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1、mxxxUniversity.MyhometownisSichuan,Nanchong.Today,clifeinxxxUniversityAndIamreadytorealizemydreamThauiltupasolidfoundationofmicroelectronicsintheoryth动手能力和实验操作技能得到了锻炼和提升(懂得怎样查阅文献,不论成功或失败,都要做详细的实验记录,方便各位老师好!很荣幸能够参加今天的面试!我是 XXX,来自 XXX 大学化学化工学院,我的本科专业是材料化学。接 下来我将 从以下三方面来介绍自己:一是课程学习,二是科研经历,三是学生工 作。在课程学习

2、方面,我们前四个学期主要学习一些专业基础课程,主干课程有 高等 数学, 大学物理, 大学外语, 四大化学和相关实验。第三个学年开始主要学 习专业课。 主干课程有材料化学, 材料分析技术等。在前三年的学习中, 我勤奋 学习, 刻苦努力, 三年的总必修课程名列专业第一。英语方面,也具备较好的读 写表达能力,大一时已 顺利通过了英语四六级。在科研经历方面,由于自己对科研有着浓厚的兴趣,因此,大一下学期我主 动联 系学院的一位硕士生导师, 到他的实验室去学习,在这期间,我参与这位老 师课题组 的研究工作, 比如前期参与了 XXX, XXX 课题,这让我接触到了真 正意义上的科研, 懂得了一些科研的基本

3、常识(认识到科研的严谨性和严肃性, 同时明口在科研过程中 需要有团队精神) ,并使自己的动手能力和实验操作技能 得到了锻炼和提升(懂得怎 样查阅文献,不论成功或失败,都要做详细的实验记 录,方便以后查阅和出现问题时 的排查,形成了良好的实验习惯)o 2012 年 5 月, 经过学院和学校的两轮答辩,我成 功申请到“国家级大学生创新创业训练计划” 项目,负责“XXX”课题(科研过程中 遇到的难题,如何应对?) 。在学生工作方面,大一时我曾任校学生会干事, “爱心家教”志愿者,这些 工作锻炼了我与人沟通交流的能力。通过三年的学习以及对自己的认识(具备了专业所需的基本素质,培养了浓 厚的 专业兴趣,

4、 并且我勤奋,自信,有坚持不懈的毅力,具备了继续深造的能力 和素质。 想更深入学习专业知识,继续深造) ,研究生阶段想在分析化学方面继 续深造。谢谢!Good morning/afternoon, professors I am xxx from x x x University. Myhometown is Sichuan, Nanchong. Today, ifs my great honor to sta nd here for your in terview, and I will make efforts to show my personal best. Now let me br

5、iefly introduce myself to you.During the past three years, I have enjoyed an unforgettable college life inxxx Un iversity I obtai ned not only the fun dame ntal kno wledge of myspecialty, but also many trie nds in life Gen erally speaking, I am a studiousstudent, especially when doing the thing I am

6、 interested in, I will try my best tofinish it no matter how difficult it is When I was a sophomore, I thought thatearprofessorsuniversiWformanytimesMoreover;Ihavego我参与这位老师课题组的研究工作,比如前期参与了XXX,XXX课题,这让我接触到了真正意义上的科研,懂lmakeeffortstoshowmypersonalbest.Nowletmebrieflyinroughoutmyschoollife.Besides,Ialsoh

7、avesomepreciousEnglish would be significant to my further study, so I learned it very hard. I am a person with great perseverance, because I always think that the achievements the Great men attain are from their diligence and perseveranee, so I should learn how to work hard as the Greats to pursue a

8、 brighter futureI hope I could have a better understanding in Analytical Chemistry by studying further. And here are so many remarkable professors, experts; they are all best examples for me. They will teach me not only how to study, but also how to be a better man.Well, in my spare time, I like pla

9、ying badminton, climbing and reading. While doing sports helps me keep fit physically, reading ren ders my mind more matured men tally. Duri ng vacati on s, I like to go traveling and I believe it can enhanee my social knowledge and experiences.For a long time, I have been dreaming to enter this ren

10、owned un iversity and further my educati on here .If I could have the honor to study here, I believe my undergraduate education would be an invaluable asset in my academic life in x xx University And I am ready to realize my dreamThank you very much for your time and attention!academicexperienceinpr

11、acticewhichwillbenefitmyrese申请到“国家级大学生创新创业训练计划”项目,负责“XXX”课题(科研过程中遇到的难题,如何应对?)。以后查阅和出现问题时的排查,形成了良好的实验习惯)o2012年5月,经过学院和学校的两轮答辩,我成功.IfIcouldhavethehonortostudyhere,IbelievemyundergrTo become an excellent researcher has been my dream since secondary schooL In the past 3 years university life, I have put

12、 great effort in achieving this goal and have received satisfactory results in both bachelor degrees I have obtained scholarships for outstanding students in *I consider myself as a determined and discreet person with a strong senseGood morning, dear professorsThank you for offering me this intervie

13、w opportunity. My name is *fm from * University. I am working for my dual bachebr degree inmicroelectronics and finance.universiW for many times Moreover; I have good proficiency of Englishand passed CET 4 and 6 with ease Whats more, to facilitate furtheracademic research, I have built up a solid fo

14、undation of microelectronics in theory throughout my school life. Besides , I also have some precious academic experience in practice which will benefit my research in the fulture. I enjoy the sense of accomplishment when converting my creative ideas into the useful devices.of responsibility and bro

15、ad horizons. Moreover; I am always willing toachieve higher goals, and seek for a challenging life.So, after graduating from * University, I desire to work on * andspare no effort in doing research on it to continue Moores law andoptimize the integrated circuitsAbove is my self-introduction. Thank you for considering me as apotential candidate



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