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1、考研英语一甘肃省临夏回族自治州2023年高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。As I rushed among the tables, suddenly, a 1 asked

2、 if I could mind a child. I was quite 2 but I could tell the man was quite desperate. So I had to make a_with him that if he wanted his son to stay and wait for him, he had to 3 something in the shopThis was quite 4 for the man to do; I could 5 he was quite poor by the 6 he was dressed. It looked as

3、 if he had tried to come in his 7 clothes. But they still looked a bit old and worn out 8 he had often worn them, just to make himself look best. Looking down I could see his 9 were also a bit torn and the heels were in a terrible state. I thought he was going for a job interview. In the end he boug

4、ht a small box of 10 for his little son and seated him down in the corner. I could tell the boy was feeling down and only could 11 with a bit of cheering upSeeing that the kid sat there for quite a while, I was a bit 12 as the poor little kid was sitting_ his own. People watched him and some kids ev

5、en came over to pick on him. I was 13 to see one of them even knocked his cookies off the tableHe quickly went and got them back without saying a wordI was hoping his father would 14 up and come back for his sons 15 At closing time, the only person left was the little boyAfter a while, the father fi

6、nally came in with a tiresome look. I 16 he didnt get any jobAs they were leaving, I offered the kid a little cake, but the man rejected it. I 17 he felt as if I had just abused himOf course I didnt mean toBut I could understand why he felt like thatI only wished them good 18 whatever happenedThe ma

7、n opened the door to leavefather and son hand in hand1、AgoodBbadCnewDcasual2、AcommitmentBappointmentCpreferenceDsuccess3、AmanagedBagreedChesitatedDdecided4、AdidBmentionedCsharedDmissed5、AgreetBinspireCintroduceDremember6、AkindnessBhappinessCstoriesDsadness7、AstillBoftenCneverDeven8、AwhisperedBexplai

8、nedCreportedDreplied9、AsurpriseBchallengeCconcernDmoment10、AcashierBcustomerCbeggarDsecretary11、AmarkBsignCsymbolDflag12、Apaying forBpicking upCpaying offDpicking out13、AoccasionallyBusuallyCprobablyDhardly14、AunoccupiedBunnoticedCunorganizedDunquestioned15、AwisdomBexistenceCgenerosityDappreciation1

9、6、AsocietyBloveCholidayDfamily17、AencouragingBinvitingChelpingDaffecting18、AdroppedBboughtCfoundDfell19、AstrangeBluckyCcoolDfunny20、AafterBthoughCunlessDwhenSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D.

10、Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 It hurts to keep secrets. Secrecy (保密) is associated with lower well-being, worse health, and less satisfying relationships. Research has linked secrecy to increased anxiety, depression, symptoms of poor health, and even the more rapid progres

11、sion of disease. There is a seemingly obvious explanation for these harms: hiding secrets is hard work. You have to watch what you say.New research, however, suggests that the harm of secrets doesnt really come from the hiding after all. The real problem with keeping a secret is not that you have to

12、 hide it, but that you have to live with it, and think about it.To better understand the harms of secrecy, researchers first set out to understand what secrets people keep, and how often they keep them. They found that 97% of people have at least one secret at any given moment, and people have, on a

13、verage, 13 secrets.Across several studies, researchers asked participants to estimate how frequently they hid their secret during conversations with others, and also how frequently they thought about the secret outside of social interactions. They found that the more frequently people simply thought

14、 about their secrets, the lower their well-being.Following up this research, a new paper reveals why thinking about secrets is so harmful. Turning the question around, the consequences of telling secrets are examined. Researchers found that when a person reveals a secret to a third party, it does no

15、t reduce how often they have to hide the secret from others who are still kept in the dark. Rather, it reduces how often their mind wanders toward the secret in irrelevant moments.Therefore, if you choose to still keep something secret, talking to another person can make the world of difference. Secrets dont have to hurt as much as they do.1、Which is not one of the harms of keeping secrets?ABeing physically sick.BMental problems.CHarmed relationships.D



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