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1、考研英语一沧州市肃宁县2023年考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A letter to Mum and her mince (肉末) piesWhen I was a little girl, you and I loved decorating the living room and Chri

2、stmas tree. After 1 , we would bake cakes. “Make enough mince pies, because Santa likes them,” you would tell me.Christmas Eve came and you would put me on my 2 made bed. Id fall asleep until Christmas 3 . Id wake up and thrill at the 4 before me. At the bottom of my bed would be loads of presents.

3、Id scream in delight, 5 tearing the paper open. Running downstairs, I would 6 that Santa hadnt just stopped in the 7 : there were also lots of 8 around the Christmas tree.Many years later, the 9 continued. The only thing that 10 was the presents at the end of the bed I grew out of them.One afternoon

4、 while we were 11 extra mince pies as usual, it 12 hit me that the extra wasnt for 13 . I said, “Those extra mince pies were never for Santa, were they? They were for you!” You never said a word a smile was your only 14 .Christmas changed in 1986, when you suffered a 15 brain disease. After 16 throu

5、ghout Christmas, you passed away on the 29 December .Only now am I starting to enjoy Christmas again, and while I dont do the 17 any more, I do have mince pies in the house. I leave one out just for you, as if you were 18 a part of my Christmas. And I make sure I put up the decorations 19 you, and u

6、s. Thanks for the 20 memories of Christmas, Mum.1、Acooking Bdecorating Cliving Dresting2、Aneatly Bspecially Cquickly Dtemporarily3、AEve Bmorning Cdinner Dvacation4、Apies Bmess Cdecorations Dsight5、Aviolently Bdeliberately Cexcitedly Dcasually6、Adiscover Bwitness Cdescribe Dimagine7、Aapartment Bloung

7、e Cbedroom Dkitchen8、Adecorations Bcakes Cleaves Dpresents9、Atradition Bholiday Ccelebration Dsituation10、Ahelped Bstopped Cremained Dcounted11、Amaking Btasting Cpurchasing Ddelivering12、Aheavily Bcertainly Csuddenly Dfrequently13、AMum BSanta CChristmas Dguests14、Aexplanation Bopinion Cexpression Dr

8、eply15、Amild Bcurable Csevere Dcommon16、Asuffering Bcelebrating Cworking Ddecorating17、Alaundry Bcleaning Coperation Dbaking18、Astill Balso Ceven Djust19、Ain praise of Bin memory of Con behalf of Don account of20、Ashort Brecent Cregretful DwonderfulSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Re

9、ad the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Babiesmain food is rice cereal. But it is often poisoned. Studies have found that many brands contain measurable amounts of inorganic arsenic(无机砷),the

10、most poisonous kind. Its not just nice: an August 2018 study tested 50 foods made for babies. including organic and nonorganic brands such as Gerber, Earths Best, and other popular labels, and found evidence of at least one dangerous heavy metal in every product. Fifteen of the 50 contained enough c

11、ontaminants(污染物)to pose potential health risks to a child eating one serving or less a day.Heavy metals can damage cognitive(认知的 )development in children, who are especially at risk because of their smaller size. Inorganic arsenic in drinking water has been found to lower the IQ scores of children b

12、y five to six ills. And as heavy metals accumulate in the body over time. they can raise the risk of cancer, diabetes and other physical conditions. Of course, finding youre your favorite brand is contaminated is not a reason to panic. Low levels of exposure for short periods are unlikely to cause s

13、erious effects, but parents should focus on reducing the overall levels of these poisonous substances in their childrens total diet to limit harm.Heavy metals occur naturally on Earth and are present in soil and water. But pesticides(杀虫剂), mining and pollution increase their concentrations, and farm

14、ing and food manufacturing processes can contribute even more.Food makers are clearly of keeping baby food poison-free: roughly a third of the tested products did not contain worrisome metal levels. Some companies are already trying to look into the sources of contamination in their products and try

15、 to reduce them. More companies should follow. But the best chance of real change will come with laws. Currently there are no U. S rules on acceptable levels of heavy metals in baby foods.The government and the food industry should unite to deal with the serious threat to our children.1、What did the August 2018 study fi


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