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1、2023年廊坊市安次区考研英语一深度预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I recently visited London and traveled on the tube while I was there. Apart from the people 1 , almost everybody els

2、e was on their phones, and because of the nature of the tube, it is difficult not to see 2 what they are all doing. Of course, being 3 it is difficult to get any signal, which rules out texting or using the Internet, 4 there is still plenty you can use your phones for. People were playing 5 , readin

3、g articles and listening to music, and Im sure that as soon as they 6 from the train station they would start texting, calling or checking their emails. There is a constant 7 to everyone in the world, 8 you have a mobile phone in your hand.Recently, my smart-phone broke and had to be 9 to the wareho

4、use for 10 for a week or so. In the meantime I had to use a really 11 , basic phone just to keep in touch with my family and friends. All I could do on this phone was send 12 , make calls and play one game. And I loved it. I loved being free from the Internet, and I really didnt mind not having cons

5、tant 13 about what my friends were doing or what the latest celebrity story was. It was quite 14 and it allowed me to spend more time 15 my surroundingsI could 16 my time in London more, for example, and I could watch the people around me and really see what was going on. 17 , I knew that as soon as

6、 I got my smart-phone back I would be one of those people once again, 18 to finding out what everyone is doing and 19 my time playing games or checking social network sites. Perhaps I should just go back to using the basic phone and 20 I ever got my smart-phone back.1、ApresentBasleepCdisabledDopposi

7、te2、AexactlyBcarefullyCimmediatelyDsensitively3、AcrowdedBfarawayCoutdoorsDunderground4、AandBbutCsoDor5、AcardsBrecordsCgamesDjokes6、AsurvivedBdifferedCsufferedDemerged7、AapproachBconnectionCaccessDcommunication8、Aas far asBas long asCas soon asDas well as9、Agiven awayBleft behindCsent offDsold out10、

8、AchangeBrecycleCrepairDuse11、AcheapBfamiliarCmodernDold12、Ae-mailsBmassagesCphotosDsignals13、AactionsBworriesCupdatesDcomplaints14、AboringBembarrassingCinspiringDrefreshing15、Agetting acrossBlooking afterCtaking inDthinking about16、AcostBenjoyCwasteDsave17、AHoweverBInsteadCOtherwiseDTherefore18、Aopp

9、osedBequalCaddictedDblind19、AburdeningBdevotingCsparingDwasting20、AinsistBforgetCdenyDAdmitSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1In the sto

10、ry of “The crow and the Pitcher” from Aesops Fables, a thisty crow (乌鸦)drops stones into a narrow jar to raise the low level of water inside so he can take a drink.Now scientists have evidence to back up that story. Crows actually do understand how to make water displacement (移位) work to their advan

11、tage, experiments show. The results suggest that the birds are, at least in some aspects, as smart as first-graders.Researchers, led by Sarah Jelbert at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, presented six crows with tubes filled with water. Inside the tubes, a worm or piece of meat on a piece o

12、f wood was floating, just out of reach of the crow. In front of the tubes, the researchers arranged several rubber erasers that would sink, and some plastic objects that would float. The crows found out that they could drop the erasers into the tubes in order to raise the water level and get their s

13、nack.However, the birds handled awkwardly in experiments in which they could choose to drop objects in either a wide tube or a narrow one to get a snack, the researchers said. Dropping objects into narrow tube would lift the water level by a greater amount and put the treat within reach after just t

14、wo drops; while it took around seven drops to raise the snack to the same level in the wide tube. The crows obviously didnt realize this, and most of them went for the wide tube first.Previous studies showed that chimps and human children can solve similar tasks. In a 2011 study, chimps and kids fou

15、nd out that they could put water into a tube to reach a peanut that was floating in a small amount of water at the bottom.1、How did the crows get the snack in Sarahs experiment?ABy breaking the tube.BBy dropping in erasers.CBy standing on the wood.DBy removing the wood.2、What does the author mean by “the birds handled awkwardly” in paragraph 4?AThey were unable to tell different shapes.BThey dropped objects only into narrow tubes.CThey were not aware of the snack at


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