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1、1扬州市邗江区 2023 年八年级上学期英语期中试题与参考答案扬州市邗江区 2023 年八年级上学期英语期中试题与参考答案一、听力一、听力第一部分:听对话,回答问题。第一部分:听对话,回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍,在听每段对话前,你将有3秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有3秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。1.How will the girl go to Jiangnan University?A.B.C.2.Which sport does the girl like best?A.B.C.3.What is the date today?A.

2、B.C.4.Which is Toms favourite character?A.B.C.5.What does the woman mean?A.The exam will be easy for her.2B.The exam isnt important for her.C.She hasnt prepared for the exam yet.6.Why hasnt Li Ping been to Shanghai Disneyland?A.Because its too far.B.Because it costs too much.C.Because there are too

3、many people.7.Which season is the best time to visit Chinese gardens in Yangzhou?A.Spring.B.Summer.C.Autumn.8.Hows Jim?A.Hes OK.B.Hes ill.C.Hes returned home.9.When will the supermarket close?A.At 5:00.B.At 5:15.C.At 4:45.10.What hasnt Julia got for her hiking?A.Food.B.A map.C.A mobile phone.第二部分:听对

4、话和短文答题。第二部分:听对话和短文答题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听一段对话回答 11-12 小题11.Where are they going to spend their holidays?A.The USA.B.Canada.C.Australia.12.Who are the two speakers?3A.A mother and a son.B.A father and a daughter.C.A brother and a sister.听第一篇短文,回答 13-15 小题。Watching TVWatching TVTimeMany children watch

5、 TV_13_.Good pointsWatching TV helps to open childrens eyesChildren can learn_14_ and better ways to do things.Bad pointsWatching TV is bad for eyes.Children dont have enough time for the_15_.13.A.On weekdaysB.at weekendsC.every night14.A.popularB.moreC.new15.A.mealsB.lessonsC.sports听第二篇短文,回答 16-20

6、小题听第二篇短文,回答 16-20 小题16.Who did David go on the trip with?A.His friend.B.His cousin.C.His parent.17.What is the weather like in autumn in England?A.Quite fine.B.Not so good.C.We dont know.18 Where is the small hotel they stayed in?A.In the east of London.B.In the south of London.C.In the west of Lond

7、on.419.Why does David like the plays in England most?A.Because there arent such good plays at home.B.Because the plays are free there.C.Because he didnt see a play before.20.What does David think of the trip to London?A.There are too many visitors so he wont go there again.B.He liked the food so he

8、will go there again.C.He enjoyed the holiday so he will go there again.二、单项选择 二、单项选择 21.The song Lonely Warrior(孤勇者)is one of_ most popular songs in China now.A.a B.an C.the D./22.When he asks for something,he always says“please”.So he must be_.A.politeB.honest C.humorousD.cheerful23.-Whats the _ of

9、 your good grades?-Hard work and carefulness,I think.A.senseB.secretC.courseD.example24.-Do you know what American people call“holiday”?-_.A.eraserB.vacation 5C.elevator D.soccer25.Yangzhou Fancy city(梦幻之城)is more interesting than_ in Yangzhou.A.any other theme park B.any other theme parksC.the othe

10、r theme park D.any theme park26.-How hard you are working,Ben!-We must!President Xi said that _ we are,_ we will be.A.the more hard-working;the luckierB.the hard-working;the luckyC.more hard-working;luckierD.the most hard-working;the luckiest27.-Patient:500 yuan for pulling a tooth?Its only several

11、minutes work.-Doctor:Well,I can do it _ if you like.A.as quickly as I can B.more slowlyC.less carefully D.quietly28.-Mom,the apple is ready now.What should I do next?-_the apple into small pieces.A.Cut B.Cutting C.To cut D.To cutting29.Its _ to put _ salt in the soup.A.correct;too much B.correct;muc

12、h tooC.incorrect;too muchD.incorrect;much too630.The light in the bathroom burned out last night and father_ a new one this morning.A.put up B.put in C.put out D.put on31.If you have no cream,use milk _.A.as wellB.instead ofC.insteadD.too32.As parents,we must ask:Are we listening?Are we patient enou

13、gh?A.yourself B.ourselvesC.myselfD.himself33.When the bus stopped,he couldnt wait _.A.getting off it B.to get off itC.to get it off D.got off it34.-Whats the woman with a ponytail like?-She doesnt talk much,_.A.she is a nurse B.she likes musicC.she is shy and quietD.she is 20 years old35.-The birthd

14、ay card is very beautiful.Did you make it all by yourself?-_.My classmates Wendy helped me a lot with the drawing on the cover.A.Not exactly B.Of course C.You are right D.Are you kidding7三、完形填空三、完形填空阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。“Lets have a special test

15、 today,”said the English teacher with a smile on his face.All the students sat up straight and 36 for the test to begin.The teacher began to 37 the test papers to the students.38 he finished handing out the test papers,he asked them to begin.The students were very 39 to see that there was not a ques

16、tion but a black dot(圆点)in thecentre of the paper.The teacher 40 the students surprise and said,“I want you to 41 about what you see there.”At the end of the class,the teacher took all the students answer sheets(答题纸)and read the answers.42 of them described the black dot.After reading all the answers,the teacher said,“Here everyone only paid attention to(注意)the black dot,43 no one wrote about the white paper.”The whole class listened 44 ,because they were afraid of failing in the test.Then the t



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