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1、考研英语一2023年四川省遂宁市深度预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从110各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A lesson from my mother will always stay with me.I was in the third grade

2、 then. I had been 1 to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had practiced my 2 with me. But no matter how easily I delivered them at home, as soon as I stepped onstage, every word 3 from my head.Finally, my teacher took me aside. She 4 that she had written a narrators(旁白)part

3、to the play, and asked me to 5 roles. Her word, kindly delivered, still hurt me, especially 6 I saw my part go to another girl.My mothe_ my ill feelings, although I didnt tell her what had happened. _suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to_in the yard.It was a lovely spring day and

4、 the rose vine(藤)was turning 7 . Under the huge trees, we could see yellow dandelions(蒲公英)appearing. I watched my mother 8 to dig up some dandelions. “From now on, well have only roses in this garden,” she said.“But I like dandelions,” I said. “All 9 are beautiful - even dandelions.” My mother looke

5、d at me _. “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesnt it?” she asked. I 10 , pleased that I had won her over. “And that is 11 of people too,” she added. “Not everyone can be a princess, but there is no 12 in that.”Knowing that she had guessed my 13 , I started to cry as I told her what

6、 had happened. She listened and smiled.“But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, 14 me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her. “The narrators 15 is every bit as important as the part of a princess.”Over the next few weeks, with her constant 16 , I learned to take pride in the role.

7、1、AjudgedBpickedCrefusedDpaid2、ApointsBfilmsClinesDactions3、AdisappearedBoccurredCmaintainedDcame4、ApromisedBadmittedCexpectedDexplained5、AprovideBswitchCshareDplay6、AbeforeBsinceCbecauseDwhen7、AacceptedBunderstoodCsensedDreceived8、AExcept forBInstead ofCApart fromDAlong with9、AwalkBsleepCperformDda

8、nce10、AyellowBgreenCdarkDred11、Ago backBjump outCbreak inDbend down12、AtreesBflowersCrosesDcreatures13、AseriouslyBangrilyCunwillinglyDcoldly14、AdisagreedBsighedCcriedDnodded15、AluckyBworthyCtrueDfree16、AdoubtBargumentCshameDmercy17、ApainBproblemCaccidentDanswer18、AremindingBabusingCinformingDpersuad

9、ing19、AvoiceBnameCideaDpart20、AwarningBencouragementCpraiseDawardSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Last night Mr. and Mrs. Rojas stayed

10、 home. It was cold and rainy and they didnt want to go out in the bad weather. Mrs. Rojas made some popcorn and ice tea. At 8:00, Mr. and Mrs. Rojas went into the living room, sat on the sofa and began the movie and ate and drank. At 8:15, Mr. and Mrs. Rojas realized they already watched the movie l

11、ast year and they didnt want to watch it again.“Now what?” asked Mr. Rojas. “Lets play cards!” answered Mrs. Rojas. At 8:30 Mr. and Mrs. Rojas started to play cards. They were playing for about 10 minutes when Mr. Rojas looked out the window. The rain changed to snow and the trees were covered in be

12、autiful white snow. “Im happy we stayed home tonight. It looks beautiful outside but this weather is very dangerous to drive in.” said Mr. Rojas. “Youre right,” said Mrs. Rojas, “but Im bored. Lets play some music and dance.”Mr. Rojas was surprised. “Dance? But I really dont .”“Oh come on!” Mrs. Roj

13、as insisted. She put on a romantic CD and they both started to dance. They were dancing for about 1 minute when suddenly the music stopped and the lights went out. Mrs. Rojas laughed. “Were just not very lucky tonight, are we?” she said. Mr. Rojas said, “Of course were lucky! We are together!” He ki

14、ssed her and continued to dance with her, in the dark and without music.1、Why did Mr. and Mrs. Rojas stay at home last night?AThey wanted to stay together. BThe weather was so terrible.CThey had a dinner at home. DThey planned to watch a movie.2、When it started to snow, Mr. and Mrs. Rojas were _.Ama

15、king popcorn Bwatching a movieCplaying cards Ddancing to the music3、We can infer from the passage that .AIt was a rainy day in summer BMrs. Rojas cooked very wellCMr. Rojas loved to dance at first DMr. Rojas was in love with his wifeText 2 Her grades are fine; Im not worried about that, but she just doesnt seem to love learning any more,Alices mum saidShes absolutely right Id noticed the s


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