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1、2022年云南大学附中中考英语三模试卷I.-How can I get some about the XXIV Olympic Winter Games?-Why not search the Internet?()A.program B.experience C.practice D.information2.-Could you please tell me something about Walt Disney?-Sure.Walt Disney made 87 cartoons.He is famous a cartoon maker.()A.as B.for C.in D.about

2、3.-Where did they go at last?-After a discussion,they finally made a decision a trip to D ali.()A.take B.taking C.to take D.takes4.-Last Saturday we didnt climb the mountain the heavy rain.-What a pity!()A.because B.because of C.in front of D.before5.Using the mobile phone for a long time isnt our h

3、ealth.()A.good at B.weak in C.bad for D.good for6.-What is Jim like?-He always tells some funny stories.I think he is than m e.()A.more serious B.serious C.less serious D.most serious7.My home is full of love from parents,they are strict with m e.()A.but B.so C.though D.because8.-?-Its fantastic and

4、 I really like it.()A.Which talent show do you like bestB.Do you like the talent showC.What do you think of the talent showD.Is the talent show interesting9.-It is difficult for me to learn English.Could you please help me withit?-.Im glad to help you.()A.Sorry,I cant B.No problem C.Thanks a lot D.T

5、hat*s right10.-Tom used to be very thin,didnt he?-Yes.he did.But now he exercises and eats a lot,so he becomes heavier than before.()A.always B.sometimes C.ever D.hardly ever11.The talk show on TV is very popular.It often makes p e o p l e.()A.laugh.B.laughing.C.to laugh.D.laughed.12.-Mom,could you

6、please help me when the next subway will arrive on your phone?Myphone has run out of power.-Sure.()A.get out B.take out C.look out D.find out13.-It seems that you have driven Jack mad.-Oh,please!He even didnt give me a chance to t el l.()A.what did I do wrong B.why I was wrongC.where I did wrong D.w

7、hich did I do wrong14.-Im so tired today.Weve made huge progress on this project._!-Oh,yes.We can leave for a big dinner now,I think.()A.Lets make it another day.B.We can make it more.C.Thats enough for today.D.You may go first.15.-Mom,I really need twenty yuan for that book.-_.You choose a book onl

8、y looking at the cover.()A.No idea.B.No way.C.I am so glad to do that.D.Just one last time.During the Jin Dynasty(265-420),there was a child named Che Yin.He was smart and loved to read.Hegrew up in a(16)family and couldnt afford lamp oil to study at night.One night,he saw fireflies(萤火虫)outside his

9、house and(17)an idea.He caught some fireflies in a clothbag and hung the bag up as a lamp.It was said that he(18)all of his summer nights reading like this.Another child named Sun Kang who lived during the same periodd9)loved reading.One night duringthe(20),Sun used up all ofhis lamp oil and couldnt

10、 study at night.(21)he suddenly woke up at midnight,he saw the thick snow reflecting the moonlight outside his house.His first thought was Oh,I can use the reflected(22)to read!”He took out his books and read,even thoughhe(23)cold.(24)of these kids later became successful government officials.People

11、 were touched by their hardworkingspirit and their stories inspired the Chinese idiom nangying yingxue(囊萤映雪)or to read by the lightof bagged fireflies or the reflected light of snow1.In the past,people had a much harder time studying than we do now.They had to copy books(25)handbecause books were ra

12、re back then.For poor families,paper and writing brushes were often too expensiveto afford.Students even had to travel over mountains and rivers in order to find a good teacher.However,these tough conditions did not stop young minds from pursuing(追 求)knowledge.16.A.happy B.rich C.poor17.A.come overB

13、.come up withC.come out18.A.took B.spent C.cost19.A.also B.tooC.as well20.A.autumnB.summerC.winter21.A.When B.While C.as soon as22.A.lamp B.lightC.flash23.A.was frozenB.is freezingC.was freezing24.A.Both B.AllC.Neither25.A.with B.byC.forDo you think if high school students should read classic works

14、of literature?Lilian:We lack understanding in life,so its likely that we may have difficulty understanding the deepermeanings under the surface of the classics.But this shouldnt be a reason to give up reading classics.AsFrancis Bacon said,Reading makes a full man;conference(谈话)a ready man;and writin

15、g an exactman.Harry:Classics are the treasures our ancestors left us.We have the duty to read them and pass them downthrough the generations.As the old Chinese saying goes,“One who is filled with knowledge alwaysbehaves well.Famous books can develop students culture literacy(素养)and arouse their inte

16、rest inculture.Linda:Without background and life experience,students cant understand authors from previouseras.What*s more,partly due to the writers1 outdated ways of thinking,there might be somemisunderstandings.While reading,some students mainly focus on words and expressions withoutcarefully reflecting on them.For this reason,reading classics might be a waste of time.Dale:For one thing,not all classics are suitable for all students,as there are many different expressionsand deep ideas.For ano


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