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1、考研英语一江西省吉安市安福县2023年高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Love Is Blind: The Magic of TabbyIn October, 2003 I started my work at my local animal shelters Adoption Departme

2、nt. Over the years, more than 50,000 animals have 1 the doors of the shelter. Most of them, I do not remember. But occasionally there are 2 animals, who touch me so deeply that I could never possibly 3 them. Tabby was one such animal. Tabby was an ancient Cocker Spaniel, probably 14 years old. Whats

3、 more, she was blind and deaf. Tabbys chances at adoption seemed 4 at best. After all, we didnt have many adopters coming in 5 , “Can you show me all of your really old dogs who are also 6 ?” We had all thought that Tabby would live out the rest of her life at the 7 .One day a woman named Loretta ca

4、me to the shelter. Her son, Gary, had 8 Tabbys picture and stories on the shelters website at home. They were interested in meeting her! It was the only 9 we ever received about Tabby. What could a young child possibly see in a 14-year-old dog who was both blind and deaf? Most boys would want a dog

5、who could grow with them and 10 through grassy fields on summer days. Tabby would 11 be able to do that. But after meeting her, Loretta and Gary decided that she was the right dog for their family. They adopted Tabby! If Tabbys story had simply ended with her 12 adoption, it would still have been so

6、mething very special indeed. 13 , it was what happened after her adoption that people might regard as “magic”. Gary 14 from seizures(癫痫). Since Gary and Tabby met they became 15 . They did everything together. They became so “in tune” with one another that Tabby began to telegraph Garys seizures 16

7、they occurred, giving his family 17 that one was about to strike. Whats more, Gary seemed to be having fewer and fewer seizures since Tabbys 18 .How could it be? Nobody could explain 19 Tabby did it. But those of us who were fortunate enough to know her and her family had 20 the magic, the kind that

8、 has its roots in love.1、Abroken Bpassed Cpainted Dlocked2、Astrange Bactive Cwild Dspecial3、Arecall Bleave Cforget Dabandon4、Aremote Bgreat Cfair Dpotential5、Awondering Bstating Cseeking Dasking6、Astubborn Bactive Cdisabled Dpatient7、Ahospital Bshelter Cfarm Droadside8、Aposted Btaken Cseen Ddrawn9、A

9、letter Bdonation Ccall Denquiry10、Aget Brun Clook Dbreak11、Aoften Bpossibly Cnever Dgenerally12、Asuccessful Bnormal Ctemporary Dearly13、AHowever BMoreover CTherefore DOtherwise14、Alearnt Bsuffered Cheard Ddiffered15、Aindifferent Buncomfortable Cunfortunate Dinseparable16、Asince Bunless Cbefore Dthou

10、gh17、Aexplanation Bnotice Csuggestion Dwarning18、Aarrival Bbirth . Creturn Drecovery19、Awhere Bhow Cwhen Dwhether20、Awitnessed Bcreated Cachieved DperformedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. M

11、ark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1There are many places to go on safari(观赏野生动物) in Africa,but riding a horse through the flooded waters of Botswanas Okavango Delta must rank a& one of the worlds most exciting wildlife journeys.Several safari camps operate as the base for this ad

12、venture, providing unique rides twice a day to explore deep into the delta. The camps have excellent horses, professional guides and lots of support workers. They have a reputation for providing a great riding experience.The morning ride, when the guides take you to beautiful, shallow lakes full of

13、water lilies, tends to be more active. It is unlike any other riding experience. With rainbows forming in the splashing water around you and the sound of huge drops of water bouncing off your body and face,it is truly exciting. You are very likely to come across large wild animals,too. On horseback

14、it is possible to get quite close to elephants, giraffes and many other animals. The sense of excitement and tension levels rise suddenly though, as does your heart rate, as you move closer to them.In the evening, rides are usually at a more relaxed and unhurried pace, with golden light streaming ac

15、ross the grassy delta and the animals coming out to eat and drink. Sedate as they are, rides at this time of day are still very impressive. As the suns rays pass through the dust kicked up by the horses, the romance of Africa comes to life.Back at the camp you can kick off your boots and enjoy excellent food and wine. Looking b



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