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1、巴音郭楞州和静县 2023 年八年级上学期英语期中试题与答案巴音郭楞州和静县 2023 年八年级上学期英语期中试题与答案一、单项选择一、单项选择11I _ to Jims birthday party because I was busy at home.A.didnt goB.wentC.dont goD.go12Did you buy anything special?_.I bought my favorite storybook.A.No,I didntB.Yes,I didC.No,I wasntD.Yes,I was13They _ a good time because it r

2、ained heavily.Adidnt haveBhaveChad Ddont have14I like this restaurant.Everything here tastes really _Awell BgoodCexpensive Ddeliciously15They seem _ what they are doing.Aknew Bto know Cknowing Dknow16 do you shop?Once a week.AHow long BHow many CHow often DHow soon17Its good _ our health_ vegetables

3、.Afor;to eat Bto;eat Cat;eating Dwith;eat18Becky is a good student.She _ late for school.Ais never Bnever is Cis always Dalways is19Movie theater has the service,but we can sit the there.Aworse;most comfortable Bworse;most comfortablyCworst;most comfortable Dworst;most comfortably20How do you like s

4、oap operas,lily?I cant themTheyre boringAstand Btouch Cmind Dthink二、完型填空二、完型填空My best friend is one of my classmates.We have the 21hobby.We both enjoy music.I am good 22English,but she isnt.She has great interest in university life and wants to go to university.One day,I 23 her studying 24 so I want

5、ed to help her with it.25 she closed the book.I asked,“What are you doing?”“Nothing,”she answered shyly.I didnt know 26 she closed her book.“I just want to 27 you,”I said.“Please dont laugh at me.My English is not good and Im a little 28 of speaking it in front of others,”she said.“29 laughs at you.

6、Thats why you dont make any progress(进步)in English.You should do your best to 30 English with your friends.You can also ask for help from them.”21Adifferent Bsame Cdifficult Dnecessary22Ain Bfor Cat Dwith23Afind Bfinds Cfound Dfinding24AEnglish Bchemistry Cphysics Dhistory25AAnd BIf CBut DThough26Aw

7、hen Bwhy Chow Dwhat27Asee Bworry Cmean Dhelp28Awild Bshy Ccalm Dangry29ASomeone BEveryone CAnyone DNo one30Astudy Bshow Cteach Dhear二、阅读理解二、阅读理解根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(A)(A)One of the secrets(秘诀)of successful people is that they have good habits.The good habits help them to be successful.What a

8、re good habits?How can you get into good habits?Here is some advice(建议)for you.First,everyone has his merits(优点).You should always look for the good in people and learn from them.Second,you should try to learn new things and new skills every day.Reading a few pages of a book or a newspaper every day

9、 may help you.Third,start the day the right way.When you get up in the morning,look at yourself in the mirror(镜子)and tell yourself today you must keep your good habits.I think the last one is the most important(最重要的).No matter what good habits you decide to develop,you should try to keep them.Then y

10、ou can have a life with success and happiness.31.According to the passage,what secret makes some people successful?A.They eat healthy food.B.They keep good habits.C.They meet good friends.D.They have successful parents.32.Which point(哪一点)does the writer think is the most important about good habits?

11、A.The first one.B.The second one.C.The third one.D.The fourth one.33.What do the underlined words no matter what mean(意思是)in Chinese?A.没问题B.无论什么 C.没关系D.不怎样34.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?A.Everyone has merits.B.Starting the day the right way is important.C.You can lear

12、n new things from newspapers.D.Everyone must be successful if he or she has good habits.35.Whats the main(主要的)idea of the passage?A.What our lifestyle is like.B.How to be successful.C.We should have a secret.D.Advice about good habits.(B)(B)There once(以前)lived a little deer in the forest(森林).He had

13、beautiful antlers.(鹿角),so he was very happy.But when he saw his ugly legs he was very sad.One day,he was standing to look at his beautiful antlers in the river when a tiger came up.The deer ran away.The tiger ran after him.The deer ran as fast as he could.Suddenly(突然)he stopped,because his antlers g

14、ot caught(挂在)in the branches of a tree.He did his best to get clear of(挣脱)the branches(树枝)and began to run again.When he stopped at a safe place,he said to himself.“The beautiful antlers almost took my life.But the ugly legs saved my life.36.The deer often sighed(叹气)because _.A.he did not run fast B

15、.he did not run faster than the tiger.C.he had ugly legs D.he had beautiful antlers 37.When he saw his antlers in the water,the deer _.A.was sadB.was happy C.was afraidD.was not sorry38.We can see the tiger _.A.ran as fast as the deerB.did not run so fast as the deer.C.did not run after the deer D.d

16、id not want to eat the deer39.The deer did what he could to _.A.run after the tigerB.get clear of the branches C.see his antlersD.save his antlers40.The story tells us a fact.(事实)That _A.dont judge(判断)things by appearances(外表)B.we should love ugly thingsC.dont love beautiful things D.all the ugly things can save your life四、根据汉语及首字母填空四、根据汉语及首字母填空41.I have two t to this cinema,could you go with me?42.The m of this restaurant has only 10 dishes.43.Why didnt you buy anything for y?44.It is n (必要的)fo



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