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1、考研英语一贵州省贵阳市乌当区2023年预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Its about 250 miles from the hills of west-central Iowa to Ehlers home in Minnesota. During the long trip home, fo

2、llowing a weekend of hunting. Ehlers 1 about the small dog he had seen 2 alongside the road. He had 3 to coax(哄) the dog to him but, frightened, it had 4 .Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that 5 dog. So, four days later, he called his friend Greg, and the two drove 6 . After a long and careful 7 ,

3、Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving 8 away. Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were replaced with 9 . It just started licking(舔) Ehlers face.A local farmer told them the dog sounded like one 10 as lost in the local paper. The ad had a 11 number for a

4、town in southern Michigan. Ehlers 12 the number of Jeff and Lisa to tell them he had 13 their dog.Jeff had 14 in Iowa before Thanksgiving with his dog, Rosie, but the gun shots had scared the dog off. Jeff searched 15 for Rosie in the next four days.Ehlers returned to Minnesota, and then drove 100 m

5、iles to Minneapolis to put Rosie on a flight to Michigan. “Its good to know theres still someone out there who 16 enough to go to that kind of 17 ,”says Lisa of Ehlers rescue 18 .“I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as 19 to it as I am to my dogs,” says Ehlers. “If it had been my dog, I

6、d hope that somebody would be 20 to go that extra mile.”1、AreadBforgotCthoughtDheard2、AfightingBtremblingCeatingDsleeping3、AtriedBagreedCpromisedDregretted4、Acalmed downBstood upCrolled overDrun off5、AinjuredBstolenClostDrescued6、AhomeBpastCbackDon7、ApreparationBexplanationCtestDsearch8、AcautiouslyB

7、casuallyCskillfullyDangrily9、AsurpriseBjoyChesitationDanxiety10、ApredictedBadvertisedCbelievedDrecorded11、AhouseBphoneCstreetDcar12、AcalledBcopiedCcountedDremembered13、AfedBadoptedCfoundDcured14、AhuntedBskiedClivedDworked15、Aon purposeBon timeCin turnDin vain16、AcaresBseesCsuffersDlearns17、AplaceBtr

8、oubleCwasteDextreme18、AserviceBplanCeffortDteam19、AequalBallergicCgratefulDclose20、AsuitableBproudCwiseDwillingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 poi

9、nts)Text 1 Imagine you enter a car with no steering wheel, no brake or accelerator pedals ( 踏 板 ). Under a voice-activated command, you say an address. “The fastest route will take us 15.3 minutes. Should I take it?” You say “yes” and you are on your way. The car responds and starts moving all by it

10、self. All you have to do is to sit back and relax.How strange would it be if, one day in the future, everyone had such a car? No crazy driving, no quarrels, no cutting in; traffic laws would be respected and driving much safer. On the other hand, imagine the cost savings for local police enforcement

11、 (强制执行) and town budgets without all those speeding and parking tickets.A new technology has the potential to change modern society thoroughly. Theres no question that self-driving vehicles could be an enormous benefit. The potential for safer cars means accident statistics would drop: some 94% of r

12、oad accidents in the U.S. involve human error. Older drivers and visually- or physically-disabled people would gain a new level of freedom. Maintaining safe speeds and being electric, self-driving cars would sharply reduce pollution levels and dependency on non-renewable fuels. Roads would be quiete

13、r, people safer.But we must also consider the impact of the new technology on those who now depend on driving for their living. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, in May 2015 there were 505,560 registered school bus drivers. The American Trucking Association lists approximately 3.5 million p

14、rofessional truck drivers in the U.S. The companies developing self-driving vehicles should be partnering with state and federal authorities to offer retraining for this massive workforce, many of whom will be displaced by the new technology.New technologies will, and should, be developed. This is h

15、ow society moves forward. However, progress cant be one-sided. It is necessary for the companies and state agencies involved to consider the moral consequences of these potential changes to build a better future for all. 1、What would be the effect of the wide use of driverless cars?AMore policemen would inspect the streets.BPeople would never feel angry about the traffic.CIt would save local governments a lot of money.DTraffic regul



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