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1、2021-2022年度宁夏回族自治区船舶水手考试精选试题及答案九一单选题(共60题)1、Make fast the fore and aft ropes and lay out the embarkation ladder.() A. 送出首、尾缆,放登艇梯。 B. 送出首、围缆,放下艇梯。 C. 挽牢首、尾缆,放登艇梯。 D. 挽牢首、尾缆,放下舷梯。 试题答案:C 2、通常火灾的分类方法中,分为以下四类() A. 甲类、乙类、A类、B类 B. 甲类、乙类、丙类、丁类 C. 一类、二类、三类、四类 D. 甲类、乙类、B类、C类 试题答案:B 3、Please swing the derric

2、ks to (). A. bridge B. shore side C. deck D. engine room 试题答案:B 4、Check ()(危险区) and report , please. A. danger area B. safety area C. danger room D. safety room 试题答案:A 5、You should keep national flag(). A. flying B. flew C. flown D. flies 试题答案:A 6、船舶最上一层甲板贯通船首到船尾之间的统长甲板称为() A. 下甲板 B. 主甲板 C. 货舱甲板 D.

3、顶甲板 试题答案:B 7、发警报() A. sound alarm B. make alarm C. send alarm D. receive alarm 试题答案:A 8、The ()is next to the chart room. A. engine room B. cook room C. saloon D. pilot room 试题答案:D 9、刮刀用来铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。() A. Loose paint and scale is removed with a scraper. B. Heavy rust is removed with a scraper. C. Loos

4、e paint and scale is removed with a chipping hammer. D. Heavy rust is removed with a chipping hammer. 试题答案:A 10、The maintenance work for sailors includes ()(清洁), repairing and painting work on board a ship. 正确答案A A. cleaning B. cleaner C. cleanly D. cleanness 试题答案:A 11、Apart from fire drill, there a

5、re also boat drill and emergency drill on board.() A. 除了救生演习之外,船上还有消防演习和应急演习。 B. 除了应急演习之外,船上还有救生演习和消防演习。 C. 除了消防演习之外,船上还有救生演习和应急演习。 D. 除了救生演习之外,船上还有应急演习和消防演习。 试题答案:C 12、Duty sailors will consider the conditions of (装卸货)(). A. cargo handled B. cargo handles C. cargo handle D. cargo handling 试题答案:D 13

6、、LASH() A. 专业船 B. 子母船 C. 滚装船 D. 化学品船 试题答案:B 14、A ship is made fast to the quayside by mooring lines. () A. 船舶用锚停泊在锚地。 B. 船舶用系泊缆绳挽牢在码头边。 C. 船舶用缆绳系在浮筒上。 D. 船舶用缆绳挽牢浮筒上。 试题答案:B 15、Slow ahead() A. 微速前进 B. 前进一 C. 前进二 D. 半速后退 试题答案:B 16、值锚泊班的水手在下列情况下应通知值班驾驶员上驾驶台亲自值锚更班() A. 风浪增强时 B. 能见度不良时 C. 以上都对 D. 以上都错 试题

7、答案:C 17、As a duty sailor, you ()maintain a safety patrol. A. must B. should C. can D. need 试题答案:B 18、Apply two coats of red lead primer and topside paint ()the forecastle deck. A. for B. with C. to D. at 试题答案:C 19、The()(精致货) must be handled with care. A. bagged cargo B. delicate cargo C. cased cargo

8、 D. non-packed cargo 试题答案:B 20、()(绞)port anchor A. Let go B. Heave away C. Pay out D. Hoist 试题答案:B 21、-Hard-a-port!-Hard-a-port!()! A. Hard-a-port B. Wheel hard-a-port C. Wheel on hard-a-port D. Yes 试题答案:B 22、Cargo may be divided into two basic types:(). A. bulk cargo and container cargo B. bulk car

9、go and general cargo C. bulk cargo and liquid cargo D. dry cargo and liquid cargo 试题答案:D 23、()refers to the repair during the voyage. A. Voyage repair B. Annual repair C. Periodical repair D. Survey check 试题答案:A 24、The conventional cargo handling equipment is the union purchase.() A. 传统的装卸货设备是双杆联吊。

10、B. 传统的装卸货设备是重吊杆。 C. 传统的装卸货设备是克令吊。 D. 传统的装卸货设备是吊杆。 试题答案:A 25、The ship is to ()to buoys. A. moor B. berth C. anchor D. dock 试题答案:A 26、雾的形成主要是由于大气中存在着大量的:() A. 屑烟 B. 尘粒 C. 盐的微粒 D. A+B+C 试题答案:D 27、表示船舶适合运输货物合旅客的有效容积称为() A. 载重量 B. 净吨位 C. 排水量 D. 重量吨 试题答案:B 28、Water is used to put out (). A. oil fire B. el

11、ectrical fire C. common fire D. special fire 试题答案:C 29、Hard over!() A. 扳满舵 B. 收锚 C. 左舵 D. 右舵 试题答案:A 30、()is the strongest and the most elastic of all the synthetic fiber ropes. A. Hemp rope B. Wire rope C. Nylon rope D. wood rope 试题答案:C 31、物质燃烧是可燃物质与()进行反应的结果 A. 氧气 B. 氧化剂 C. 氧气或氧化剂 D. 二氧化碳 试题答案:C 32

12、、From the waterline to the ships()(底部) is called draft. A. top B. bridge C. bottom D. middle 试题答案:C 33、nail() A. 钉子 B. 螺丝 C. 钢丝 D. 锤子 试题答案:A 34、碎布() A. rug B. bin C. rags D. rat 试题答案:C 35、There is a ()(桅灯) on the mast. A. mast light B. side light C. search light D. signal light 试题答案:A 36、Engine room

13、 personel should start their fire pumps in engine room and see that full pressure of the fire pumps is built up.() A. 驾驶台上的人员应启动机舱里的消防泵,并务必使消防总管全压。 B. 机舱人员应启动机舱里的消防栓,并务必使消防总管全压。 C. 机舱人员应启动机舱里的消防泵,并务必使消防泵全压。 D. 机舱人员应启动机舱里的消防泵,并务必使消防总管全压。 试题答案:D 37、RPM() A. revolutions per minute B. revolutions per mile C. revolutions per month D. very personal matter 试题答案:A 38、()hasnt tween decks. A. A bulk carrier B. A container ship C. A general cargo ship D. A +B 试题答案:D 39、油轮严禁使用的炉火是()。 A. 电炉 B. 燃油炉灶 C. 煤气灶 D. 蒸汽灶 试题答案:B 40、每天早上值



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