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1、考研英语一资阳市2023年深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A man was bitterly envious of his neighbourHe spent long hours in prayer,wanting to be 1 to his neighbour in every aspe

2、ct of lifeOne night,God appeared before him in a dream and said,“I am pleased with your 2 Ask for a gift 3 your neighbour will get the same gift in double amount”He was glad but sad that his enemy would get a greater giftHe requested,“God, 4 the sight in one of my eyes”With his single eye,he peeped

3、at his neighbour but was 5 to see his neighbours sight was not lost! Confused,he 6 to God,“Why dont you keep your word?”God said,“Son,I always keep my word 7 is not a gift,but a curseYou have the gift of sight in only one eye now,as asked by youBut your neighbour has sight in both of his eyesI 8 the

4、 gift”He suddenly 9 from his dream and was sure that it was a message from GodEnglightened by the dream,he went to his neighbour and begged his pardon for thinking and acting 10 himThey embraced each other and were good friends thereafter1、AclevererBpreviousCstrongerDsuperior2、AprayerBenvyCsorrowDpi

5、ty3、AOtherwieeBButCThereforeDBesides4、AfinishBcutCmoveDdestroy5、AdelightedBterrifiedCsurprisedDworried6、AblamedBcomplainedCyelledDhurried7、ABlindnessBEnvyCDisabilityDPromise8、ArelievedBawardedCkeptDdoubled9、AawokeBburstCcriedDfrightened10、AtowardsBforCagainstDonSection II Reading ComprehensionPart A

6、Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1To err is human. Society is suffering from an inability to acknowledge as much.For individuals, errors are painful. The trick, then, is to

7、err well: to recognize mistakes and learn from them. Worryingly, humanity may be getting worse at admitting its mistakes.Few enjoy the feeling of being caught out in an error. But real trouble starts when the desire to avoid a punishment leads to a refusal to deal with contrary evidence. Economists

8、often assume that people are sensible. When faced with a new fact, these people should update their view of the world to take better decisions in future. Yet years of economic research confirms that people frequently disregard information that conflicts with their view of the world.Why should that b

9、e? Last year Roland Benabou, of Princeton, presented a framework for thinking about the problem. In many ways, beliefs are like other economic goods. People spend time and resources building them, and get value from them: some beliefs make owners feel good and show their public identity; other belie

10、fs provide value by shaping behaviorfor example, religious asceticism(禁欲主义) can help one avoid unhealthy habits.Because beliefs, however, are not simply tools for making good decisions, but are treasured in their own right, new information that challenges them is unwelcome. People often engage in “m

11、otivated reasoning” to manage such challenges. Mr Benabou classifies this into three categories. “Strategic ignorance” is when a believer avoids information offering conflicting evidence. In “reality denial”, troubling evidence is rationalized(合理化):real estate investors might make up fanciful theori

12、es for why prices should behave unusually, and supporters of a disgraced politician might claim the negative news to be fake. And lastly, in “selfsignalling”, the believer creates his own tools to interpret the facts in the way he wants: an unhealthy person, for example, might decide that going for

13、a daily run proves he is well.“Motivated reasoning” is a cognitive bias(偏见). Not all the errors it leads to are costly: praising the performance of ones supported football team despite contradictory evidence does little harm. But when biases are broadly sharedwithin financial world or political part

14、iesdanger arises. Motivated reasoning helps explain why viewpoints polarize (两极分化) even as information is more easily available than ever before.Work by Mr Benabou suggests that groupthink is highest when people within groups face a shared fate: when choosing to break from a group is unlikely to spa

15、re an individual the costs of the groups errors or bring much individual benefit. The incentive(动力) to engage in motivated reasoning is high as a result. Even as the fact on a particular issue is obvious, parties can still become increasingly polarized. That, in turn, can make it harder still for a member of one party to get any benefit from breaking from a group. Indeed, the group has an incentive to silence independent voices.Public statements of regret are risky in a rigidly polarized world. Admissions of error can not only annoy partners but also provide opportunities for opponents. But



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