高中英语(人教版必修三)课时作业:Unit 5Period Two

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1、Period TwoLanguage Points.语境填词1She is a C_,for she comes from Canada.2Asia is the biggest c_ all over the world.3Our teacher is very easygoing,so we all like to have a c_ with him.4Zou Cheng is a city with beautiful s_.5You can make up your b_ for your travel tomorrow.6When he woke up,he found himse

2、lf _(围绕) by many flowers.7If you want to know the exact area of your room,you can _(测量) it by yourself.8Not everyone lives in the _(城市的) area.9_(鹰) stands for power in the western culture.10The centre of our city is moving _(向东).选词填空1_ take the aeroplane all the way,the two cousins took the train to

3、 enjoy their journey.After 2._ in their seats,they were eager to enjoy the beautiful scenery in Canada.They found the whole country 3._ tall trees.Fortunately,they 4._ some mountain goats and even an eagle when they crossed the Rocky Mountains.Through 5._ other people,they got to know many Canadians

4、 6._ riding wild horses.They enjoyed the travel very much and 7._ deal with the difficulties they met on the way.同义词辨析1用manage to,try to的适当形式填空(1)He _ pass the message to his boss.(2)He _ pass the message to his boss,but failed.(3)He _ avoid an accident.2用border,boundary,frontier的适当形式填空(1)The two ar

5、mies clashed near the _.(2)The river is the _ between the two countries.(3)Passport must be shown at the _.(4)The murderer escaped across the _.单项填空1Mrs.White found her husband _ by letters and papers and _ very worried.Asurrounding;looked Bsurrounded;lookedCsurrounding;looking Dsurrounded;looking2O

6、n the contrary,I think it is Truman,_ you,_ to blame.Amore than;areBless than;who areCrather than;that isDrather than;is3_is the population of Shanghai?AHow many BHow muchCWhat DHow4The problem_,they all went home happily.Asettling Bto be settledCsettled Dto settle5He suddenly saw Sue_the street.He

7、pushed his way_the crowd of people to get to her.Aacross;across Bover;throughCover;into Dacross;through6_in the fields on a March afternoon,he could feel the warmth of spring.ATo walk BWalkingCWalked DHaving walked7To ensure the safety at home,parents should not put the medicine _ the reach of their

8、 children.Aout of BwithinCaway from Dup from8They were poor,but they _ a computer for their son.Amanaged buying Btried buyingCmanaged to buy Dtried to buy9_ we know,the hotter it gets,the better he likes it.ABecause BWhenCAs far as DThat10Mrs.Taylor has_8yearold daughter who has_gift for painting.Sh

9、e has won two national prizes.Aa;a Ban;theCan;a Dthe;a.完形填空A shepherd was herding(放牧) his sheep when suddenly a brand new sports car came out of a dust cloud towards him.The_1_was a young man in a new designer suit,designer _2_,designer sunglasses and a designer tie.He_3_out the window and asked the

10、 shepherd,“If I tell you _4_ how many sheep you have here,will you give me one?”The shepherd_5_the man,then his peaceful sheep and_6_ answered,“Sure.Why not?”The young man _7_his car,took out his_8_,connected it to his mobile phone,surfed to a page on the Internet where he called up a satellite navi

11、gation system(卫星导航系统)_9_,he printed out a fullcolour,150page report on his hitech _10_,he turned to the shepherd and said,“You have exactly 1,586 sheep.”“Thats right.” said the shepherd,“I guess you can _11_ one of my sheep.”The shepherd then said to the young man,“Hey,if I can_12_ you exactly what

12、your _13_is,will you give me back my sheep?”The young man thought about it for a(an) _14_and then said:“Okay,_15_?”“You are a consultant (顾问),” said the shepherd.“Wow! Thats _16_,” said the young man.“But how did you _17_that?”“No guessing required.” answered the shepherd.“You showed up here _18_nob

13、ody called you,you want to get _19_ for an answer that I already knew,to a question I _20_asked and its obvious you dont know a thing about my business.Now give me back my sheep.”1A.cyclist BdriverCteacher Dpilot 2A.clothes BtrousersCsocks Dshoes3A.leaned BtookCput Dlooked4A.exactly BgenerallyCquickly Dsimilarly5A.turned to Bstared atClooked at Dpointed to6A.stilly BquietlyCangrily Dcalmly7A.moved BturnedCparked Dran8A.counter BcomputerCbook Dpencil9A.Finally BHoweverCEven DTherefore10A.car


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