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1、考研英语一郑州市邙山区2023年临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The first week we moved into our apartment, it began flooding. It 1 us where the water was coming from. It had been

2、2 that it came from a hole in the water filter (过滤器). 3 , the water filter man told us that nothing was wrong with it. We were nearly out of our 4 while we were exploring the cause. We searched for the 5 leak for at least a month. 6 , my husband couldnt bear it and urged, “Lets move away from here.”

3、 Then a repairman, who fixed the oven, 7 us. When he finished his work, I 8 to ask him, “Do you have any idea why our apartment floods?” I 9 him where we always had water on the floor. “There must be something 10 ,” he told me.We were 11 at what he said. Could all this water on my floor be coming no

4、t from something broken, 12 from a blocked pipe? We called a plumber (水管工人). He put his tube deep into the drain. And then 13 a big pencil sharpener flew out of the pipe. So did our 14 , which bothered us all the time.I learned a very important 15 from this pencil sharpener. Everyone should be ready

5、 to 16 depressions in life. You dont have a job, or you are 17 something, or you cant get what you want. You tell yourself that there is something wrong with you. However, in those moments of 18 , you always have to remember: Its not that there is something wrong with yourself; its not that you have

6、 19 or defects. You just have to 20 the thing that is pulling yourself down.1、Aconfused Bdisturbed Cfrightened Dalarmed2、Aconfirmed Bdesigned Cexpected Dreminded3、AMoreover BOtherwise CTherefore DHowever4、Acuriosity Bmind Cmemory Dorder5、Aabandoned Bdamaged Chidden Dforgotten6、AEventually BGratefull

7、y CEspecially DAccidentally7、Ainspired Bencouraged Copposed Deducated8、Atended Bmanaged Cattempted Dpretended9、Aconvinced Binformed Cpromised Dcomforted10、Ablocked Bshortened Clost Dcut11、Adelighted Bamused Cmad Dastonished12、Abut Bor Cso Dand13、Aautomatically Bsuddenly Ccontinually Dsmoothly14、Acur

8、iosity Bgratitude Csatisfaction Ddepression15、Amethod Bskill Clesson Didea16、Ago after Bgo through Cgo about Dgo against17、Aexperiencing Bmissing Creceiving Dexpecting18、Adarkness Bembarrassment Cloneliness Dresponsibility19、Acharacteristics Bdesires Cwishes Dshortcomings20、Aaccept Bdestroy Cremove

9、DquitSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1After shopping for deals in stores on “Black Friday”, or online on “Cyber Monday”, Americans and

10、 people worldwide are preparing for newly popular “Giving Tuesday”. Starting in 2012, now the global event that is celebrated annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving is the brainchild of 92nd Street Y, a cultural center in New York City and United Nations Foundation.As the name indicates, Giving

11、Tuesday is meant to restart the charitable season and therefore observed by raising funds for local nonprofits and schools, organizing food and clothing drives, and conducting random acts of kindness. In 2015, 700, 000 people from 71 countries came together to donate $116.7 million in cash. An addit

12、ional $1.08 million was spent on gifts.While the easiest way to participate is by donating to your favorite charity, this day can be celebrated in many other ways too. You can give back by volunteering at your local shelter or food bank, or even by donating blood. If all else fails, a purchase from

13、the growing number of organizations that give a portion of their sales to charity will do the trick.But perhaps the best way to celebrate the day is by helping those nearest and dearest to you. Assist a family member with a simple chore like folding laundry, cooking dinner, or even reading to a youn

14、ger sibling. No matter what you do, be sure to share you good deed on social media and inspire others to celebrate Giving Tuesday as well!1、Which of the following has the shortest history?ACyber Monday BGiving TuesdayCBlack Friday DThanksgiving Day2、Whats the main purpose of “Giving Tuesday”?ATo per

15、suade more people to shop onlineBTo make Thanksgiving Day enjoyableCTo encourage more people to do charitiesDTo get voluntary work better known3、Why does the author advise sharing good deeds on social media?ATo donate money to local schoolsBTo keep a record of ones experienceCTo help people make new frien


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