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1、考研英语一海南省三亚市琼海市2023年临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It is 1971.Sally with Josh and Martin,her two brothers,discovers a massive whale stranded (搁浅) on the beach near

2、their home.The three children 1 their sweaters into the cold sea water and rush back to wet the 2 animal.Realizing the urgency,Josh runs for help and people gather to 3 .Though they do all they can,it becomes clear that their efforts are 4 Sitting by the whale,Sally tells him hes 5 and beautiful, an

3、d that she will 6 him no matter what happens next.As Sally talks to him,the animal lets out “a deep 7 like the wind off the ocean” and dies.The Stranded Whale is a 8 book for children carrying a(n) 9 life lesson about accepting the 10 of ones power.Master storyteller Yolen and illustrator (插画家) Cata

4、ldo have 11 an honest picture of human weakness that is moving.Yolen 12 sets her story in 1971,when the lack of cell phones would delay the 13 of both helpers and broadcasters.This adds to the 14 because so much time is lost.Cataldos paintings 15 gentle and soft colors,providing vast 16 views and co

5、nveying the childrens helplessness.The ending is 17 .Sally expresses the irony to herself when 18 with a medal by the community. “So,the whale died and we were heroes.” 19 they have made great efforts to rescue the whale,Sally and her brothers learn that not all living creatures can be saved.This is

6、 an important truth for 20 .1、Asqueeze Bdip Cthrow Ddive2、Adangerous Bdeserted Cdying Ddeadly3、Arespond Bfight Cwitness Dcharge4、Aworthwhile Bin vain Cat loss Dawarded5、Apatient Bconsiderate Cstrong Dcautious6、Asave Bpity Cunderstand Dmiss7、Asigh Bcough Cscream Dyawn8、Adrawing Bpicture Creference Dw

7、riting9、Aeasy Bbitter Cstrict Dstrange10、Afailures Bmistakes Climits Dshortcomings11、Aforesaw Bmade up Ctook up Dcreated12、Awisely Bespecially Crandomly Dusually13、Amessage Btransfer Carrival Dprotection14、Asorrow Bfun Cexcitement Dtension15、Aavoid Badjust Ccompare Demploy16、Aseashore Bisland Ccount

8、ry Doutdoor17、Atouched Brealistic Cabstract Dcomforting18、Areplied Bprovided Cpresented Drelated19、AAs long as BAs though CIf only DEven though20、Achildren Banimals Cwriters DillustratorsSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each t

9、ext by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Joe? Is that you? The woman speaking to me at the baseball game looked a little familiar. Marci? I asked.It IS you! she cried out, smiling broadly. Gosh, its good to see you again!It was good to see Marci, too. Off

10、 and on during the past few decades, Ive wondered about her. I almost tried to search for her a few years ago after talking to a friend who had indicated that the 1990s had been pretty rough for Marci. So meeting her at the baseball game was really out of expectation.We spent a few minutes talking a

11、bout our livesthe good old, bad old days. Then Marci grew quiet for a moment. “You know, Joe,” she said, “ Ive always wanted to tell youhowhow sorry I am for the way I treated you. You must have been hurt both physically and mentally.” I was a little embarrassed. I turned and looked at her. “Its OK,

12、” I said, “No big deal!” “But I was such a jerk.” she continued. Yes you were, I thought. “We were both pretty young,” I smiled. “I know.” she said, “Its just always bothered me, remembering how mean I was to you. And Ive wanted to tell you that Im sorry.”The expression on her face was warm and sinc

13、ere. And there was something in her eyesit looked a lot like relief. “OK,” I said. Apology accepted!” Overcome by the sweetness of the moment, I reached an arm around her and gave her a quick hug. Just then, the crowd erupted with a huge cheer, and Marci and I both returned our attention to the game

14、. By the time I looked over to where she had been, she was gone. But the warm, wonderful feeling of our brief exchange was still there, and continues to this day whenever I think about it .It isnt enough to just say “Im sorry” and Youre forgiven. But when those words are truly felt and sincerely exp

15、ressed, they can open the door to miracles of the heart. Forgiveness can bring peace to an injured souleven years after the fact. Even at a baseball game.1、What kind of life did Marci live during the late 20th century according to the passage?AHappy. BBusy. CHard. DSimple.2、What does the underlined word “jerk” in the thi


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