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1、张家口市宣化县2023年考研英语一考前冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) After my husbands Chinese kung fu school was open for about a week, my daughters and I decided to see how it was g

2、oing. We were deeply 1 to see there wasnt a single student in the school. My husband was standing 2 in the school waiting for customers.We had to 3 ! We decided to be his 4 until he got some real ones. We thought it was better to have five people in the school 5 just him if a passerby looked in the

3、window. He started teaching us 6 and forms. We found that some of them actually were 7 to ballet moves but much more difficult. It was kind of fun but 8 , too! Wewere attracted by then, so we 9 as learners. 10 , we got actual students in our school. There were many men and teenage boys, and we 11 lo

4、ts of other girls and women as well. One special student was a 12 sevenyear-old girl. She was going 13 and had other health problems. With my daughters help and 14 , this little girl got to be a real kung fu kid. Although she is now a sightless, grown adult, Im confident she can 15 herself if she ne

5、eds to.I am 16 to say my daughters are more confident in every area of their lives. This experience taught me to 17 things I never would have 18 before kung fu. I havent been 19 in all of my efforts, but Ill give almost 20 of niceness a try!1、AboredBupsetCnervousDmoved2、AcheerfullyBaggressivelyCalon

6、eDforever3、AactBjokeCappearDlearn4、AfamiliesBworkmatesCconsultantsDstudents5、Amore thanBin place ofCrather thanDin case of6、AspeechesBmovesCmannersDdesigns7、AusefulBaccessibleCsimilarDcomparable8、AchallengingBastonishingCrelaxingDinspiring9、Agot togetherBsigned upCbroke awayDstayed on10、AEventuallyB

7、UnfortunatelyCObviouslyDRegularly11、AdiscoveredBjoinedCunitedDattracted12、AtraditionalBhomelessCdisabledDtypical13、AblindBdeafClameDstupid14、AthreatBencouragementCadjustmentDapproval15、AprotectBrecognizeCfeedDeducate16、AstubbornBproudCsensitiveDtentative17、Aapply toBgive upCtry outDhold back18、Aappr

8、eciatedBpredictedCignoredDconsidered19、AhelpfulBsuccessfulCcheerfulDenthusiastic20、AsomeBeitherCnoneDanySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Tex

9、t 1Petra and Wadi Rum,JordanWhen it comes to the worlds wonderful desert scenery,Jordans Petra and Wadi Rum has it.Also known as the Valley of the Moon,this place is one of the best due to its amazing desert canyons(峡谷)and rock walls.Participants love exploring its Burdah and Um Fruth,walking to the

10、 impressive ancient city.Kilimanjaro,TanzaniaThe Rongai Route is the best route if the participants of the walking tour want a quiet climb.The Kili Trail permits travelers to witness the regions wilderness,virgin forests,and rare animals.This route,according to many,is the easiest way to reach the t

11、op where the breath-taking 360-degree sights of natural wonders await.Quebec,CanadaThis special environment made up of both the natural and cultural treasures,where fresh water becomes one with the tides(潮汕)of the sea,makes Quebec one of the interesting walking tour destinations in the world.Here is

12、 a track that heads to the Saguenay Fjord National Park which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.Adding to the beauty of Quebec are its sparkling waterfalls,inviting lakes,and rare animals.Great Smoky Mountain,USThis region(地区)has been named as the ancestral home of the Cherokee Indians,w

13、here rich natural wonders combined with interesting history are the major happenings.The rich natural reserve is evident and enjoyed by walking tour participants.What also makes this destination a popular choice is its reputation as the biggest wilderness on the eastern part of the United States.1、W

14、hat is Petra and Wadi Rum best known for?AIts culture. BIts quietness.CIts rare animals. DIts desert scenery.2、Which tour combines the scenery of land and water?APetra and Wadi Rum. BKilimanjaro.CQuebec. DGreat Smoky Mountain.3、What is unique to Great Smoky Mountain?ASpecial history. BNational park.

15、CVirgin forests. DOcean view.4、Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AMagical Nature Reserves BBest Walking ToursCColorful Cultural Treasures DAmazing Wilderness AreasText 2Dogs may actually understand what their owners are trying to say, according to a new study.Moreover, when dogs listen to someone talking, they may use brain regions that are equal t


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