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1、八年级上册 Units 35姓名:_班级:_建议用时:40分钟一、单词拼写根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写单词。1The ground is covered with many _/leaves.2I didnt _/the importance of education until that moment.3There used to be a road that _/led/to the beach.4Thanks to the _/of the helmet(头盔), the little boy wasnt badly hurt.5Its everyones duty to prote

2、ct our _/.二、选词填空用所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。1Being hurt by the _ is better than comforted by the lies.2China has made great _since it opened its doors to the outside world.3The scientists have just discovered a new kind of _.4_, I found that a shark was following our boat.5It rained _. It was too dark for us

3、 to see the road clearly.三、阅读理解A(2021湖南郴州中考)On February 20, 2021, Jasmine Harrison became the youngest woman to row(划艇) alone across the Atlantic Ocean. It took the 21yearold swimming teacher just over 70 days to do it.Ms. Harrison, whos from England, didnt have much experience in rowing long distan

4、ces(距离). She got the idea three years ago when she happened to be in Antigua. There she saw the end of the 2017 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. “I just thought, I want to do this so Im going to do it,” she said.Every year, rowers taking part in the Atlantic Campaign set out from the Canary Islan

5、ds in December and row about 4,800 kilometers across the Atlantic. Some row in teams of two, three or four. Others, like Ms. Harrison, row by themselves.It wasnt easy. Every day, Ms. Harrison would row for about 12 hours. She rowed about 20,000 strokes(划) a day.Ms. Harrison had a smartphone that all

6、owed her to talk with family and friends every day. She had other company along the way. She saw lots of sea life, including some whales. For several days, she was followed by a small group dolphins(海豚). “I was in their environment,” she said. “It was just amazing.”There was danger, too. Twice, her

7、boat was turned over in the night by large waves. She hurt her elbow quite badly. Another time, she nearly ran into a ship.Somehow, she kept going. Finally, on February 20, after 70 days, 3 hours and 48 minutes, she reached Antiguathe end of the journey. Ms. Harrisons rowing has made her the younges

8、t woman ever to row alone across the Atlantic. Before, that record was held by Kaitie Spotz from the USA, who crossed the Atlantic was a 22yearold in 2010.1When did Ms. Harrison get the idea of taking part in the Atlantic Campaign?AIn 2010. BIn 2018. CIn 2021.2Ms. Harrison set out from _ in the Atla

9、ntic Campaign.ALondon BAntigua Cthe Canary Islands3What does the underlined word “company” probably mean in Chinese?A陪伴 B宾客 C公司4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AMs. Harrison is a 21yearold animal keeper.BMs. Harrison used a smartphone to talk with family and friends.CIt was e

10、asy and safe for Ms. Harrison to finish her journey.5Whats the best title of the passage?AThe 2021 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.BThe lovely sea life in the Atlantic Ocean.CThe youngest woman to row along across the Atlantic.B阅读B篇,根据短文内容,将下面方框中的句子还原到文章当中,使短文内容完整。(2021四川眉山中考改编)Thousands of years

11、 ago, Shennong, who had an ox(公牛) head and a human body, lived in the south of China. Seeing that local people were suffering from disease, he built ladders(梯子) and houses on a high mountain to keep hundreds of medicine plants. 6._This legend(传说) has made Shennongjia in Hubei an inviting place for t

12、ourists. 7._ You can see natural scenery from all four seasons at different altitudes(海拔). “When the bottom of the mountain is summer, the top is spring and while the foothill is autumn, the top is covered with ice,” local people say of the special climate of Shennongjia.Shennongjia is also home to

13、5,000 kinds of animals and plants. 8._ For example, the golden monkey, the clouded leopard(云豹) and the Asian black bear live in this area.One interesting and mysterious thing about Shennongjia is its “Bigfoot” legends. Some people have said that they have seen huge footprints or large manlike wild a

14、nimals. 9._ Some say they are just bears.10_ On July 17, 2016, the Shennongjia Forestry District was added to the United Nations World Heritage list as a natural site. It was Chinas 50th world heritage site(遗址)ABut scientists havent made sure if its true.BTraveling there is an unusual experience.CTo

15、 remember him, people named the place Shennongjia.DThis beautiful place got a valuable title.EMany rare animals live there.四、动词填空用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。Bang! Bang! Bang!Tim woke up and looked around carefully, searching the darkness for the thing that 1._(make) hose scary sounds. The closet(壁橱) door moved as something banged(猛撞) on it from the inside.“Whos there?” Tim asked in a shaky voice. The closet slowly began to open. Tim 2._(jump) out of the bed


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