Unit 3《The secret of success》Task教案1(译林版选修)

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Unit 3《The secret of success》Task教案1(译林版选修)_第1页
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1、Unit 3The secret of successThe fifth period -Task Teaching Aims:To train the students ability of writing.To practise writing a recipe for successTeaching procedure:Skill building 1:Listening to announcements.When you are listening to an announcement, you need to listen for important content or detai

2、ls. Fill in the blanks with the information you get from the book. 1. _.2. _.3. _.4. _.5. _.6. _.7. _.8. _.Step 1: taking notes about a speech competition.A. Listen to an announcement for a speech competition and fill in the blanks in your book.Answers:B. Listen to the conversation and fill in the b

3、lanks in your book.Answers:1._.2._.3._.4._.C. Read the text “success” and find out tips for being successful.Skill building 2: responding to advice.Find out the three tips when responding to advice.1. Listen actively. 2. Ask questions for clarification.3. Express thanks.Step 2: responding to advice

4、about the speech competition. A sample dialogue:S: Hello, sir. Id like very much to take part in the speech competition. Could you give me some advice?T: Sure.S: I want to choose a poem. But I dont know how.T: You can read some poetry books or look on the internet. There are a great many good poems

5、there.S: Thank you, sir. Which story should I write about ? T: Thats a good question. Youd better choose something interesting that happened in your life.S: You mean the real thing in my life?T: Thats it. Real experience brings about real feelings. People tend to be easily touched by this kind of st

6、ories.S: Thanks a lot. Now I know what to write about. How much practice do I need?T: A lot. Its useful to practise in front of a mirror or record your voice. You can listen to it and improve yourself.S: I do feel a bit nervous when thinking about the speech competition. How can I overcome my nerves

7、?T: Take it easy. Stay calm. You may take deep breathing exercises before your speech. When you come to the stage, you may just look at one point of the audience. Just look at those who smile to you.S: Oh, I see. Thats very kind of you. But I still dont know how to act on stage.T: You should choose

8、your clothes carefully. Your speech not your clothes will catch the audiences eyes. You should be confident, stand up straight and most important of all, be natural. Whatever you say or do should be natural. Just open your mouth and act as usual. Its easy to do. Remember, this is the key to success.

9、S: Thank you so much. You are very experienced . Now I am very confident. Any other advice?T: Oh, listen carefully to the instructions. Go to the stage when it is your turn. Dont miss it. S: OK. Thank you. Bye!T: Bye!Act out the sample dialogue first and then make up your own ones to act out in clas

10、s.Step 3: Writing your recipe for success.In order to be successful at something, it is important to have a plan. Which aspects would you think about?1. _2. _3. _4._ My recipe for successOverall aim.My aim is to win first place in the _.Qualities I need to develop.Qualities that are important include being motivated, creative _. Research In order to succeed, I need to work hard at my English skills, particularly_.Advice If I am to be successful, I need to remember to have confidence and look _.


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