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1、o:(2)Towhomitmayconcern:WeherebystatethatthegoodsuditionsofthePolicyaspertheClausesprintedoverleafanrty)CompanyofChina,Ltd.(hereinaftercalled“TheCompanvoiceNo.:(1)InvoiceDate:30NOV.,2013L/CNo.:(2)Tran1.商业发票TO :(1)COMMERCIAL INVOICEINVOICE NO.(2) DATE: (3)S/C NO. (4) L/C NO. (5) VIA (7)DESCRIPTIONOF

2、GOODS(11)TOTALAMOUNT:FROM (6) MARKS & NUMBERS(10)BY (9)UNIT PRICETO (8) QUANTITYAMOUNT(15)(13)(14)(12)DAYU CUTTING TOOLS I/E CORP王炎EDIN200CARTONS.GROSSWEIGHT:4400.00KGS.(10)红(章)4装箱nvoiceNo.:(1)InvoiceDate:30NOV.,2013L/CNo.:(2)Tran票之副本未付)付交At(6)sightofthisFIRSTofExchange(Secondofe.Declarationbytheexp

3、orterTheundersignedherebydeclaCertificate No. (5)CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINOF2. Consignee: (2)THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA3. Means of transport and route (3) 5. For certifying authority use only1. Exporter: (1)2.原产地证明theundermentionedgoodsintransportationsubjecttoconNTSIMP.ANDEXP.CO.,LTD.NO.301ZHENANTON

4、GROADNANJINGCZSET.SAYTWOHUNDREDCARTONSONLY.红(章)5装船通知NANJING服装进款已收讫Valuereceived此致To:(9)(10)3发票服装进出口NANJINGGARME4. Country / region of destination (4)6. Marks &numbers (6) 7. Number and kind of packages;Description of goods (7)8. H. S. Code (8) 9. Quantity (9) 10. Numbers and date of Invoice (10)3保险

5、单11. Declaration by the exporterThe undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements correct, that all the goods were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the peoples Republic of China12. CertificationIt is hereby that the declaration by the exporter is

6、 correct.明平(11) (12)Place and date, signature and stamp of authorize中dsigna保tory财产Plac保eandd险ate,signature and stamp of certifying authorityThe Peoples Insurance (Property) Company of China,LtdInvoice No. (1) Policy No. (2)海 洋 货 物 运 输 保 险 单MARINE CARGO TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE POLICYInsured :(3)中保财产

7、保险(以下简称本公司)根据被保险人的要求,及其所缴付约定的保险费,按照本保险单承担险别和背面所载条款与下列特别条 款承保下列货物运输保险,特签发本保险单。This policy of Insurance witnesses that the Peoples Insurance (Property) Company of China, Ltd. (hereinafter called “The Company”), at the request of the Insured and in consideration of the agreed premium paid by the Insure

8、d, undertakes to insure the undermentioned goods in transportationsubject to conditions of the Policy as per the Clauses printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon.货物标记Marks of Goods (4)包装单位Packing Unit (5)保险货物项目 Descriptions of Goods (6)保险金额Amount Insured (7)总保险金额:( 8)Total Amount I

9、nsured:保费Premium AS ARRANGED开航日期( 9)Slg. on or abt载运输工具( 10)Per conveyance S.SONS.GROSSWEIGHT:9,000KGS.INTHEAMOUNTOFUSD32400.00,o:(2)Towhomitmayconcern:Weherebystatethatthegoodsu保险单承担险别和背面所载条款与下列特别条款承保下列货物运输保险,特签发本保险单。Thispolicyresthattheabovedetailsandstatementscorrect,thatall承保险别( 11)Conditions起运港

10、Form TIANJIN所保货物,如发生本保险单项下可能引起索赔的损失或损坏,应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。如有索赔,应向本公司提交保险单正本 (本保险单共有 2 份正本)及有关文件。如一份正本已用于索赔,其余正本则自动失效。In the event of loss or damage which may result in acclaim under this Policy, immediate notice must be given to the Companys Agent as mentionedhereunder. Claims, if any, one of the Origi

11、nal Policy which has been issued in two original (s) together with the relevant documents shall be surrendered to the Company. If one of the Original Policy has been accomplished, the others to be void.赔款偿付地点(12)Claim payable at日期 (13)DATEXXX中保财产保险分公司The Peoples Insurance (Property) Company of China

12、,Ltd.Tianjin Branch目的港To NEW YORKVIA HONGKONG中转港1 汇票凭 信用证 第Drawn under (1) L/C No.日期Dated 支取 Payable with interest % per annum 按年息汇票金额 (3) 中国 年No. (2) Exchange for Shanghai China(4)见票 (5) 日 后(本 汇 票 之 副 本 未 付)付 交At sight of this FIRSf Exchange ( Second of exchangebeing unpaid) Pay to the order of (6)(7)款已收讫Value received此致To: (8)SHANGHA IELECTRIC APPLIANCECO.,L TD.徐运迪金额The sum电 器 (章)(章)月 日付款号2.商业发票上 海 电 器 有 限 公 司SHANGHAI ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., LTD.96 Gaoji Street Pudong District Shanghai China商业发票COMMERCIAL INVOICEndertheOpenPolicyNo.08-236147h



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