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1、贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州惠水县2023年考研英语一深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)One fall in the mid-1950s, I took some time off and got a train ticket to visit relatives in Cleveland. I w

2、as 1 out of school and had begun working as an office clerk. On my return trip, I noticed a couple across the aisle (通道) a(n) 2 and a young woman having a conversation. 3 , I realized the two of them werent traveling together after all, but had just met on the train. The woman finally got off at Roc

3、hester, New York, leaving the soldier 4 . I couldnt help noticing his good looks out of the corner of my 5 .He asked 6 he could look at the train timetable I was holding, and then if he could 7 next to me so we could chat. Hes a fast mover, I thought. Ill have to 8 for this one. I invited him to 9 t

4、he too-large lunch my aunt had 10 for my trip, and we 11 all the way to my stop in Oneida, and we 12 addresses and he said he would be in 13 .After a week, I still hadnt heard from him and had begun to think hed forgotten about me. Then, on Saturday, the phone rang and a 14 voice asked if I would li

5、ke to see a movie with him that evening. Hed come to Oneida, and we 15 seeing On the Waterfront at the Kallet Theatre.We had a few more 16 during his Army leave, and then he was 17 overseas. For the next few years, we 18 and he visited me on other holidays. Today weve been together more than 55 year

6、s, raising three daughters who now have daughters of their own.Before taking my trip to Cleveland all those years ago, I was warned never to speak to 19 on a train. Im certainly 20 I didnt listen.1、Aabsent Bfresh Cexpert Danxious2、Aarmyman Bbusinessman Cpoliceman Dsalesman3、AImmediately BEventually

7、CHurriedly DImaginarily4、Aaside Bannoyed Camazed Dalone5、Aeye Bear Cshoulder Dseat6、Awhen Bwhere Cif Dhow7、Asit Bwait Clean Dbend8、Aset out Bmake out Chang out Dwatch out9、Aprepare Bshare Cdeliver Dorder10、Acarried Bpacked Callocated Dstored11、Aargued Bwept Ctalked Date12、Afound Bannounced Cexchange

8、d Ddescribed13、Aneed Bdespair Cpain Dtouch14、Afamiliar Bmature Cstrange Dparticular15、Agave up Badded up Cended up Dgot up16、Adiscussions Bdates Clessons Ddeals17、Ainjured Battracted Cassigned Demployed18、Aseparated Bsettled Cpracticed Dcorresponded19、Astrangers Bofficers Cconductors Dwriters20、Acur

9、ious Bglad Caware DsorrySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 A study showed that the experiences children have in their first few years a

10、re important. These experiences affect the development of the brain. When children receive more attention, they often have higher IQs. Babies receive information when they see, hear and feel things, which makes connections between different parts of the brain. There are a hundred trillion(万亿) connec

11、tions in the brain of a three-year-old child.Researcher Judit Gervain tested how good newborns are at distinguishing different sound patterns. Her researchers produced images of the brains of babies as they heard different sound patterns. For example, one order was mu-ba-ba. This is the pattern A-B-

12、B. Another order was mu-ba-ge. This is the pattern “A-B-C”. The images showed that the part of the brain responsible for speech was more active during the A-B-B pattern. This shows that babies can tell the difference between different patterns. They also were sensitive to where it occurred in the or

13、der.Gervain is excited by these findings because the order of sounds is the building block of words and grammar. Position is key to language, she says. If something is at the beginning or at the end, it makes a big difference: John caught the bear. is very different from The bear caught John.”Resear

14、chers led by scientist Patricia Kuhl have found that language delivered by televisions, audio books, the Internet, or smartphonesno matter how educationaldoesnt appear to be enough for childrens brain development. They carried out a study of nine-month-old American babies. They expected the first gr

15、oup whod watched videos in Chinese to show the same kind of learning as the second group who were brought face-to-face with the same sounds. Instead they found a huge difference. The babies in the second group were able to distinguish between similar Chinese sounds as well as native listeners. But the other bab


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