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1、备考2024辽宁省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识典型题汇编及答案一单选题(共60题)1、Your suggestion could only make things worse_.A.if anythingB.if everythingC.if nothingD.if something【答案】 A2、If English means endless new words,difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation,you are wrong.Havent you noticed that you have become smarter

2、 since you started to learn a language?A.people who can speak two languagesB.second language learnersC.researchers on language learningD.active language learners【答案】 A3、下列不属于大额可转让定期存单特点的是()。A.不记名转让流通B.必须到期方可提取本息C.期限短,一般在一年以内D.进入市场的主体有严格的限制【答案】 D4、人民代表大会制度的核心内容是()。A.民主集中制B.国家的一切权力属于人民C.坚持中国共产党的领导D.广泛

3、的人民参与【答案】 B5、抗日战争全面爆发的标志性事件是()。A.1939年9月1 日德国突袭波兰B.1937年7月7日E1本制造卢沟桥事变C.1941年12月8日日本突袭珍珠港D.1941年6月22日德国突袭原苏联【答案】 B6、There is a ( ) difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment.A.sensibleB.subtleC.feebleD.humble【答案】 B7、资料:This exhibition brings together outstanding works from

4、the earliest times to the present in a thematic arrangement that is fresh and unique.A.the processes of making bronzeB.the best works of bronzeC.the properties and qualities of bronzeD.some new media art【答案】 D8、商业银行法规定了商业银行的经营原则,即商业银行以安全性、流动性、效益型为经营原则以及实行“四自”,其中“四自”中不包括()。A.自主经营B.自我监督C.自负盈亏D.自我约束【答案

5、】 B9、商业银行经营的核心是( )。A.扩大贷款规模B.市场营销C.增加资本金D.提高收益【答案】 B10、 对利随本清的存款计算存期时,下列说法正确的是( )。A.存人日计息,支取日不计息B.存入日、支取El均计息C.存人的第二日起息,算至支取日D.存入的第二日起息,算至支取的前一日【答案】 B11、2012年是中国银行成立( )周年。A.90B.100C.110D.80【答案】 B12、垄断竞争的市场结构主要特征是()。A.产业集中度较低B.产品无差别C.进入和退出壁垒较低D.他介于完全竞争和完全垄断之间,且偏向于垄断【答案】 A13、资料:Gone are the days of “o

6、ne-size-fits-all” employee benefits programs and here come newly designed and fully customized voluntary benefits. Voluntary benefits are on longer looked at as just a few “extras”, and are now becoming part of a comprehensive benefits package. Lots take a look at how voluntary benefits have become

7、more customized to meet the requirements of a more particular health care consumer.A.Voluntary Employee Benefits surpasses the traditional health benefitB.Voluntary Employee Benefits are becoming more customizedC.The Advantages of Offering Voluntary Employee BenefitsD.Voluntary Employee Benefits and

8、 health care consumers【答案】 B14、2020年3月31日,教育部发布关于2020年全国高考时间安排的公告。经党中央、国务院同意,2020年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试延期到()。A.06月27日至28日B.7月7日至8日C.8月7日至8日D.7月27日至28日【答案】 B15、边城是沈从文的代表作。此作品主要描绘了哪个地区风土人情()。A.湘西B.武汉C.长沙D.婺源【答案】 A16、A公司计划通过四周的市场活动为其官方微博拉动人气。第一周A公司微博的关注人数增加了300人,往后三周每周的关注人数增量都是上一周增量的两倍。活动结束时A公司微博的关注人数是活动之前的4倍

9、,则A公司活动前微博的关注人数是多少?()A.1200B.1500C.1800D.2100【答案】 B17、支付的在建工程人员的工资属于( )产生的现金流量。A.筹资活动B.经营活动C.汇率变动D.投资活动【答案】 D18、根据民法典规定,甲与乙对丙企业的债务同时提供保证担保,没有约定担保方式和担保份额的,丙的债权人丁可以要求甲、乙以怎样的方式承担担保责任?()A.可以要求甲或乙独立承担全部债务,担保方式为一般担保B.可以要求甲或乙独立承担全部债务,担保方式为连带担保C.只能要求甲、乙分别承担一半债务,担保方式为一般担保D.只能要求甲、乙分别承担一半债务,担保方式为连带担保【答案】 A19、资

10、料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.A.feel painB.imagineC.are affected withD.experience【答案】 A20、银行最需要考虑的风险是()。A.信用风险B.流动性风险C.市场风险D.操作风险【答案】 A21、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or ev

11、en takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamers life. They seem real while they are takingplace. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never reca

12、ll dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams.A.the sleepers own mindB.the sleepers feelingC.the sleepers imaginationD.the sleepers wishes【答案】 A22、An in-depth understanding of this emerging phen

13、omenon requires not just the consideration of quantitative studies, but the_of selected quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method study designs.A.collectB.poolingC.poolD.poll【答案】 C23、下列有关中国近代史上重要历史人物与其所做出的贡献,搭配不正确的是()A.左宗棠一收复新疆B.林则徐一虎门销烟C.李鸿章一辛亥革命D.冯子材一镇南关大捷【答案】 C24、资料:People differ greatly in their readiness to try new products. In each product area,there are“consumption pioneers”and early adopters. Other individuals adopt new products much later. After a slow start,an increasing number of people adopt the new product.A.The consumption pioneersB.How people adopt the new productC.The five-



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