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1、2023 年山年山东东省菏省菏泽泽市中考英市中考英语语试试卷卷选择题选择题一一、听力。第一听力。第一节节听听下面下面 5 个句子,个句子,每每个句子后有三幅个句子后有三幅图图画画。每个句子每个句子仅仅读读一遍。一遍。请请你从你从每每题题 所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出与与句句子内子内容容相符相符的的图图画画,并,并标标在在试试卷的卷的相相应应位位置。置。1(1.5 分)2(1.5 分)3(1.5 分)4(1.5 分)5(1.5 分)第第二二节节听听下面下面 5 个个句子句子,每每个个句句子子后有后有一一道道小小题题。每每个个句句子子读读两遍两遍。请请你你听听完完句子句子

2、的的第第二二遍朗遍朗读读后后,从从 每每题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳答答语语,并并标标在在试试卷卷的相的相应应位位置置。6(1.5 分)A.Yes I can.B.Theyre yellow.C.No,thanks.7(1.5 分)A.Next to the bank.B.About two kilometers.C.Once a week.8(1.5 分)A.Its sunny.B.Lets go shopping.C.I have a headache.9(1.5 分)A.On November 29,2022.B.By plane.C.In Chin

3、a.10(1.5 分)A.It doesnt matter.B.The Monkey King.C.Enjoy yourself.第第三三节节听听下面下面 5 段段对话对话,每每段段对对话话后有后有一一道道小小题题。每每段段对对话话和和问问题题读读两两遍遍。请请你你听听完完对话对话和和问问题题的第二的第二 遍遍朗朗读读后后,每,每题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选项选项,并并标标在在试试卷卷的相的相应应位位置置。11(1.5 分)Who is the girl on the left?A.Sallys mother.B.Sally.C.Sallys siste

4、r.12(1.5 分)How does Tom usually get to school?A.By bus.B.By bike.C.On foot.13(1.5 分)What does Li Ming advise Alice to do?A.Talk to her parents.B.Ask the teacher for help.C.Help each other.14(1.5 分)Where will they probably go tonight?A.A city park.B.A supermarket.C.A movie theater.15(1.5 分)Whats the

5、relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Classmates.C.Doctor and patient.第第四四节节。听听下下面面一一段短段短文文,短短文文后后有有五道五道小小题题。短短文文和和问问题读题读两两遍遍。请请你你听听完完短文短文和和问问题题的第的第二二遍朗遍朗读读 后后,从从每每题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选项选项,并并标标在在试试卷卷的相的相应应位位置置。16(7.5 分)(1)Where is Wang Yongheng from?A Hunan Province.B.S

6、handong Province.C.Hubei Province.(2)Who jumped into the water to save Wang Yonghengs son?A.A boy.B.A girl.C.Wang Yongheng.(3)Why did Wang Yongheng volunteer to join a team?A.To look after his little son.B.To teach people how to swim.C.To pass down the good spirits.(4)How many people has Wang Yongbe

7、ng saved over the past ten years?A.58.B.Less than 30.C.More than 30.(5)What do you think of Wang Yongheng?A.Helpful.B Quiet.C.Polite.二二、英英语语知知识识运运用用。第一第一节节 单单项项填填空空。从。从 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中,中,选选出出可可以填以填入入空白空白处处的的最最佳佳选选项项。17(1 分)Is this your pen?No,it isnt.red one is mine.()AABAn18(1 分)What club do you wa

8、nt to join?I want to join aclub.I can sing and dance.(A sportsB musicCThe)C chess19(1 分)I think Wu Jing actsin the movie The Wandering Earth II.Me,too.He is one of my favorite Chinese actors()AbestB worstC earliest 20(1 分)Can youwhat our life will be like in 100 years?Yes.Everybody can travel to the

9、 moon freely.()A imagineB produceC improve 21(1 分)Hurry up!The bus is leaving soon.Dont worry.There istime left.()A noB littleC a little 22(1 分)Teenagers these daystheir parents too much.Yes,I think they should learn to be independent.()A depend onB take afterC cheer up 23(1 分)Tina,I called you just

10、 now but nobody answered.Oh,Ia shower.()A am takingB was takingC has taken 24(1 分)Where are you going this summer vacation?Igo to Zibo,but Im not sure.()A mustB needntC might 25(1 分)Could you please tell me?It will start at 8:00 this evening.(A.when the concert will startB.when will the concert star

11、tC.where the concert will be held)26(1 分)Excuse me,would you mind if I sit here?.Sit down,please.(A Im sorryC Dont say that)B Of course not第第二二节节 完完形形填填空空。阅阅读读下下面面短短文文,从从短短文文后后各小各小题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中,选选出出可可以以填入填入空空白白处处的的最最佳佳选选项项。27(10 分)Pinocchio promises the Fairy(仙女)to be good and to study h

12、ard,because he wishes to become a real boy.Can I go out to give out the invitations?Pinocchio asked the Fairy.Of course,but remember to(1)home before dark.Ill be back in one hour.I promise,answered Pinocchio.In less than an hour,all his friends were invited except Romeo who was his best(2).Romeo was

13、 the laziest boy in school and the biggest trouble maker,but Pinocchio loved him the most.Pinocchio searched everywhere,and(3)found him hiding near a farmers wagon(车).What are you doing here?asked Pinocchio.I am waiting for midnight.Why?To go far,far away!Where are you going?To Toyland.Its the most(

14、4)country in the world!Come with me,Pinocchio!Me?No,I cant!Believe me!Youll be really sorry(5)you dont come.There are no schools in Toyland.Every day is a Saturday except for Sunday.How do people(6)their days in Toyland?Days are spent in play and enjoyment.At right one goes to bed happy and satisfie

15、d,and the next morning,the good times(7)all over again.What do you think of that?Hmm.,said Pinocchio,Thats the kind of(8)Ive always wanted.So are you coming with me,then?Yes or no?You have to(9)your own decision.No,no!said Pinocchio,I promised my kind Fairy that I would become a good boy(10).The sun

16、 is setting now,and I must leave you and run home.Goodbye and good luck to you!(1)A.loveB.buildC.return(2)A.teacherB.friendC.student(3)A.easilyB.seriouslyC.finally(4)A.wonderfulB.deliciousC.boring(5)A.althoughB.ifC.unless(6)A.spendB.missC.forget(7)A.beginB.finishC.fly(8)A.toyB.lifeC.book(9)A.seeB.sellC.make(10)A.promiseB.dayC.diary三三、阅阅读读理解理解。第第一一节阅节阅读读下列下列短短文文,从每从每题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中,中,选选出出最最佳佳选选项项。28(6 分)Sixteen year old Yang Shuncheng of China won in the Artistic Swimming World Cup inSom


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