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1、2023年江苏省常州市戚墅堰区考研英语一考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A great many people are disappointed because of unrealistic expectations.Walking up to a department stores cloth

2、 counter, a(n) 1 young woman said, “I want to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?”“Only one 2 per yard,” replied the smirking (自鸣得意的) male clerk.Not to be taken back by the funny words, the woman said,” Thats fine! Ill take ten yards.”With 3 written all over his face, the clerk

3、 4 measured out and wrapped the cloth, then held it out teasingly, 5 forward to receive his “ 6 .The woman got the package quickly from the clerk and pointed to a little old man standing beside her. “Grandpa will pay the bill instead of me,” she 7 He was no doubt disappointed. But in the course of l

4、iving, many people are 8 when others do not 9 their expectations. In order to be happy, some expectations must be dropped. These three particular 10 and unhealthy expectations are some of the main causes:1. Expect too much 11 When others say, “Thank you,” or in any way to show their gratitude, be ha

5、ppy. It is a gift!2. Expect others to make you happy. They simply cannot do that. Make yourself happy and 12 your joy with others.3. Expect not to be 13 . At times, people will simply not come through for you in the way you need 14 them and move on.Get rid of these three unrealistic expectations and

6、 you can begin to expect more 15 right away!1、AtrickyBattractiveCuglyDgenerous2、AkissBpayCdollarDcent3、AhappinessBenjoymentCexpectationDcourage4、AhurriedlyBslowlyCpatientlyDcuriously5、AsettingBsittingCleaningDtaking6、ArewardBpaymentCbonusDmoney7、AsmiledBbeggedCwavedDthought8、AencouragedBdisappointed

7、CannoyedDsurprised9、Alive up toBgo againstCgo withoutDhope for10、AreasonableBproperCunimportantDunrealistic11、AprofitBkissCappreciationDdisappointment12、AspareBshareCmakeDcontrol13、Aput downBlet downCtaken downDthrown down14、AForgiveBPunishCBlameDPraise15、AhappinessBencouragementCexcitementDprideSec

8、tion II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1I remember my childhood summers fondly, as many of us do. Those golden days in which I would leave the h

9、ouse after a still sleepy, leisurely breakfast and come home only for lunch in the middle of a day spent entirely outdoors. We did not live in town and, thus, playmates were limited to siblings (兄弟姐妹) and the cousins who lived down the road.Our backyard became the playground in which our imagination

10、s would run wildturning those few acres into magical forests, the creek (小溪) into a violent river and our trusty dog, Rex, into the many roles of horse, monster and any other creature that we children did not want to play. By the end of the three months of summer break we were sunburned from our hou

11、rs in the sun, full of the memories of a thousand magical moments and bonded to our siblings in a way that winters forced hibernation (冬眠) never seemed to connect us.Today, I live on the same acreage that I did as a child. My children have the blessing of having the same grassy patches to scratch th

12、eir bare feet as they run through it, the same creek to stomp(跺脚)through, and not the same dogbut their very own energetic pup to imagine away the days with.However, this is not the same world as it was twenty, thirty years ago. There are screens everywhere in the house to demand attentiontelevision

13、s with hundreds of channels, computers with access to a thousand entertaining sites, tablets stocked with apps. There is also no longer the expectation of a stretch of an unscheduled three months. Their school friends tell competitive stories of carefully planned vacations, spending time traveling t

14、o all of the local attractionsvarious parks, the zoo, the science center, all of the festivals which come breezing through town. On the very first day of school they will be asked to list their favorite activities of the summer and no longer are these lists filled with things like finding wood to ma

15、ke a bridge over a creek or a day spent in imaginative play with their siblings. The lists are now full of trips, overscheduled days and “camps” that no longer offer a stay in nature.Our children have become used to being entertained every minute. In our house, we have limits on electronics and kick the kids outside on a nice day. Even as we try as parents to set limits and get our children out in nature, the new cry of childhood seems to be “Im bored,” which is not really just meaning “Im bored,” “but “Please find something to entertain


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