Unit 26《Emotions》互动课堂 学案1(北师大版选修9)

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Unit 26《Emotions》互动课堂 学案1(北师大版选修9)_第1页
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1、Unit 26Emotions互动课堂疏导引导一、词汇详解1. determined adj. 坚决的, 有决心的(Page 24)典型例句He was determined to do it better than Mike.他决心比迈克做得更好。He was determined that no one (should) know anything about it.他决心不让任何人知道此事。知识小结be determined to do sth. 决定做某事be determined that.决定做特别提示determined to do sth. 表示“决心干某事”, 置于句首作状语

2、时, 不能用determining to do sth. 。相关链接determine v. 决定Have you determined where to spend the holiday?你有没有决定去哪里度假?determine sth. 决定某事determine to do sth. 决定做某事determine on/upon sth. 决定某事determine that.决定determination n. 决心活学巧用1. 1)观察简答determine that/be determined that.“决心/决定做某事”中, 后面的从句有何特点?答案:从句谓语动词用shou

3、ld+动词原形, should可以省略。2)完成句子(1)虽然面临许多困难, 但我决心要获得成功。I _ though I have to face many difficulties.(2)后天培养对于一个人性格的形成起着重要的作用。Upbringing plays an important part in _.答案:(1)am determined to succeed(2)determining a persons character3)单项填空He has _ that nothing should prevent him _ to work in the countryside.A.

4、 determined;goingB. determined;to goC. decided;goingD. decided;to go提示:本题题意:“他已下定决心, 什么也不能阻止他到农村工作。”prevent sb. (from) doing sth. “阻止某人做某事”;determine that.“决心做”;decide that.“肯定, 断定”之意。答案:A2. let down 使(某人)失望;把(衣服)放长, 加长(Page 24)典型例句Im afraid she will let us down badly.恐怕她会让我们大失所望。The machine wont le

5、t you down.你尽管放心, 这机器不会出毛病。This skirt needs letting down.这条裙子需要放长一点。相关链接let sb. alone不要管(惹、碰等), 不打扰, 不惊动let alone更不用说, 更何况let in嵌入, 让进去let me see让我想想看(考虑一下)let off燃放;使爆炸;开枪let out泄露, 透露;发出;出租let.through使通过活学巧用2. 1)完成句子(1)我认为他不会让我们失望。I dont think he _.(2)你妈妈累了别打扰她!Your mothers tired_!(3)这孩子连爬都不会, 更不用

6、说走了。The baby cant even crawl yet;_walk.答案:(1)will let us down(2)let her alone(3)let alone2)单项填空He accidentally _ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks.A. let outB. took careC. made sureD. made out提示:句意为:“他偶然透露他与妻子吵架了, 有两周没回家了。”let out“泄露, 透露;发出”;take care (

7、of)“关心, 照顾”;make sure“确保, 弄清楚”;make out“看透;弄懂;看清”。答案:A3. It wouldnt bother me much. (Page 25)那不会打扰我。bother vt. 打扰, 使烦恼, 使不安vi. 操心, 花费时间精力(做某事)n. 烦扰, 麻烦典型例句Its not worth bothering with an umbrellathe cars just outside.不必打伞汽车就停在外面。I dont want to bother her with my problems at the moment.我此刻不想让她为我的事操心。

8、Sorry to bother you, but theres a call for you on line two.很抱歉打扰你一下, 二号线有你的电话。I dont want to put you to any bother.我不想给你添乱子。相关链接bother sb. with/about sth. 为某事打扰或烦扰某人The thing that bothers sb. is.让某人感到不安的是bother with/about sth. 操心做某事be bothered about sb. /sth. 认为重要, 关心put sb. to any bother 给某人添乱bothe

9、rsome adj. 引起麻烦的, 困扰人的活学巧用3. 1)完成句子(1)我正忙着, 不要打扰我。Im busy;_.(2)我现在不想做功课, 明天再做吧。I cant be _ my homework now. Ill do it tomorrow.(3)今天晚上你想做什么?做什么都行。What would you like to do this evening?Im _ really.答案:(1)dont bother me(2)bothered to do(3)not bothered2)单项填空Im sorry to have _ you with so many questions

10、 on such an occasion.A. interferedB. offendedC. impressedD. bothered提示:句意为:“很抱歉, 在这时候用这么多问题打扰你。”bother sb. with sth. “以某事打扰某人”;interfere为不及物动词, 与with搭配表示“干涉, 干扰”;offend“冒犯, 伤害(别人的)感情”;impress“给留下印象”。答案:D4. Id be looking forward to it. (Page 25)我盼望着这事的到来。look forward to 期盼典型例句The children are looking

11、 forward to visiting the Summer Palace.孩子们期待着去参观颐和园。They are looking forward to the party.他们在盼望着聚会。相关链接带介词to的有关短语:be/get used to(习惯于), stick to(坚持), lead to(导致), object to(反对), devote ones time/energy/oneself to(把奉献给), get down to(开始认真地做某事), pay attention to(注意)Rose has been used to getting up early

12、.罗斯已经习惯于早起。I object to going out for a picnic.我反对外出野餐。活学巧用4. 1)观察简答look forward to中的to为_词, 故其后可接_。答案:介;名词、代词或v. -ing形式2)完成句子(1)我们都在盼望你的到来。Were all_.(2)请多加注意每天说英语。Please pay_ English every day.答案:(1)looking forward to your coming(2)more attention to speaking3)单项填空The moment we had been looking forwar

13、d to_ at last.A. comeB. have comeC. comingD. came提示:句子的主干是The moment came at last。“(that) we had been looking forward to”作定语。答案:D5. Id feel a sense of satisfaction. (Page 25)我会有满足感。satisfaction n. 满足, 高兴, 满意(不可数);令人满意的事(可数)典型例句I heard the news with great/much satisfaction.我听到这个消息感到非常满意。The war came

14、to an end, to the satisfaction of everybody.令大家满意的是, 战争结束了。相关链接satisfy vt. 满足;使满意satisfied adj. (人)满意的satisfying adj. 令人感到满意的The result of the experiment is satisfying.实验结果令人满意。be satisfied with 对感到满意Shes not satisfied with anything but the best.她事事都要最好方才罢休。satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需要活学巧用5. 1)观察简答令某人满意的是_非常满意_答案:to ones satisfaction/to the satisfaction of sb.with great/much satisfaction2)完成句子公司力图改


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