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1、2021-2022年度山西省船舶水手考试综合检测试卷B卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、左满舵() A. Hard-a-starboard B. Hard-a- port C. Port hard D. Full starboard 试题答案:B 2、block() A. 稳索 B. 滑轮 C. 索具 D. 千斤索 试题答案:B 3、()refers to the repair the ship every year. A. Voyage repair B. Annual repair C. Periodical repair D. Survey check 试题答案:B 4、下列哪一项不是导缆

2、装置的作用() A. 减少缆绳受力 B. 减少缆绳磨损 C. 限制系船缆导出位置 D. 变换缆绳受力方向 试题答案:A 5、Some general cargo is handled by (). A. shore cranes B. heavy derricks C. containers D. equipment 试题答案:B 6、Fires can be divided into different (). A. kind B. kinds C. types D. B+C 试题答案:D 7、Any emergency pump situated ()machinery space sho

3、uld also be started. A. outside B. under C. beside D. besides 试题答案:A 8、船舶在安全检查中对锚系统的检查,规定船上至少储备一个卸扣和()连续卸扣或连接链环。 A. 2个 B. 3个 C. 4个 D. 5个 试题答案:C 9、Steer()(北) A. south B. north C. east D. west 试题答案:B 10、很多船上在每个舱口处都有两个吊杆及两台起货机。() A. Many ships have two derricks at each hatch. B. Many ships have two win

4、ches at each hatch. C. Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch. D. Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch cover. 试题答案:C 11、NO TURNING OVER() A. 切勿倾倒 B. 切勿坠落 C. 切勿挤压 D. 切勿倒置 试题答案:D 12、救火警报发出后,所有船员(航行值班情况者除外)应按照部署规定,在()分钟内赶赴现场。 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 试题答案:B 13、()使用广

5、乏,可用作缆绳的临时眼环,还可用于绳和绳、绳和眼环的连接。 A. 单套结 B. 双套结 C. 大绳接结 D. 缩绳结 试题答案:A 14、首推全速向左() A. Bow stern full to port! B. Bow thrust half to port! C. Bow thrust full to starboard ! D. Bow thrust full to port! 试题答案:D 15、Something has gone wrong ()the winch. A. for B. with C. in D. to 试题答案:B 16、electric hand saw()

6、A. 梅花扳手 B. 锤子 C. 电动手锯 D. 套筒扳手 试题答案:C 17、双层底() A. heavy derrick B. single tank C. double tank D. double bottom 试题答案:D 18、boarding time() A. 登船卡 B. 登船时间 C. 下地时间 D. 巡视时间 试题答案:B 19、下列那种材料用于包扎伤口() A. 三角巾 B. 麻绳 C. 绷带 D. 毛巾 试题答案:B 20、The fire is spreading. Do not attempt to extinguish it.() A. 火势得到了控制,不要试图

7、扑灭它。 B. 火势得到了控制,请试图扑灭它。 C. 火势正在蔓延,不要试图扑灭它。 D. 火势正在蔓延,请尝试扑灭它。 试题答案:C 21、Get me some ()to mend the canvas ventilators. A. sail makers tools B. repair tools C. splicing tools D. saws 试题答案:A 22、限于吃水的船舶在航时显示的号型为() A. 一个圆锥体尖端想下 B. 一个圆锥体尖端向上 C. 两个圆锥体尖端对接 D. 一个圆柱体 试题答案:D 23、舵() A. rudder B. rubber C. rubbis

8、h D. ring 试题答案:A 24、下列观点那种是正确的()。 A. 能见度不良的时候,白天也应显示号灯 B. 从日出道日没,认为必要时也应显示号灯 C. A、B都对 D. A、B都不对 试题答案:C 25、You should adjust the mooring lines according to the changes of()(吃水). A. water B. draft C. tide D. sea 试题答案:B 26、Cutting pliers can ()the wire. A. repair B. wash C. cut D. adjust 试题答案:C 27、Ther

9、e is no power ()the winch. A. with B. at C. for D. on 试题答案:C 28、远离缆绳。() A. Get ready for the ropes. B. Keep away from the ropes. C. Slack away the ropes. D. Heave in the rope. 试题答案:B 29、All port!() A. 右满舵 B. 右压舵 C. 舵.左满 D. 回舵 试题答案:C 30、救生圈在甲板栏杆上。() A. The lifebuoys are on the main deck. B. The lifeb

10、uoys are on the forecastle. C. The lifeboat is on the deck railing. D. The lifebuoys are on the deck railing. 试题答案:D 31、防污漆() A. anti-fouling paint B. non-slip paint C. boottopping paint D. topside paint 试题答案:A 32、Apply two coats of red lead primer and topside paint ()the forecastle deck. A. for B.

11、with C. to D. at 试题答案:C 33、The()(侧滚式舱盖) runs along the guide rail. A. rolling type hatch cover B. side-rolling hatch cover C. folding type hatch cover D. automatic hatch cover 试题答案:B 34、着火点是能产生燃烧现象所需要的()温度。 A. 最低 B. 最高 C. 适宜 D. 标准 试题答案:A 35、If there is another line already on the bollard ,the eye of

12、 the second line should be()before placing it over the bollard. A. taken up through the eye of the first line B. taken up over the eye of the first line C. made fast to the first line D. taken up from the eye of the first line 试题答案:A 36、我们的重吊杆已经长时间不用了。() A. Our derrick has been out of use for a long

13、 time. B. Our heavy derrick has been out of use for a long time. C. Our crane has been out of use for a long time. D. Our winch has been out of use for a long time. 试题答案:B 37、下列那项不属于植物纤维绳() A. 尼龙绳和涤纶绳 B. 白棕绳 C. 油麻绳和椰棕绳 D. 马尼拉绳 试题答案:A 38、Open the bilge well cover. () A. 关上压载水盖。 B. 关上污水井盖。 C. 打开污水井盖。 D. 打开压载水盖。 试题答案:C 39、船舶的主体是船壳。() A. The main body of a vessel is the hull. B. The main body of a vessel is the superstructure. C. The main body of a vessel is the engine room. D. The main body of a vessel is the poop. 试题答案:A


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