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1、铜仁地区2023年考研英语一全真模拟试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Jackson lived on top of the hill. From his house, he could see the sea and the village 1 . One day, the villagers 2 so

2、mething different about the sea. The sea seemed to be moving from the 3 . None of the villagers knew what was happening.Jackson understood what was going on. He had seen such a(n) 4 when he was young. A tsunami (海啸) was approaching and the villagers had to be 5 , but there was no time to send a mess

3、age to the whole village.“Tom!” he 6 to his grandson. “ 7 a torch quickly!” The boy did what he was told Jackson took the torch and set his 8 on fire. Immediately, red 9 shot upwards and thick smoke rose into the sky.Tom cried out, “Grandfather! Why are you setting our house on fire?” Jackson did no

4、t answer. 10 , he stood quietly and watched the villagers. Suddenly, some villagers noticed the 11 and shouted at everyone to run up the hill to help put out the fire. When Jackson saw everyone running towards, him, he was so 12 . The villagers did their best but they 13 to control the fire. Jackson

5、s house was completely burned down but he stood on the hill 14 . They thought Jackson had gone 15 . They stared at him in disbelief.Finally, Jackson said, “ 16 towards the sea.” The villagers turned and saw a huge 17 of water rushing towards the village. They were shocked to see the water 18 the who

6、le village and destroying everything in its 19 .Nothing was left of their homes 20 everyone was safe on the hill. The villagers realized why Jackson had set fire to his house.1、Aabove Bthrough Cbelow Doff2、Arecognized Bnoticed Coverlooked Dexpected3、Aland Bhill Cshore Dvillage4、Asight Bchance Calarm

7、 Dplot5、Afound Bpersuaded Ctaught Dwarned6、Arushed out Bfigured out Ccalled out Dmade out7、ABorrow BMake CLight DBuy8、Aboat Bhouse Cclothes Dtree9、Aballs Bcandles Csignals Dflames10、AInstead BHowever CFurthermore DTherefore11、Atorch Bboy Csea Dfire12、Afrightened Bconfused Chappy Dcrazy13、Amanaged Br

8、efused Cintended Dfailed14、Acrying Bjumping Cshouting Dlaughing15、Ahungry Bmad Cblind Dthirsty16、ALook BWave CHead DReturn17、Adrop Blevel Cspray Dwall18、Aspreading Bflowing Cswallowing Dmoving19、Acourse Bpath Cshape Dpower20、Abut Bso Cbecause DunlessSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:R

9、ead the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1No evidence shows that the key to learning a new language is surrounding yourself with native speakers of that language. But what if those native speak

10、ers are Dora the Explorer and Diego?It turns out television and radio might be even better tools for new language learners than previously thought. According to two recent studies by Scientific American, it is possible to futher your understanding of a new language without actively practicing or ful

11、ly paying attention.For starters, research published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America suggests that language learners who focus continuously on learning new sounds keep no more information than those who take occasional breaks. While one group of study participants practiced disti

12、nguishing three difficult Hindi sounds for one hour a day over the course of several days, another group alternately(交替地) spent 10 minutes on learning and 10 minutes on an intentionally distracting(使人分心的) task as the Hindi sounds played in the background. When tested on the sounds, the distracted gr

13、oup performed just as well as the focused group.And a following study published in the Journal of Memory and Language further validates the power of inactive learning. Researchers found that Spanish students learning the Basque accent improved less when they were instructed to repeat sounds back dur

14、ing their training; listening to new sounds silently actually resulted in better memory.So, is it time to lay off your tutor and buy a box set of Cordon Salvaje? Not quite. While this growing body of research suggests inactive language learning is an amazing tool in your language learning, the value

15、 of focused practice cannot be ignored. “You need to come to class and pay attention,” says Melissa Baese-Berk, a language expert and co-author of one of the studies, “But when you go home, turn on the TV or turn on the radio in that language while youre cooking dinner, and even if youre not paying total attention to it, its going to help you.”


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