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1、高考英语应用文话题高级素材一、包容与合作【基础类素材】(微语境1:与同学产生矛盾)To be honest, we both were to blame. We were not calm enough and both said something really mean. Besides, I think that we care too much about winning and losing, leaving friendship and unity aside.说实话,我们俩都有错。我们都不够冷静,都说了一些很刻薄的话。此外,我认为我们太在乎输赢,把友谊和团结丢在一旁。Facing

2、 such conflicts, we should be kind, which is essential to enjoy a harmonious campus life. It is also a virtue to forgive and forget. Instead of blaming each other, we should communicate more and try to be considerate to handle conflicts calmly and wisely.面对这样的冲突,我们应该善良,这是享受和谐校园生活的必要条件。原谅和忘记也是一种美德。我们

3、不应该互相指责,而应该多沟通,尽量体谅,冷静、明智地处理冲突。/First of all, try to communicate with Tim about your feelings. If possible, suggest Tim to turn down the music to a level both of you would like to accept instead of having a conflict. Whats more, just find out what hobbies you both have in common, so that you can not

4、 only share wonderful moments together but also live under the same roof in harmony/ in a more harmonious atmosphere.首先,试着和蒂姆谈谈你的感受。如果可能的话,建议蒂姆把音乐的音量调低到你们都愿意接受的程度,而不是产生冲突。更重要的是,找出你们都有什么共同爱好,这样你们不仅可以一起分享美好的时光,而且还可以在一个和谐的氛围中生活在同一个屋檐下。Going well with your roommate plays a significant role in your senio

5、r life. Its sincere communication that can melt away the ice between two hearts. Only by changing/adjusting your attitude can you live in a more delightful mood.与室友相处融洽在你的老年生活中扮演着重要的角色。只有真诚的沟通,才能融化两颗心之间的冰。只有改变你的态度,你才能以更愉快的心情生活。(微语境2:包容协作)In this modern world, if we want to be informed or complete ou

6、r work better and more efficiently, there is an urgent need for all of us to learn to cooperate with others. Not only can cooperation save us a lot of time, energy and resources, but also we can learn much from each other.在这个现代世界,如果我们想更好、更有效地了解情况或完成工作,我们所有人都迫切需要学会与他人合作。合作不仅可以节省我们大量的时间、精力和资源,而且我们可以相互

7、学习很多东西。Well be lucky enough to find someone who holds the same belief to cooperate with due to the fact that we can understand each other and share our joy and sorrow happily. However, it can be difficult to cooperate with someone who is different from us in many respects. In this case, well have to

8、 learn to put up with some of his shortcomings and try to discover his advantages.我们会很幸运地找到一个拥有相同信念的人来合作,因为我们可以相互理解,快乐地分享我们的喜怒哀乐。然而,与在许多方面与我们不同的人合作是很困难的。在这种情况下,我们必须学会容忍他的一些缺点,并努力发现他的优点。(微语境3:团队精神)Team spirit is highly appreciated nowadays because having strong team spirit can improve productivity an

9、d creativity. I would like to offer some advice on how to develop team spirit.如今,团队精神受到高度赞赏,因为强大的团队精神可以提高生产力和创造力。我想就如何培养团队精神提供一些建议。First, team members should have a common goal they need to achieve. Second, everyone is supposed to take an active part in the project and do his own duty. Third. its im

10、portant for team members to communicate with each other and share their experience. By making joint efforts, team members will be able to attain their goal in the end.首先,团队成员应该有一个共同的目标,他们需要实现。第二,每个人都应该积极参与这个项目,做好自己的职责。第三。团队成员之间相互交流和分享经验是很重要的。通过共同努力,团队成员最终将能够达到他们的目标。意义类素材【高级】Fostering an atmosphere o

11、f inclusivity and tolerance is crucial for nurturing understanding and respect among individuals of diverse backgrounds. Embracing differences and practicing tolerance not only cultivates empathy but also builds bridges between people, thus facilitating a more harmonious and accepting society.营造包容和宽

12、容的氛围对于培养不同背景个体之间的理解和尊重至关重要。拥抱差异和实践宽容不仅培养了共情,还在人与人之间架起了桥梁,促进了更和谐、更接纳的社会。Effective teamwork is the cornerstone of achieving collective goals and igniting sparkles of innovation.高效的团队合作是实现集体目标和激发创新的基石。Collaborating as a team allows individuals to pool their strengths and skills, working together toward

13、s common objectives. This not only enhances productivity but also generates a supportive and positive work atmosphere.团队合作让个体能够集合各自的优势和技能,共同努力实现共同目标。这不仅提高了生产力,还促进了支持性和积极的工作氛围。二、公益与志愿【基础类素材】(微语境1:亚运志愿)To begin with, I am a high-school student, who has obtained considerable English proficiency both in

14、 writing and speaking through more than a decades learning. Second, enthusiastic and outgoing, I myself am a young man always ready to offer hands to others.首先,我是一名高中生,经过十多年的学习,我已经具备了相当的英语听说读写能力。第二,热情外向,我是一个乐于助人的年轻人.Lucky enough to be selected, I would be more than delighted to work as a crew in the

15、 service department providing guidance or sharing interesting stories behind the delicious Chinese food.如果我有幸被选中,我将非常高兴在服务部门担任工作人员,提供指导或分享美味的中国食物背后的有趣故事。(微语境2:志愿服务讲话)Today, on the occasion of International Volunteer Day, as President of School Volunteer Association, I would like to express my heartf

16、elt gratitude to our school volunteers. Your tireless efforts have made a significant difference.今天,在国际志愿者日到来之际,我作为学校志愿者协会主席,向我们学校的志愿者们表示衷心的感谢。你们孜孜不倦的努力已经产生了巨大的影响。Volunteering is not only beneficial to those who we assist but also to ourselves.For one thing, it improves other peoples quality of life. For another. engaging in volunteer work allows us to develop essential skills like teamwork and leadership and n


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