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1、2023年度河北省沧州市黄骅市小学教师公开招聘全真模拟考试试卷B卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、根据下面资料,回答A.it is a profitable businessB.it can strengthen gardeners ability to remark natureC.a gardener can enjoy a very happy marriageD.nature is a source of joy forever【答案】 D2、提出需要层次的心理学学是()A.桑代克B.奥苏伯尔C.马斯洛D.班杜拉【答案】 C3、国家根据一定的教育目的和培养目标制定的有关学校教育和教学工作

2、的指导性文件是()。A.教学大纲B.课程计划C.教科书D.课本【答案】 B4、 Ive already told you that I m going to buy it, _A.however much it costsB.how much does it costC.however does it cost muchD.no matter how it costs【答案】 A5、在英语学习中,学生在学习“ eye”和“ ball”后学习“ eyeball”就比较容易,这种现象属于( )A.一般迁移B.具体迁移C.垂直迁移D.负迁移【答案】 B6、有了预定目的,需要一定意志努力的注意是( )

3、A.随意后注意B.不随意注意C.随意注意D.无目的注意【答案】 C7、To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorfs assertion that social change exists everywhere. Technology, the application of knowledge for practical ends, is a major source of social change. A.has a great impact on human lifeB.has so

4、me characteristics of human natureC.can replace some aspects of the human mindD.does not exist in the natural world【答案】 D8、把大目标分成子目标,然后进行搜索,逐渐缩小当前问题情境与目标状态之间的差异,这种解决问题的方法称为( )A.问题空间B.手段一目的分析C.启发式D.算法【答案】 B9、世界上最早的智力测验是( )A.斯坦福比纳量表B.韦克斯勒智力测验C.瑞文推理测验D.比纳西蒙量表【答案】 D10、学生出现教师期待的行为后,教师发给小红星,学生可用小红星兑换奖励物或喜

5、欢的活 动。教师采用的办法是( )。A.行为塑造法B.代币奖励法C.自我控制法D.系统脱敏法【答案】 B11、现在体育界在国际比赛中得了金牌,奖励一直追溯到运动员的启蒙教练。这说明了教师的劳动 具有( )A.未来性B.广延性C.滞后性D.连续性【答案】 C12、The girl said that she _ the film twice, so she didn t want to go to the cinema with us.A.would seeB.has seenC.sawD.had seen【答案】 D13、教师不得对学生实施谩骂、变相体罚或其他侮辱学生的行为,这是由学生的()决

6、定的。A.人身自由权B.隐私权C.人格尊严权D.荣誉权【答案】 C14、国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)中,强调将促进全体学生成长成才作为学校一切工作的出发点和落脚点,其工作方针是_。A.优先发展B.育人为本C.改革创新D.促进公平【答案】 B15、The men and women of Anglo-Saxon England normally bore one name only. Distinguishing epithets were rarely added. These might be patronymic, descriptive or occupati

7、onal. They were, however, hardly surnames. Heritable names gradually became general in the three centuries following the Norman Conquest in 1066. It was not until the 13th and 14th centuries that surnames became fixed, although for many years after that, the degree of stability in family names varie

8、d considerably in different parts of the country. A.the importance of surnamesB.the origin and culture of British surnamesC.the dignity of having a proper surnameD.the meanings of British surnames【答案】 B16、 某学生对人比物更感兴趣,偏爱社会科学,其在认知风格上属于_。A.场独立型B.场依存性C.沉思型D.幅合型【答案】 B17、2011年4月,第一次受邀参加在中国海南举行的“金砖国家”领导人会

9、晤的国家是_。A.南非B.巴西C.印度D.俄罗斯【答案】 A18、下列属于非洲代表乐器的是()。A.尺八B.马林巴C.冬不拉D.西塔尔【答案】 B19、Long ago men learned that the world of nature is built with mathematical exactness according to refined and powerful laws; every bee stokes its wings exactly 440 times a second to propel itself forty miles an hour; the eye o

10、f every fly has exactly 7,000 lenses; every spider s thread is composed of 300 single threads. A.A new reportB.A book reviewC.A science magazineD.A maths textbook【答案】 C20、前臂负重弯举时,肱二头肌的工作条件是()A.近固定B.远固定C.无固定D.下固定【答案】 A21、( )是以让学生学习和了解科技知识为目的的课外校外活动。A.科技活动B.学科活动C.社会实践活动D.体育活动【答案】 A22、一个令人高兴的信息,会导致人们手舞

11、足蹈,这是( )A.兴奋的扩散B.兴奋的集中C.抑制的扩散D.抑制的集中【答案】 A23、“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”常用来比喻审美教育功能的特点,这个特点是()。A.学以致用B.寓教于乐C.潜移默化D.拓展思维【答案】 C24、当学生取得好的成绩后,老师和家长给予表扬和鼓励,这符合桑代克学习规律中的( )A.准备律B.练习律C.动机律D.效果律【答案】 D25、Long ago men learned that the world of nature is built with mathematical exactness according to refined and powerful l

12、aws; every bee stokes its wings exactly 440 times a second to propel itself forty miles an hour; the eye of every fly has exactly 7,000 lenses; every spider s thread is composed of 300 single threads. A.By contrastB.By classificationC.By making assumptionD.By giving example【答案】 D26、在他人作用下,引起个体思想、情感和

13、行为的变化的现象,称为( )。A.印象管理B.社会影响C.人际吸引D.互动【答案】 B27、根据下面资料,回答A.Because their economic situation decides that they have no other alternativeB.Because they don t like looking after the children at homeC.Because doing the house work is very dull and unpaidD.Because they think the work outside their home is a luxury for them【答案】 A28、当代教学组织形式,发展趋势不包括()A.多样化B.综合化C.个别化D.统一化【答案】 D29、Which of the following is an example of blending?A.


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