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1、 Section B Heavy Body,Not Heavy Heart1/78Reading MoreText BExercises Words&ExpressionsCONTENTSQuestions Preview2/78Preview the following questions before reading the text.1.What do you think of people who are overweight?2.If you were overweight,how would you live your life?3.Are you in a weight-obse

2、ssed culture?Why or why not?4.What do people around you think of being overweight?Questions Preview3/78Words&ExpressionsText B Reading More4/78 In pictures from college I was thin.I worked full time,went to school full time,smoked,and lived off fast food and soft drinks.Friends say that I dont look

3、like myself in those pictures.I looked ill,sad,and unhealthy.Para.1Heavy Body,Not Heavy HeartText BChineseChinese5/78 Now,at a weight considered to be dangerously high by medical charts,I live better than ever.I have given up smoking,and I eat a lot of vegetables;I enjoy walking,swimming and dancing

4、 classes.I exercise and eat well because I love living,not because I want to lose weight.My doctor tells me I am healthy,and this is much more important than being thin.Studies show that overweight people who exercise have a lower death rate than“normal”weight people who do not.Para.2Text BChineseCh

5、inese6/78 Negative attitudes toward fat people begin in childhood.One study showed that,as early as nursery school,children liked pictures of disabled children of similar ages better than those of fat children.Similarly,a study of college students said they would rather marry a drug user,a thief,or

6、a blind person than someone who was fat.These attitudes create discrimination that affects fat people in every aspect of their lives,including money matters.In fact,overweight,white women usually earn less than thin,white women24 percent less,according to one study.Para.3Text BChineseChinese7/78 Peo

7、ple often justify their judgments about fat people by saying that people choose to be fat.Choose?Who would choose life as a fat person in this weight-obsessed culture?There are many false ideas about fat people in society:that all fat people have eating disorders or emotional or mental issues;that i

8、f they really wanted to lose weight they could.Para.4Text BChineseChinese8/78 In reality,however,some people are naturally fat.How a person is born is simply science,not a comment on someones character.The Center for Disease Control reports that 78 percent of American women are trying hard to lose w

9、eight,and at an amazing failure rate95 percent get back what theyve lost within two to five years.The often-heard comment of“you have such a pretty face”does not please me because of all thats not said:“If youd just lose the weight youd be beautiful.”Beauty is a taught concept and the cultural stand

10、ards for beauty change constantly.Para.5&6Text BChineseChinese9/78 Later in life,I was happy to learn that some cultures have very different standards of beauty.While I was visiting the British Virgin Islands,a local man invited me to be in a picture with him on the beach.I asked,“Why me?There are w

11、omen who look like models here.”“Bones are for dogs,”he said with a smile.“Meat is for men.”Para.7&8Text BChineseChinese10/78Meaning:Although we are overweight,we are healthy and happy.1Heavy Body,Not Heavy HeartMeaning of the Sentences11/78Meaning:I had a full-time job and then studied as a full-ti

12、me student;I smoked and had fast food and soft drinks almost all the time.2I worked full time,went to school full time,smoked,and lived off fast food and soft drinks.Meaning of the Sentences12/78Meaning:Now Im considered to be so fat that I may be in danger of having health problems according to sta

13、ndards for good health.However,now my life is better than any other time in the past.3Now,at a weight considered to be dangerously high by medical charts,I live better than ever.Meaning of the Sentences13/78Meaning:.I get pleasure from walking,swimming and dancing classes.4.I enjoy walking,swimming

14、and dancing classes.Meaning of the Sentences14/78Meaning:My doctor tells me that I am quite healthy,and a healthy body has a greater value than a thin body.5My doctor tells me I am healthy,and this is much more important than being thin.Meaning of the Sentences15/78Meaning:Studies show there are a s

15、maller percentage of deaths for fat people who exercise than for people who are of standard weight but do not exercise.6Studies show that overweight people who exercise have a lower death rate than“normal”weight people who do not.Meaning of the Sentences16/78Meaning:When one is a child,he/she begins

16、 to dislike fat people and think that they are not good in some way.7Negative attitudes toward fat people begin in childhood.Meaning of the Sentences17/78Meaning:One study showed that even very young children prefer pictures of disabled children of their own age to those pictures of fat children.8One study showed that,as early as nursery school,children liked pictures of disabled children of similar ages better than those of fat children.Meaning of the Sentences18/78Meaning:In the same way,a stu


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