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1、2023年度河北省衡水市深州市小学教师公开招聘真题练习试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、大脑可以随意支配的肌肉是()。A.骨骼肌B.心肌C.血管平滑肌D.子宫平滑肌【答案】 A2、根据下面资料,回答题 A.failureB.successC.benefitD.fault【答案】 B3、新课程提倡的学习方式不包括()。A.自主学习B.合作学习C.探究学习D.接受学习【答案】 D4、在整个数学教育的过程中都应该培养学生的应用意识,()是培养应用意识很好的载体。A.亲子活动B.师生活动C.综合实践活动D.数学竞赛活动【答案】 C5、The biggest whale is _ blue whal

2、e, which grows to be about 29 meters longthe height of _ 9-story building.A.the; theB.a; aC.a; theD.the; a【答案】 D6、Do you know that womens brains are smaller than mens? Normally the womens brain weighs 10% less than mens. Since research has shown that the bigger the brain, the cleverer the animal, me

3、n must be more intelligent than women. Right? Wrong. Men and women always score similarly on intelligence tests, despite the difference in brain size. Why? After years of study, researchers have concluded that its whats inside that matters, not just the size of the brain. The brain is made up of “gr

4、ey matter” and “white matter”. While men have more of the white matter, the amount of “thinking” brain is almost the same in both men and women.A.ways of being more intelligentB.differences between men and womenC.studies on brains between two sexesD.studies on white matter and grey matter【答案】 C7、“正始

5、之音”的文学作品特征是()。A.反映民生疾苦的作品多B.抒发豪情壮志的作品多C.描写山水美景的作品多D.抒写个人忧愤的作品多【答案】 D8、班主任工作的中心环节是()。A.制定班级工作计划B.组织和培养班集体C.全面了解和研究学生D.做好个别教育工作【答案】 B9、“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. And sorry I could not travel both. And be one traveler, long I stood”comes from the work of _.A.Robert FrostB.Emily DicksonC.Jack

6、 London【答案】 A10、Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are very busy working to 16 the family. They don t act in the 17 ways that I read in books or I see on TV. 18 flowers to each other on Valentine s Day is even more 19 . One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(床罩).

7、I 20 sat down beside her and looked at her. Mom, is there love between you and Dad? I asked her in a 21voice. A.OnceB.ThoughC.WhenD.Unless【答案】 A11、 加涅将学生学习划分为智慧技能等5种类型的依据()A.不同的学习情景B.不同的学习层次C.不同的学习结果D.不同的学习水平【答案】 C12、关于知识和能力的关系,正确的观点是( )。A.知识越多,能力越强B.能力主要是在知识的学习中获得的C.专门训练学生的能力比掌握知识重要得多D.知识的掌握依赖于能力的增

8、强【答案】 D13、提问者要求列举“铅笔”的各种用途,得到的答案可能是“写字、画画、武器、礼品、润滑剂、直尺划线”这种思维属于( )。A.直觉思维B.抽象思维C.聚合思维D.发散思维【答案】 D14、幻想是( )的一种特殊形式。A.再造想象B.创造想象C.无意想象D.空想【答案】 B15、 “心理相容”是良好师生关系特征中师生之间的()方面表现。A.群体关系B.人际关系C.心理关系D.工作关系【答案】 C16、根据下面资料,回答题 A.thoughtsB.experiencesC.dilemmasD.confusions【答案】 B17、影响自尊的因素,包括( )。A.家庭中的亲子关系B.行为

9、表现的反馈C.选择参与和扬长避短D.理性地进行社会比较【答案】 A18、定义在R上的奇函数f(x),满足f(x+4)=-f(x),且在0,2为增函数,则有( )。A.f(19)f(24)f(-25)B.f(24)f(19)f(-25)C.f(-25)f(19)f(24)D.f(-25)f(24)f(19)【答案】 A19、Now and again I have had horrible dreams, but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams. To begin with, I like the idea of d

10、reaming, of going to bed and lying still and then, by some queer magic, wandering into another kind of existence. As a child I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss about any holiday. This still puzzles me. I am mystified by people who say they

11、 never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject. It is much more astonishing than if they said they never went out for a walk. Most people or at least more Western Europeans do not seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives. They appear to see it as an irritating little habit, like sn

12、eezing or yawning. A.it makes us enjoy a different lifeB.we can avoid terrible things in real lifeC.we can experience various emotions in dreamsD.it can help us regain the innocent moments of life【答案】 A20、()被称为“欧洲第二个蒙娜丽莎”。A.戴珍珠耳环的少女B.静坐的莫瓦特谢夫人C.戴珍珠的妇女D.欧米哀尔【答案】 C21、“十年树木,百年树人”体现的教师劳动特点是_。A.创造性B.广延性C

13、.长期性D.示范性【答案】 C22、周访字士达,本汝南安城人也。汉末避地江南,至访四世。吴平,因家庐江寻阳焉。访少沉毅,谦而能让,果于断割,周穷振乏,家无余财。为县功曹,时陶侃为散吏,访荐为主簿相与结友,以女妻侃子瞻。访察孝廉,除郎中、上甲令,皆不之官。A.周穷振乏,家无余财 振:振作B.吏误收访,访奋击收者 收:收留C.访复以舟师造湘城 造:前往D.访威风既著,远近悦服 悦:愉快【答案】 C23、按部首查字法,下列说法正确的一项是()。A.“乘”查“丿”部,再查九画B.“尽”查“丶”部,再查五画C.“亟”查“一”部,再查七画D.“农”查“冖”部,再查五画【答案】 C24、根据下面资料,回答A.non-prescriptionalB.counter offeringC.cheap and easy-to-getD.illegal【答案】 A25、义务教育阶段的数学课程标准应体现基础性、普及性、(),使数学教育要面向全体学生,适应学生个性发展的需要,使得:人人都能获得必需的数学,不同的人在数学上得到不同的发展。A.发展性B.全面性C.准确性D.稳定性【答案】 A26、甲乙两班同学学习一段材料,甲班同学学习后不久就


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