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1、河南省驻马店市汝南县2023年考研英语一预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I am a social worker. I wanted to tell everyone about my very dear friend who passed away a few months ago. I met

2、 him many years ago while doing my internship(实习期的工作)in the county prison. He was 1 a program he had designed to help prisoners with drug and alcohol problems. He was always 2 new ways to bring hope and help to these men and their 3 . One of his favorite 4 was the Toy Drive he would run every Christ

3、mas for the children of the prisoners. He did this for twenty years 5 his sudden death. As the Christmas 6 ,I decided that this tradition had to be 7 ,for the children as well as in 8 of my friend.But the file where he kept the names of the people who had helped him over the years had gone 9 . I had

4、 to start anew(重新)and with very little 10 !I started making phone calls,explaining the project and my 11 . I prayed every night that the event would, 12 ,be worthy of my friend. To my great 13 ,individuals,organizations and businesses began to come on board and, 14 ,I had enough toys to give to all

5、the children of the prisoners with some left over for the local community 15 !When Christmas Eve finally arrived,I felt very happy,thinking I had done all I could do and reflecting(认真思考)on what a(n) 16 it had been for me. I was bagging up the remaining toys 17 if there was anyone left who might like

6、 them. Then my phone rang.It was my daughter. She 18 to explain about a woman she knew in Kentucky who had five children,one seriously ill,no husband,no heating in the home,no toys!Ohhhow could we not help her?My daughter and I drove all night,from New York to Kentucky,and those children woke up in

7、a nice warm house with plenty of 19 !My friends 20 of kindness lived on that year,reaching all the way to Kentucky!1、ArecordingBdirectingCattendingDimproving2、Acoming up withBcatching up withCkeeping up withDputing up with3、AcompanyBfamilyCgroupDclub4、AhobbiesBsportsCeventsDgames5、AuntilBafterCforDs

8、ince6、AfinishedBarrivedCfollowedDapproached7、Alived onBrelied onCcarried onDcarried out8、ApleasureBmemoryCbenefitDfavor9、AextraBhidingCActiveDmissing10、AenergyBtimeCpressureDconfidence11、AdifficultiesBimpressionsCfearsDdreams12、AhoweverBthoughCotherwiseDsomehow13、AdisappointmentBcuriosityCpuzzlement

9、Drelief14、AabsolutelyBeventuallyCgenerallyDoccasionally15、Aas wellBat firstCin particularDonce more16、ApityBhonorCburdenDdiscovery17、AwonderingBrealizingCpredictingDevaluating18、AcameBdroveCcalledDreturned19、AcandiesBflowersCchocolatesDtoys20、AcourageBspiritCpositionDattentionSection II Reading Comp

10、rehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Donald Trump was born in Queens, a borough of New York City. He was the fourth child. He had two brothers and two sisters. B

11、y his own telling, young Donald often created trouble in school. So when he was 13 years old, his parents sent him to a military-style school.Trump went on to college first at Fordham University in New York, and then at the University of Pennsylvania. He earned a degree in economics. He was also alr

12、eady investing in real estate. After he graduated, Trump quickly returned to New York City and his career.In time, he became the head of the family business. He re-named it the Trump Organization. As its president, Trump developed and put his name on luxury buildings, casinos, hotels, and golf cours

13、es around the world. Later, he became linked to the entertainment industry, too. He became a part owner of beauty pageants, hosted a television show, and wrote a book about how to succeed in business.During these years, Trump also married three times and divorced twice. The media wrote especially ab

14、out his first and second marriages because he openly had a relationship with his second wife while he was married to his first. In 2005, he married Melania Knauss, a former model from Slovenia. She is only the second first lady who was not born in the United States. The first was Louisa Adams, who c

15、ame from Britain in 1801.But, until he officially entered the 2016 campaign as a Republican candidate, few linked him to politics.Trump is unusual among past presidents because he had never worked in the government before. Nor has Trump served in the military. Only Presidents Taylor, Grant, andEisenhower had no previous government experience; however, they had all been generals.Trump is the oldest person ever to take office. He was 70 years old when he wa


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