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